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domingo, 8 de maio de 2011
Elton John World Fan Interviews
The people interviewed are Elton John fans, around the world , braves men and womans around the world with a website, forum, group, discussion list or blog that have been involved in the growth and development with Elton John.
This is a site that shows that so many people can make a difference in one man's life..
Patty Perrín
The people interviewed are Elton John fans, around the world , braves men and womans around the world with a website, forum, group, discussion list or blog that have been involved in the growth and development with Elton John.
This is a site that shows that so many people can make a difference in one man's life..
Patty Perrín
As mais loucas passagens na Vida de Elton John
Ingressos para os dois primeiros dias do Rock in Rio estão esgotados pela internet produção do festival não informou quantos ingressos foram disponibilizados na venda pela internet, mas garantiu que as entradas ainda podem ser adquiridas nos pontos de venda oficiais.
Os pontos de venda são:
BARRASHOPPING (perto da entrada M)
Avenida das Américas, 4666 - Barra da Tijuca
RIO SUL (perto da entrada principal)
Rua Lauro Müller, 116 - Botafogo
SHOPPING NOVA AMÉRICA (perto da entrada principal)
Av. Pastor Martin Luther King Júnior, 126 - Inhaúma
Depois de disponibilizar uma pré-venda do Rock in Rio Card por R$ 190, o Rock in Rio começou a vender oficialmente seus ingressos neste sábado, dia 7. As entradas, que continuam com o mesmo preço, podem ser compradas no site oficial do festival e no
A partir do dia 31 de maio, os ingressos vão passar a custar R$ 220. O público em geral poderá parcelar o valor em até 4 vezes sem juros. Só é possível comprar quatro ingressos por CPF para um determinado dia do festival.
O Rock in Rio já confirmou em seu line-up shows de artistas como Rihanna, Shakira, Katy Perry, Elton John, Metallica, Jay-Z, Coldplay, Lenny Kravitz, Slipknot e Red Hot Chilli Peppers, além dos destaques da tenda eletrônica, que terá Dimitri from Paris e Hercules & Love Affair (veja aqui o line-up completo da tenda). O festival acontece nos dias 23, 24, 25 e 30 de setembro e 1 e 2 de outubro no Parque Olímpico Cidade do Rock, na Barra da Tijuca.
Venda dos ingressos para o Rock in Rioá está na hora de garantir seu lugar na Cidade do Rock! A partir do primeiro minuto deste sábado, dia 7, você pode comprar seus ingressos para o Rock in Rio no site do festival e no
O preço dos ingressos é o mesmo de quando foram vendidos os Rock in Rio Cards: R$ 190 (inteira) e R$ 95 (meia-entrada). Após o dia 31 de maio, haverá um reajuste para R$ 220 (inteira) e R$ 110 (meia).
Não será cobrada taxa de conveniência para a compra pela internet, apenas o valor do frete dos Correios.
O público em geral poderá parcelar a compra em até 4 vezes sem juros. Já clientes Itaú terão direito a 15% de desconto no valor da compra, que poderá ser parcelada em até 6 vezes sem juros no cartão.
O número de entradas vendidas para o mesmo dia será limitado a 4 por CPF, sendo que uma pode ser meia-entrada. Para a compra da meia-entrada, será necessário apresentar um documento que comprove o direito.
Fãs de outros países poderão adquirir ingressos online, mas somente pelo site do Rock in Rio. Os estrangeiros receberão uma confirmação por email e terão de retirar seus ingressos na bilheteria no dia do evento. Nestes casos não será possível parcelar a compra.
Até agora, foram confirmadas as seguintes bandas:
Guns N´ Roses: Atendendo a pedidos do público (só na enquete realizada no site oficial do festival, foram mais de 450 mil votos, além de diversas outras campanhas rapidamente abraçadas por diversas pessoas – entre elas, membros da própria banda). A mobilização tomou conta do twitter e do youtube, invadiu as caixas de comentários do site oficial e de outras publicações, na maior mobilização feita por fãs para nessa edição. Agora, a organização anuncia um dos mais aclamados grupos da história do rock e dos 26 anos do festival: o Guns N’ Roses está de volta ao Rock in Rio e será a atração principal do Palco Mundo no dia 2 de outubro.
