Onsale to General Public Start: Fri, 08/27/10 10:00 AM EDT ORCHESTRA US $79.00 - US $189.00LOGE**FIRST LEVEL ABOVE ORCHESTRA US $189.00BALCONY US $79.00 - US $95.00Beacon TheatreSeating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice.
Elton John Will Accept Money Only From OneAmerican Idol, Named Rush Limbaugh, Comments (1) In the same summer that Elton John accepted an invitation -- and $1 million -- to perform at the Palm Beach wedding of Rush Limbaugh, he is refusing to entertain far more generous offers to judge the performances of those aspiring to be the next American Idol. The negotiations reportedly hit a snag due to John's schedule. God forbid he doesn't have time for important projects like turning Orwell's Animal Farm into a musical. I suspect that the real reason he won't take the spot vacated by fellow Brit Simon Cowell is that Sir Elton is a snob. Such an insufferable snob that he can't spend a few weeks listening to the inspired caterwauling of self-delusional Americans. OK, it is a pretty rotten gig, no matter how much it pays. But if Elton's going to be a snob, he should at least be a consistent one. Besides being the wedding singer for Limbaugh's third bride, some more instances where John hasn't been too proud to say yes: Elton John AIDS Foundation To Honor Tamara Mellonby Katie Hintz-Zambrano (Subscribe to Katie Hintz-Zambrano's posts), Posted Aug 31st 2010 at 11:40AMTamara Mellon at the 18th Annual Elton John AIDS Foundation Academy Award party on March 7, 2010 in West Hollywood, California. Photo: Larry Busacca, Getty Images At EJAF's star-studded An Enduring Vision gala on October 18, the Jimmy Choo founder and CCO will take the stage at Cipriani Wall Street and receive the Enduring Vision award for her support of John's organization in the U.S. and U.K. Five years ago, Mellon created the Four Inches Project, which provided monetary support to programs benefiting women and children affected by AIDS in Africa, and in 2009 she partnered with the EJAF to launch the Project PEP capsule accessories and shoes collection, with 25-percent of the proceeds going to women in South Africa. Others to be recognized at the gala include Victor Pinchuk and Elena Franchuk, who have worked to expose the AIDS epidemic in the Ukraine, and EJAF supporters Jeffrey and Marilyn Katzenberg. The night, which raised $2 million last year and will once again be hosted by CNN's Anderson Cooper, will also include performances by Elton John and Leon Russell. Fashion industry titans Donna Karan and Evelyn and Leonard Lauder of Estee Lauder, along with Steven Spielberg, David Geffen and others, will serve as co-chairs of the big night. Congrats to Mellon! Our eyes will be glued on her shoe choice for the special evening. QUESTION Let's see if you're down with the pop music, A.M. Elton John wrote and recorded "Country Comfort" which was later covered by Rod Stewart. I'm not going to ask which version you prefer (although if you want to tell, feel free). My question is who is singing backup on the Rod Stewart version? (I have a feeling it may be Reginald Dwight a.k.a. Sir Elton John himself.) - Allan ANSWER I'm certainly down with the pop music, but I must admit I am not especially familiar with "Country Comfort." I'm not a huge fan of either Elton John or Rod Stewart, though I like their early '70s work much better than anything they have done in the last 20 years. I guess I'll take Sir Elton's original "Country Comfort" over Rod the Mod's cover. Stewart's voice — especially now — sounds like mine after four hours of late-night karaoke. I don't know why anyone would wantto sound like that. As far as I can tell, the backing vocals on Stewart's "Country Comfort(s)"* were sung by his bass player, Ronnie Lane. The liner notes for the 1970 Gasoline Alleyalbum say "Vocals - Ronnie Lane & Harry." I don't know who Harry is, and I suppose it could be a pseudonym for Elton John, but: (i) To me, it doesn't really sound that much like Elton John, though obviously many have thought otherwise. (ii) There are some sources that definitively state (albeit without presenting evidence) that Lane, not John, sang the backing vocals. (iii) These are two tremendously famous and long-lived artists. If John did sing with Stewart on this song, it should be a well-known factoid by now — and it isn't. [* The Elton John song was called "Country Comfort," but the Rod Stewart version has been listed as both "Country Comfort" and "Country Comforts," and is more frequently seen in the plural form.] Elton John did appear on a Rod Stewart song at least once. He played piano and sang on "Let Me Be Your Car" (which he also wrote) for Stewart's 1973 album Smiler. |
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quarta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2010
Elton John Leon Russell Beacon Theatre Tue Oct 19 2010
Beacon Theatre,

1 de setembro de 2010
Nesta temporada nova-iorquina 2010 temos o prazer da companhia do consultor cultural Marco Griesi, que faz seu début na Broadway…
A nosso convite, Marco – nosso SPECIAL GUEST - comenta neste post sobre o espetáculoBilly Elliot.
Estreando minha participação no site Circuito Broadway, das amigas Fernanda Chamma ePaola Novaes - minhas fadas-madrinhas da Times Square –, vou descrever minhas impressões a respeito do musical Billy Elliot, que eu ainda não tinha assistido…
Com músicas de Elton John, o espetáculo conta a história de um menino, que vive numa família tradicional de mineradores do norte da Inglaterra - e que descobre seu talento na dança. Reprimido pelo pai (que queria ver o filho lutando boxe), pelo irmão e pela comunidade mineradora, o garoto resolve seguir seu coração e dedicar-se ao ballet. E é justamente a partir deste ponto, que a história ganha vida e muita emoção…
Quando a família descobre que Billy freqüentava escondido as aulas de dança da professora Mrs. Wilkinson (interpretada pela sensacional Haydn Gwyne), brigas, discussões, gargalhadas, músicas arrepiantes e personagens marcantes ganham a cena… Para completar, toma forma um impecável trabalho corporal muito bem coreografado, que tem seu ponto alto com crianças talentosíssimas.
Haydn Gwyne, a professora de ballet, é um dos destaques do musical e chega a emocionar com sua interpretação no final do segundo ato - apesar de apresentar forte presença cômica durante toda a história.
Também é muito divertida e bem executada a performance do melhor amigo de Billy, o diferente Michael… Destaco ainda a avó abilolada de Elliot, muito bem interpretada por Carole Shelley.
Já sobre Gregory Jbara, que dá vida ao pai de Billy, preciso fazer uma confissão: primeiro eu quis matá-lo, depois abraçá-lo – pois ele foi responsável por muitos dos meus risos altos e lágrimas escondidas…
Sthepen Daldry, diretor do musical, também foi o diretor do filme homônimo em 2000, que também merece ser visto, mas não comparado ao espetáculo teatral…
Em particular, destaco duas cenas: a primeira ao som de Electricity, quando Billy se revolta; a segunda - e uma das mais emocionantes - , a que tem a participação do bailarino Stephen Hanna, que representa Billy mais velho.
Para quem não sabe, três atores-mirins se revezam no papel do protagonista. Assisti à versão com o latino Liam Redhead – e admito que, no início, me causou estranhamento ver um garoto moreno em uma família típica inglesa… Mas verdade seja dita: a magia do show faz diferenças como esta serem esquecidas…
Para encerrar, concluo que Billy Elliot, produção vencedora de 10 Tony Awards, é uma das melhores opcões em cartaz na temporada – se não a melhor… Querem prova? Eu quase saí vestido de tutu, assim como o elenco, ao final do espetáculo…
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