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quinta-feira, 26 de julho de 2012

Elton John Syringe Access Fund Reception at Open Society Foundations on July 24 2012 in Washington

Elton John Syringe Access Fund Reception at Open Society Foundations on July 24 2012 in Washington

Elton John Calls Jay Z's Marriage Equality Support a 'Pivotal Moment'

Elton John Calls Jay Z's Marriage Equality Support a 'Pivotal Moment'

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Sir Elton John says Jay Z's public show of support for marriage equality is a pivotal moment and reveals he called the rap mogul to personally thank him.

Sir Elton John says Jay Z's public show of support for marriage equality is a pivotal moment and reveals he called the rap mogul to personally thank him, during an interview with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell.

“Jay-Z, who’s probably the most respected African-American artist, came out and said not only is it wrong to not have gay marriage, but any discrimination in life is wrong," John tells Mitchells. " It was an incredibly moving statement. I phoned him up in England and said, ‘You have no idea what you’ve just said, how powerful this is.’"

John goes on to compare Jay-Z's support for President Obama's stance on same-sex marriage last May to the late Princess Diana holding the hand of an HIV/AIDS patient during a hospital visit in the 1980s. "When Jay-Z said that, it was a pivotal moment," John says. "And I take my hat off to him. I respect him so much for doing that. And, you know, when I next see him, I'm gonna give him the biggest hug." 

Watch a clip of the interview below.

Elton John on AIDS: Compassion is Part of the Cure

Elton John on AIDS: Compassion is Part of the Cure

Elton John spoke to AIDS advocates from around the world as the keynote speaker for this year's International AIDS Conference. Gwen Ifill talks to Sir John about his new book, "Love is The Cure," and his approach in helping fight the AIDS epidemic, which focuses on compassion, dignity and love.



Rogério Martins foi finalista do quadro O melhor imitador do Brasil, do programa do Faustão / Divulgação

Rogério Martins sobe ao palco do Teatro Santos Dumont (Avenida Goiás, 1111 - Bairro Santa Paula) interpretando canções do repertório de Elton John, artista que vendeu mais de 20 milhões de discos e CD’s em todo o mundo. Trazido pela Secretaria Municipal de Cultura (Secult) da Prefeitura de São Caetano do Sul e pela Fundação das Artes, o show será no dia 3 de agosto (sexta-feira), a partir das 21h.

Rogério representa o cover oficial de Elton John no Brasil. É maestro formado pela FAAM (Faculdade de Artes Alcântara Machado), em São Paulo, no curso de Composição e Regência, e Bacharel em piano. Ao longo da carreira, montou o espetáculo Elton John in Concert e, recentemente, foi finalista do quadro O melhor imitador do Brasil, do programa do Faustão (Rede Globo).

Dentre as canções que serão apresentadas estão: Your song, Can you feel the love tonight?, Daniel, Candle in the wind e muitas outras. O público interage com o espetáculo, que tem duração de 100 minutos. A classificação etária é livre.

Os ingressos custam R$ 40 (inteira), R$ 30 (antecipado) e R$ 20 (meia). Estarão à venda na bilheteria do teatro, a partir do dia 30/07, das 13h às 19h. Mais informações na Fundação das Artes, pelo telefone 4238-3030 e pelo portal

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