Pitty: A roqueira baiana Pitty fará o show de abertura da noite de 2 de outubro, mostrando porque é uma das cantoras que mais vendeu CDs nos anos 2000. Em sete anos de carreira, Pitty fez turnês que incluíram países como Portugal e Japão, vendeu mais de 1,5 milhão de cópias e tem um recorde de 51 prêmios ganhos. Esta será a segunda vez que a roqueira toca no evento: a primeira foi no Rock in Rio 2006, em Lisboa, quando abriu os shows de Roger Waters e Red Hot Chili Peppers.
SHAKIRA: A grande estrela da noite do dia 30 de setembro será a cantora, compositora, hitmaker, filantropa, embaixadora da Unicef e referência internacional, Shakira. A dona de hits como "Hips don't lie" lançou neste ano seu disco “Sale el sol” e está em turnê pela Europa.
LENNY KRAVITZ: Kravitz retorna ao Brasil depois de quatro anos, quando cantou para mais de 900 mil pessoas em Copacabana, para lançar seu novo álbum, Black and White America.
IVETE SANGALO: A musa bahiana sobe ao palco do Rock in Rio 2011 e promete transformar o festival em uma micareta. Ivete foi a única artista brasileira que se apresentou em todas as edições do Rock in Rio Lisboa. A cantora bateu recorde de público em 2008, com 90 mil pessoas, mesma quantidade da edição de 2004, e no ano passado atraiu um público de mais de 81 mil pessoas.
JOTA QUEST: Comemorando 15 anos de carreira, o Jota Quest sobe ao palco do Rock in Rio 2011 para reprentar o Pop/Rock Nacional.
MARCELO D2: Famoso por circular no rap e no samba, no morro e no asfalto sempre com rimas irreverentes, que são sua marca registrada desde os tempos do Planet Hemp.
STONE SOUR: Eles já foram indicados três vezes ao Grammy pelos singles "Get inside", "Inhale" e "30/30-150". O nome fecha o Palco Mundo da segunda noite do festival, no dia 24 de setembro, que também terá shows de Red Hot Chili Peppers, Snow Patrol, Capital Inicial e NX Zero. O grupo foi formado em 1992 e teve diversas formações, até entrar em hiato em 1997 para a saída de Taylor e Root, que formaram o Slipknot. A banda de metal, hoje considerada um projeto paralelo dos dois, lançou seu primeiro álbum de estúdio, "Stone sour", apenas em 2002.
ELTON JOHN: Elton John sobe no palco do Rock in Rio 2011 no primeiro dia do evento. O britânico com mais de quarenta anos de estrada, traz na bagagem mais de 250 milhões de discos vendidos no mundo inteiro, completando 35 Discos de Ouro e 25 de Platina. Cantor e compositor que está entre os mais criativos do planeta, já ganhou prêmios como Grammy, Oscar, Tony e BRIT. Por sua influência e engajamento em causas sociais, é ainda um renomado filantropo – e foi condecorado “Sir” pela rainha da Inglaterra.
KATY PERRY: A estréia de Katy Perry no Brasil, já tem data, e será ainda no maior estilo. A jovem californiana sobe ao palco do Rock in Rio 2011 no primeiro dia do evento. Ela emplacou um dos maiores sucessos da última década: a música “I Kissed a Girl”. Eleita duas vezes consecutivas a mulher mais sexy do mundo pela revista masculina Maxin, Katy vira ao Brasil pronta para mostrar ao público a irreverência que já virou sua marca registrada.
RIHANNA: Também vem pela primeira vez ao Brasil a musa Rihanna, da ilha caribenha de Barbados, a primeira artista da década de 2000 a emplacar seis sucessos no primeiro lugar da parada Hot 100 da Billboard (hoje já são oito). Animada com o show no Rock in Rio, a artista já tinha deixado muitos fãs ansiosos quando mandou a mensagem “Brasil, estamos nos preparando para ‘arrebentar’ para vocês. Tenho esperado por isso há tempos, vai ser épico!!”.
CLAUDIA LEITE: Representando o Brasil na atrações do primeiro dia do Rock in Rio 2011, está a musa Claudia Leite. O sucesso de Claudia Leitte ultrapassa as fronteiras brasileiras, com diversas apresentações nos Estados Unidos, Inglaterra e Portugal. Seu primeiro álbum solo gravado em estúdio, lançado no ano passado, foi indicado ao Grammy Latino 2010 na categoria Melhor álbum Pop Contemporâneo, trazendo uma mistura de estilos com elementos do reggae, kuduro (ritmo angolano), samba e rock, entre outros.
