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quinta-feira, 13 de maio de 2010

Fact Or Fiction: Elton John Turned Down Offer To Replace Simon Cowell

Fact Or Fiction: Elton John Turned Down Offer To Replace Simon Cowell

MAY 12, 2010 AT 07:28 PM
Fact Or Fiction: Elton John Turned Down Offer To Replace Simon 
Elton John obviously isn't pressed for cash (well duh!). The singer has reportedly turned down an offer of $33 million to take over for Simon Cowell on 'American Idol'. It isn't known whether that $33 million was for one season or multiple seasons. Reps for Simon and Elton weren't available for comment and a "no comment" was given by the show's reps.
Rumor has it that an announcement will be made regarding his replacement after the show's May 26th finale.
Do you think Elton would be a good replacement? Who would be your first choice to fill Simon's chair? Do you think he CAN be successfully replaced?
Photos by INF

Fact Or Fiction: Elton John Turned Down Offer To Replace Simon 
Fact Or Fiction: Elton John Turned Down Offer To Replace Simon 
 Fact Or Fiction: Elton John Turned Down Offer To Replace Simon 

Fact Or Fiction: Elton John Turned Down Offer To Replace Simon 

Fact Or Fiction: Elton John Turned Down Offer To Replace Simon 
Fact Or Fiction: Elton John Turned Down Offer To Replace Simon 


SIR ELTON JOHN has paid tribute to his late friend STEPHEN GATELY by writing the foreword to his new book.

The Boyzone singer was busy working on The Tree Of Seasons before his tragic death last year (Oct09).

Gately's bandmates vowed to complete the children's fantasy novel, and the book is now set for release later this month (May10).

The Rocket Man and his husband David Furnish, who introduced the Irish star to his partner Andrew Cowles, wrote a foreword for the story - and Cowles is determined to make the book a success.

He tells Britain's Daily Mirror, "He (Gately) was so proud of that book, and I am so proud of him. It's going to surprise people. Stephen poured four years into writing this thing and he has an amazing imagination.

"Stephen's not here to promote his book. So I am doing it for him."


Jennifer Rush & Elton John - Flames Of Paradise
Formato: VOB
Duracion: 4:15
Peso: 291 MB (305.860.608 bytes)

Jennifer Rush - Heart Over Mind (1987)


1.I Come Undone
2.Down To You
3.Heart Over Mind
4.Search The Sky
5.Flames Of Paradise (Duet with Elton John)
6.Love Of A Stranger
7.Heart Wars
10.Call My Name



Vendo biglietti per il concerto di Elton John e Ray Cooper a Milano 17 settembre

Per maggiori informazioni contattatemi o per email ( o al 393/9780725 (Lorenzo).

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Le concert d’Elton John à Rabat maintenu

Les organisateurs du Festival Mawazine de Rabat ont assuré le maintien du concert d’Elton John malgré les protestations du Parti islamiste et développement. Le parti d’opposition avait demandé l’annulation du concert mettant en cause l’homosexualité du chanteur. Pour le PJD, la venue d’Elton John au Maroc “risque d’encourager l’homosexualité”. Le staff du festival se défend en expliquant inviter “les artistes sur la base de la qualité de leur performance sur scène et par rapport à leur carrière (…)


Le concert d’Elton John à Rabat maintenu

11 mai 2010 - Commentaires? - En discuter sur les forums? - Facebook Twitter Le concert d'Elton John à Rabat maintenu

Les organisateurs du Festival Mawazine de Rabat ont assuré le maintien du concert d’Elton John malgré les protestations du Parti islamiste et développement.