METALLICA: A Banda Metallica foi a mais votada entre os brasileiros em pesquisa feita pelo Ibope. A Banda da Califórnia foi a primeira atração internacional confirmada para o evento que acontece em 2011. O Metallica já esteve quatro vezes no Brasil: em 1989, em 1993, em 1999 e em janeiro deste ano, durante a turnê de "Death magnetic". A banda de James Hetfield (voz e guitarra), Lars Ulrich (bateria), Kirk Hammett (guitarra) e Robert Trujilo (baixo) toca na terceira noite do evento, toda dedicada ao Metal, que será no dia 25 de setembro de 2011.
ANGRA:Junto com a Banda Metallica foi anunciada duas atrações nacionais, dentre elas, o ANGRA. Que sobe ao palco do Rock in Rio 2011 também na noite dedicada ao Metal.
SEPULTURA: A banda Sepultura foi a terceira atração confirmada no dia 9 de novembro. Junto com a banda Metallica e Angra, agitam a terceira noite do Metal, que será totalmente dedicada ao Metal. Formada como uma brincadeira no início dos anos 80, a Banda Sepultura é destaque nacional no cenário Metal.
RED HOT CHILLI PEPERS: A banda da Califória, Red Hot Chilli Pepers, foi confirmada como atração do Rock In Rio 2011 para tocar na segunda noite do evento. O anúncio foi feito no Jornal Nacional. O Chili Peppers já havia se apresentado no Rock in Rio 3, em 2001. A banda se junta aos americanos do Metallica e os brasileiros Sepultura e Angra, que já haviam sido confirmados para a terceira noite, dedicada ao heavy metal. No total, o festival terá cerca de 100 atrações musicais.
SNOW PATROL: Os escoceses do Snow Patrol também tiveram seu passaporte carimbado para a segunda noite do Rock in Rio 2011, que será no dia 24 de setembro de 2011. Formada no final de 1994 pelo vocalista e guitarrista Gary Lightbody e pelo baixista e teclista Mark McClelland, dois estudantes da Irlanda do Norte que, na época, estavam procurando escolas em Dundee, na Escócia. Dentre os sucessos da banda, destacam-se "Run", "Signal Fire", "Open Your Eyes", "Chasing Cars" e "Just Say Yes"
CAPITAL INICIAL: Como já era previso, a banda Capital Inicial também foi confirmada para a segunda noite do Rock In Rio 2011. Dinho Ouro Preto e sua trupe irão incendiar a Cidade do Rock.
MOTÖRHEAD: Motörhead será atração no Dia Metal, 25 de setembro de 2011, no Rock in Rio 2011. Com 35 anos de estrada, Motörhead se tornou um dos grupos mais emblemáticos do heavy metal. Ao longo da carreira, Lemmy Kilmister (vocal e baixo) – que foi roadie de Jimi Hendrix – Phil Campbell (guitarra) e Mikkey Dee (bateria) lançaram 27 discos e clássicos como “Ace of Spades”, “Bomber”, “Orgasmatron” e “Iron Fist”. O prazer da banda britânica em tocar no Brasil foi declarado na canção “Going to Brazil”, do álbum 1916, lançado em 1991. Em maio de 2010, o grupo se apresentou no Rock in Rio Lisboa.
COHEED AND CAMBRIA: Os americanos, Coheed and Cambria, também estão confirmados para o Rock in Rio 2011. Eles subiram no palco do Rock in Rio, no terceiro dia de festa, totalmente dedicado ao Metal. Seu novo trabalho, o aclamado Year of the Black Rainbow, combina com precisão as faces mais melódicas e agressivas do gênero. A discografia da banda consiste em cinco álbuns conceituais que narram uma elaborada trama de ficção científica chamada The Armory Wars. Seus integrantes atuais são Claudio Sanchez (voz, guitarra e teclado), Travis Stever (guitarra), Michael Todd (baixo) e Chris Pennie (bateria e percussão).
COLDPLAY - O primeiro show do ColdPlay anunciado no continente americano do quinto álbum da banda será no Rock in Rio 2011. Considerada uma das bandas mais populares da última década, o quarteto formado Chris Martin (vocal, violão e piano), Jonny Buckland (guitarra), Guy Berryman (baixo) e Will Champion (bateria), lança amanhã música e clipe inéditos disponíveis somente pela internet.
SKANK - O Skank irá completar 20 anos de carreira no Palco do Rock in Rio 2011. A banda mineira trás na bagagem 11 álbuns lançados, mais de 5,5 milhões de discos vendidos e uma série de hits como “Jackie Tequila”, “Garota Nacional” – sucesso inclusive na parada espanhola – “Resposta”, “Saideira”, “Balada do Amor Inabalável”, “Dois Rios”, “Vou Deixar” e “Ainda Gosto Dela”, do último disco de estúdio, Estandarte, lançado em 2008. Hoje, Samuel Rosa (guitarra e voz), Henrique Portugal (teclados), Lelo Zaneti (baixo) e Haroldo Ferreti (bateria) formam um dos grupos pop mais importantes do Brasil.
NX ZERO - A Banda de São Paula fará sua primeira apresentação no Rock in Rio. A banda paulistana irá se apresentar no Palco Mundo no Dia Rock, que já conta com a presença das bandas Capital Inicial, Snow Patrol e Red Hot Chili Peppers.Formado por Di Ferrero (vocal), Gee Rocha (guitarra), Caco Grandino (baixo), Fi Ricardo (guitarra) e Dani Weksler (bateria), o grupo tem 11 anos de estrada e acaba de lançar seu quinto disco, Projeto Paralelo, em que faz releituras de seus hits em parceria com grandes nomes do rap e hip-hop nacional, como Marcelo D2, Negra Li, Rappin Hood e Emicida.
SLIPKNOT - O show do Slipknot no Rock in Rio 2011 marca o retorno da banda ao Brasil. Uma das atrações mais pedidas pelos fãs de heavy metal nas redes sociais, o grupo tocou pela primeira e única vez no país em 2005, um ano após a apresentação na primeira edição do Rock in Rio Lisboa. A Banda se aprensenta no dia 25 de setembro, dia que será totalmente dedicado ao Heavy Metal.
Como já é costume, cada dia do festival apresentará um estilo diferente predominante, consolidando a característica do festival de contar com atrações para todas as tribos. Então fiquem ligados que em breve divulgaremos aqui outros artistas confirmados em cada dia do Rock in Rio. A edição de 2011 terá roda-gigante e espaço para desfiles de moda. Além dos shows que vão acontecer no Palco Mundo, muitas outras atrações vão permear o Parque Olímpico Cidade do Rock. Uma tenda de música eletrônica vai contar com DJs nacionais e internacionais. A área vip, com capacidade para 2.000 convidados, será climatizada e contará com um serviço de bufê e telões. No Palco Sunset vão acontecer encontros entre artistas brasileiros e internacionais para jam sessions. Uma rua com lojas, restaurantes e bares é outra área do festival. E ainda tem desfiles, tirolesa, roda-gigante e outros brinquedos de parques de diversões.
As mais loucas passagens na Vida de Elton John
Photos Elton John Again Again POP Magazine 2011
All about the tunes for John
Great songbook the focus as legendary rocker brings party to town
By: Rob Williams
Posted: 05/8/2011 1:00 AM | Comments: 0 Music legend Sir Elton John returned to Winnipeg's MTS Centre Saturday night, delivering hit after hit to a crowd of 13,000.
The British musical legend isn't fighting anymore, though: These days he's spending his Saturday nights delivering hit after hit to devoted fans around the world.
Last night, Sir Elton was at the MTS Centre in Winnipeg as part of his aptly named Greatest Hits Live tour thrilling a sold-out crowd of 13,000 to more than four decades of iconic material during a non-stop 24-song career-spanning show that ran 165 minutes without an intermission.
John -- wearing a black suit adorned by flowers and a sparkling cross, a red shirt and red sunglasses -- took the stage to a standing ovation, sat down behind his black grand piano and immediately launched into regular show-opener Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding, the 11-minute epic that opens his 1973 album Goodbye Yellow Brick Road.
He stepped out from behind the piano to urge the crowd to stand up before he and his five-piece band truly got the party started with the rollicking classic Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting as animated graphics of skulls flew by on a giant video screen behind the stage.
The 64-year-old left his piano bench often throughout the night to acknowledge audience members on both sides of the stage and in the front rows. He even signed some autographs when he came out for the encore.
John made a name for himself as a flamboyant star but other than a mood-appropriate light show, the video screen and two other screens that showed close-ups of John, his fingers on the piano and his bandmates, there was nothing overtly flashy or over-the-top about the stage show. With so many hits in his catalogue he doesn't need to razzle-dazzle people with anything other than the songs, which haven't lost any of their emotional impact.