Le parti d’opposition avait demandé l’annulation du concert mettant en cause l’homosexualité du chanteur.
Pour le PJD, la venue d’Elton John au Maroc "risque d’encourager l’homosexualité". Le staff du festival se défend en expliquant inviter "les artistes sur la base de la qualité de leur performance sur scène et par rapport à leur carrière artistique".
Elton John, invité d’honneur du festival qui aura lieu du 21 au 29 mai, sera en concert sur la scène de l’OLM Souissi à Rabat le 26Â


Elton John se produira bien au festival Mawâzine, au Maroc

Publié par Judith Silberfeld   |   Dans People, Société   |   576 vues
La semaine dernière, l’Union des musiciens égyptiens interdisait à Elton John de se produire au Caire en raison de son homosexualité et de ses déclarations sur les religions. Le parti islamiste marocain Justice et développement (PJD, dans l’opposition) a à son tour voulu empêcher le chanteur britannique de participer au festival Mawâzine, qui aura lieu à Rabat du 21 au 29 mai. Une campagne débutée en décembre 2009, qui mettait Elton John au cœur d’un complot pour “homosexualiser” le Maroc.
“Nous refusons catégoriquement la participation de ce chanteur car cela risque d’encourager l’homosexualité au Maroc”, a déclaré Mustapha Ramid, le président du PJD, à l’AFP. “Le problème n’est pas au niveau du chanteur lui-même, mais par rapport à l’image qu’il a auprès de la société”, a ajouté Lahcen Daoudi, député du PJD et l’un de ses membres dirigeants, toujours cité par l’AFP.
Peine perdue pour les homophobes, l’organisateur du festival, Aziz Daki, ne se laisse pas impressionner: les artistes sont choisis pour leurs qualités artistiques, un point c’est tout. Parmi ces artistes, on peut citer Mika, Sting, Enzo Enzo, Harry Connick Jr, Alpha Blondy…
Et la présence de sir Elton était confirmée dès le début du mois de mai par Samir Bergachi, militant LGBT marocain, fondateur de tout nouveau magazine gay Mithly, dans un entretien à “Elton John sera présent au festival, et il devrait nous recevoir avant son concert. Les autorités marocaines, trop soucieuses de leur image à l’étranger, ne peuvent pas l’en empêcher. Et c’est une forme de reconnaissance pour le mouvement gay au Maroc. Nous avons remporté une bataille (rire). Elton John devrait d’ailleurs prendre la parole pour parler du sujet avant de chanter. Il y aura des surprises!”. Les menaces du PJD ne semblent pas l’avoir ému outre-mesure…
Et comme l’écrivait en décembre dernier Aujourd’hui Le Maroc, “le vrai problème se situe dans la tête des islamistes. En quoi le fait qu’un grand artiste aimé de millions de gens comme Elton John soit homosexuel dérange-t-il les dirigeants (…) du PJD? Il viendra au Maroc, il se produira sur une scène devant un public qui viendra massivement assister à son concert et il repartira raconter au monde entier comment il aura découvert que le Maroc est un pays tolérant, ouvert, moderne, qui apprécie la bonne musique, etc. De quoi les islamistes ont-ils peur? En réalité, ils n’ont peur de rien. Ils veulent juste simuler une situation de panique car, comme tous les intégristes du monde, ils ne peuvent survivre qu’en attisant l’angoisse. (…) Mais, malgré tous leurs efforts, la peur qu’ils cultivent ne pourra pas s’enraciner dans une terre qui a toujours considéré que l’Islam, le vrai, est basé sur l’amour, l’espoir, la paix et la tolérance”.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Morocco: Gays lobby for Elton John concert

Rabat, 11 May (AKI) - Morocco's embattled gay community have vowed to make sure Elton John's landmark concert goes ahead later this month in Rabat. They say they are determined to meet the world-famous pop star there despite opposition to the concert from Islamists in the Muslim country.

'Neither Morocco's authorities nor its Islamists can stop us holding a meeting with Elton John,' the head of the country's gay association 'Kif Kif', Samir Barkashi, told the Hespress website.

Barkashi's comments came after organisers of Rabat's prestigious annual Mawazine festival confirmed that Elton John would give a concert there despite strenuous opposition from Moroccan Islamists.

'The Moroccan authorities will allow us speak to him because they are afraid that if they do not, this will damage their image abroad,' Barkashi said.

The festival, at which top Arab and western singers appear, is taking place this year from 21-29 May.

'Elton John coming to Rabat represents an important victory for Moroccan gays, who are fighting a tough battle for rights,' Barkashi said.