"It's great to be back. We're going to continue, this is a song from one of my favourite old albums called Madman Across the Water," he said before launching into a spirited version of Levon with the help of four female backup vocalists that had the crowd singing and swaying.
Most of the songs got standing ovations and just watching the crowd reactions to the material was almost as enjoyable, at times, as the action on stage. Who knew John's music could make people contort their bodies so many different ways?
The first third of the show was filled with some of his best-known material: the joyous Philadelphia Freedom; the melancholy soft-rockers Goodbye Yellow Brick Road and Daniel; an extended version of Rocket Man -- which received two standing ovations when the crowd thought it was over -- and the bittersweet I Guess That's Why They Call it the Blues all made it into the strong first half of the set.
John was last here for two shows at the same venue in 2008, and much of the set was similar, but this time he delved into some songs off his new album, Union, a collaboration with Leon Russell that John said he was very proud of while apologizing for playing them.
"You've been listening to songs you know, now comes the hard part -- the new ones," he said. "I know it's hard... but if I don't play them I'm going to go nuts."
The crowd had nothing to worry about since the songs fit perfectly into the John canon. Hey Ahab and Monkey Suit were blasts of old-school rock in the vein of Club at the End of the Street; while Best Part of the Day and Gone to Shiloh were ballads that sounded like they could have been written at any part of John's career.
The final slow number -- When Love is Dying -- might have been a bit too much, but just when the show felt like it was losing some momentum he switched gears and offered up Sad Songs (Say So Much) given a bit of a soulful makeover thanks to the backup vocalists.
After a lengthy piano solo at the two-hour mark to mark the intro to a reworked version of Take Me to the Pilot -- this guy has a serious amount of stamina -- and three tear-jerkers in a row: Sorry Seems to be the Hardest Word, the Marilyn Monroe tribute Candle in the Wind and the anthem, Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me.
The crowd helped out with vocals on Bennie and the Jets and Crocodile Rock, which featured John stepping to the front of the stage to lead the crowd like a maestro.
There were numerous songs he could have ended the evening off with, but for the encore he chose just one, Your Song, leaving the crowd wanting more, even after nearly three hours.
This will probably be John's last visit to town in the foreseeable future. In September he begins a three-year-residency at Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas performing a new show, The Million Dollar Piano.
Elton John
May 7, 2011
MTS Centre
Attendance: 13,000
MTS Centre, Winnipeg - May 7, 2011
Elton better than all right
By Darryl Sterdan, QMI Agency |
MTS Centre, Winnipeg - May 7, 2011 Elton better than all right By Darryl Sterdan, QMI Agency |
Elton crocodile-rocked it for the relaxed-fit jeans set. |
Elton John is a liar. Thankfully.
The piano-rocker’s latest tour — which stopped at a sold-out MTS Centre on Saturday night — was billed as All Hits, All Night. But it wasn’t. It was much more than that. And much better.
Oh sure, there were hits aplenty during the epic 160-minute show. Everything from his 1970 breakthrough Your Song to eternal radio staples like Saturday Night’s Alright For Fighting, Candle in the Wind, Bennie and the Jets, The Bitch is Back, Crocodile Rock and more (see the set list for the whole lineup). But that was no surprise; at this point in his career, John has more hits than he could possibly play in one sitting. And clearly, he was more than content to deliver them for the zillionth time to an arena full of relaxed-fit jeans and corrective lenses (of which I have both, so zip it).
But just as clearly, the 64-year-old singer-pianist was not content simply to go on autopilot and churn out note-for-note oldies like some musical Xerox. So the flamboyant rocker — sporting red-lensed shades and decked out in a Nudie-meets-goth-meets-Mariachi black coat decorated with a glittery skull, cross and red, white and pink flowers — led his five-man band (featuring veteran drummer Nigel Olsson and guitarist Davey Johnstone, along with a bassist, keyboardist and percussionist) and his four female vocalists (including Rose Stone of Sly & the Family Stone) through a set that sprinkled new material and arrangements in with the familiar favourites.