The star may meet members of Morocco's gay community at a hotel in the capital or at the airport when he arrives.

Morocco's Islamist Justice and Progress party campaigned to prevent Elton John performing at the Mawazine concert.

The Cigarette Girl: Elton John’s Art Deco statuette to be auctioned

Ex-Elton John possession, the 'Cigarette Girl' all set to go under Bonhams' hammer
IMAGE-400-ZachTheCigarettegirlfront-1 The Cigarette Girl: Elton 
John’s Art Deco statuette to be auctioned
A classic Art Deco statuette called The Cigarette Girl, consigned by Elton John will appear at Bonhams’ Design from 1860′ auction. The estimated price is being estimated at around £20,000-30,000. The bronze and ivory figure has a seemingly confident young woman with arms crossed, posing playfully and provocatively with her cigarette.Dressed in a leather jacket and tight fitting pants, the girl seems to be dressed in a style that is way ahead of its time.
The Cigarette Girl was created by Brono Zach. He uaually protrayed women in flirtatious poses in his statues. The artist’s works have showed a steady increase in value in the recent years. In 2009, Bonhams had auctioned another one of his creations called The Riding Crop, which sold for the world record price of £60,000.

He had collected a large number of art deco collectibles in 1970s. Most of it was dispersed at an auction in 1988. Another singer par excellence, Barbara Streisand shared his interest in art deco collectibles, and had amassed a similar collection. It sure would be interesting to see what the beautiful piece fetches at the auction, which is supposed to take place on Wednesday, June 16.

Ex-Elton John possession, the 'Cigarette Girl' all set to go under Bonhams' hammer

If you have someone as provocative as Elton John his possessions like his Art Deco collection will be just as provocative right? A statue called the Cigarette Girl, which he once owned will be put up for auction at Bonhams' Design. Dressed in leather jacket and tight fighting cigarette trousers the bronze and ivory sculpture of aself confident lady, posing provocatively, holding a cigarette is estimated to fetch between $29,600 and $44,460.

Hey Elton


johngreyzone — 8 de maio de 2010 — Palestinian civil society has called on Elton John to respect their boycott call and cancel his June 17th concert in Tel Aviv. If he does so, he'll be joining Santana and Gil-Scott Heron, who recently cancelled their spring concerts in Israel. This video suggests six reasons why Elton should join the BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions) movement.

For more info, please visit:
BNC (Palestinian BDS National Commitee):
PACBI (Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel):
BRICUP (British Committee for Universities for Palestine):
QUAIA (Queers Against Israeli Apartheid):


SIR ELTON JOHN will perform as scheduled at an upcoming music festival in Morocco after organisers defied calls from the country's Islamic politicians to ban the openly-gay star from the event.

The Rocket Man found himself at the centre of controversy on Friday (07May10) when members of the Islamist Justice and Development Party called for the singer to be dropped from the Mawazine festival line-up - because of his sexuality.

The activists feel his appearance will "undermine the respect of privacy" and "breach certain values that the international Mawazine festival is based on".

Critics also feared John's presence would present "a risk of encouraging homosexuality in Morocco".

But event artistic director Aziz Daki is standing by John.

He tells AFP, "At the Mawazine festival we invite artists on the basis of the quality of their performance on stage and according to their artistic career. (Elton John is) one of the world's top pop singers and composers.... (He has) many fans in Morocco. His private life is none of our business."

The Mawazine festival, which will also feature Julio Iglesias and Carlos Santana, will take place in the capital of Rabat from 21 May to 29 May (10).

Just last week (05May10), John fell foul of officials in Egypt after controversial comments he made about Jesus Christ and the Middle East in a recent magazine article led to a decision banning him from performing in the country.

In a Parade interview, which was published in America in February (10), Elton suggested Jesus was a "super-intelligent gay man" and then took aim at the Middle East, stating, "Try being a gay woman in the Middle East - you're as good as dead."

His 18 May (10) show was cancelled as a result.

Elton John - Can You Feel The Love Tonight (DVDRip)

Elton John - Can You Feel The Love Tonight (DVDRip)
MKV | 640x480 | 68.23 MB

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Elton John´s Pics