John’s creative intentions were clear almost from the beginning. After opening with the one-two punch of Funeral for a Friend / Love Lies Bleeding (whose lengthy instrumental beginning not only built some tension, but allowed stragglers to get to their seats) and a raucous Saturday Night's Alright, John switched into the earthy Levon, stretching it out with an extended gospel segment at the end. The title cut from Madman Across the Water — which wasn’t even a single, never mind a hit — also boasted an expanded arrangement. Both it and the opening to Take Me to the Pilot served as showcases for John’s impressive and often underappreciated playing, which seamlessly melded elements of classical, jazz, blues and honky-tonk (he might have the best right hand in rock, as documented on the video screens by his piano-mounted camera). But the real eye-opener was Rocket Man, which has evolved into a massive multi-stage piece that brought the Winnipeg crowd to its feet more than once. (Of course, that was chiefly because the song just kept going on and on — seriously, it lasted longer than it takes light from the Sun to reach the Earth. But still, pretty majestic.)
Along with the major overhauls and updates, there were plenty of smaller touches sprinkled throughout the set — a differently phrased lyric here, a slightly tweaked melody there, a gently tinkered arrangement now and then. (Some changes were obviously of necessity; John can’t slip into falsetto as easily as he did back in the day, though his voice has a deeper power and resonance than it used to.) Nothing was too drastic; it was all just enough to keep the songs sounding fresh instead of slavish.
Speaking of fresh, John tossed in a handful of tunes from his most recent album, last year’s superior Leon Russell collaboration The Union. “Now comes the hard part — the new songs,” he admitted. “I know it’s difficult to listen to these, but if I don’t play them, I’ll go nuts.” He needn’t have apologized; rockers like Hey Ahab and Monkey Suit went over surprisingly well with the crowd, earning him more standing ovations (honestly, if the audience had been a couple of decades younger, they probably would have just stayed on their feet for the whole concert, but what the hey, it made them seem appreciative). It’s just too bad Russell wasn’t there to share the moment.
Ultimately, of course, the night was about entertaining the fans, and Elton didn’t fall short. While he’s not quite as spry as when I first saw him in 1976, he was still fairly active, leaping to his feet to coax applause out of the audience, standing up to bang away on his grand piano now and then, and and even climbing onto the instrument and carefully jumping down a couple of times. He also made a point of connecting with the Winnipeg audience, dedicating Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me to family and friends of his locally born chiropractor (and former rock drummer) Trev Henuset. Later he thanked fans for their decades of loyalty, and even spent a few minutes signing autographs near the end of the show.
Could it have been better? Sure. Despite the changes, the performance felt a little rote now and then — no surprise, given that John and some of his band have played many of these songs literally thousands of times. There might have been one too many new ballads in that Union section. And sure, a little more zip or a slightly bigger show — the requisite video screens and cornucopia of swirling, twirling lights were the extent of the production — wouldn’t have hurt.
But so what if it was just probably another night for Elton? Nothing wrong with that. His average show still tops the best a lot of artists can do. Ultimately, the fans got their money’s worth. In fact, they got more than they bargained for.
To say anything else would make me a liar.
Set List:
Funeral for a Friend / Love Lies Bleeding
Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting
Madman Across the Water
Tiny Dancer
Philadelphia Freedom
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Rocket Man
I Guess That's Why They Call it the Blues
Hey Ahab
The Best Part of the Day
Gone to Shiloh
Monkey Suit
When Love is Dying
Sad Songs (Say So Much)
Take Me to the Pilot
Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word
Candle in the Wind
Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me
Bennie and the Jets
The Bitch is Back
Crocodile Rock
Your Song

- Eduardo Menezes
- Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil
- "Em nível de ser humano, enquanto pessoa, eu sou muito gente". Roqueiro "dinossáurico" aprecio o bom e velho blues e o hard-rock dos anos 70. Estou morando em Maceió, capital do estado de Alagoas. CONTATO:

Elton Join Returns to Australia This Summer, Tickets On Sale 5/24
Read more:
Chugg Entertainment is proud to present the much-lauded return of the one and only Elton John to Australia this summer.
On this, his 15th tour of Australia, Elton John & His Band will begin the national run of dates on Wednesday 30th November at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre before heading south to the iconic Hunter Valley for a performance under the stars at Hope Estate on Saturday 3rd December - in this his only appearance in NSW on the tour. The show then rolls south to Melbourne's Rod Laver Arena on Tuesday 6th December, then onwards to Adelaide for A Night At Coopers Amphitheatre at the Coopers Brewery on Friday 9th December before closing the tour in Perth at Burswood Dome on Sunday 11th December.
To draw comparisons to Sir Elton John is impossible; artist, altruistic philanthropist, Grammy, Oscar, Tony and BRIT winner, his many accolades have made him an inimitable force in a career spanning five decades, with his versatility and effortless talent showing no sign of slowing down.
Acclaimed as one of the world's greatest living pop icons, Elton's audience has seen him traverse a career that began in the 1960s when he was a shy singer/songwriter and saw him grow into one of the most successful musicians of all time. His crossovers from classic balladry, soul and disco to country, gospel and rock have often confounded but never disappointed his legion of worldwide fans. As one of the greatest showmen of all time, his spectacular stage shows continue to leave the competition standing still in his wake.
As a humanitarian, Elton is a force for good whose public and private generosity support a staggering number of causes around the world, including establishing the Elton John AIDS Foundation in 1992, and in 1997 raising over $40 million for charity through sales of ‘Candle In The Wind 1997,' the single released following the death of his friend Diana, Princess of Wales.
Having sold over 250 million albums worldwide - in 1975, one in every fifty albums sold was an Elton John record - and boasting a career that has kept him and his song writing partner, Bernie Taupin, at the top of the charts for nearly 40 years, his lifework has amalgamated into more than that of just a recording artist. Through a partnership with lyricist Tim Rice came the music for both the feature film and Broadway stage production of ‘The Lion King.'
Elton also wrote the music for the stage production of ‘Billy Elliot: The Musical' and more recently for the box office smash, ‘Gnomeo & Juliet.' In 2010, Elton forged a collaboration with long-time musical hero, Leon Russell on the TBone Burnett produced album, The Union, of which he said of Russell, "When I started he was my idol, mentor and everything I wanted to be as a songwriter."
Don't miss this rare opportunity to hear one of the world's greatest pop musicians in spectacular form when ROCKET MAN returns to Australia this November/December.
Elton John fans with Visa Credit, Debit or Prepaid cards can gain access to presale tickets through Visa Entertainment.
Advance Elton John tour tickets across all seating categories will be available from 10.00am (local time), Monday 16 May 2011 until 5.00pm (local time), Wednesday 18 May 2011 or until tickets sell out at
Wednesday 30th November Entertainment Centre, Brisbane 132 849
Saturday 3rd December Hope Estate, Hunter Valley 132 849
Tuesday 6th December Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne 132 849
Friday 9th December A Night At Coopers Amphitheatre
Coopers Brewery, Adelaide 132 849
Sunday 11th December Burswood Dome, Perth 132 849
For more information go to:
Matthew Morrison made eclectic album
08 May 2011 - 12:00
Matthew Morrison says his self-titled debut album reflects his ''eclectic'' music tastes. -
Matthew Morrison has promised his new album will be "eclectic".
The 32-year-old singer-and-actor - best known for playing teacher Will Schuester in 'Glee' - is preparing for the release of his self-titled debut LP and says the tracks reflect his eclectic music taste.
He said: "The album is awesome! My musical taste is eclectic so it has stuff you could hear in a club alongside some very dark songs, plus there's some poppy fun songs."
The record features collaborations with a number of stars, including Sting, Gwyneth Paltrow and Sir Elton John, which Matthew admits was an "incredible" way to launch his music career.
He added: "There's one with Gwyneth Paltrow and one with Elton John. I mean, for my debut album, singing a duet with Elton John is pretty incredible."
The 'Summer Rain' singer developed an interest in musical theatre when he was at school, and though he admits he was mocked by some of his classmates over his hobby, he felt he "got away unscathed" because of his other interests.
He told Britain's Cosmopolitan magazine: "There was an element of teasing but I got away unscathed. I was very athletic too, so I hung out with the football team and dated the homecoming queen."
Elton John Returns Nest Summer always the big question will be what songs he’ll include in the setlist – for me if he promised to do a set that consisting of tracks from Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Caribou, Madman Across The Water , Honky Chateau, Tumbleweed Connection and his 1971 Live album, then I’d be in the front row. I guess that’s too much to ask although he did revisit that era recently when he combined with Leon Russell to record The Union of which he said of Russell, “When I started he was my idol, mentor and everything I wanted to be as a songwriter.”
Elton John & His Band will begin the national run of dates on Wednesday 30 November at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre before heading south to the iconic Hunter Valley for a performance under the stars at Hope Estate on Saturday 3 December – in this his only appearance in NSW on the tour. The show then rolls south to Melbourne’s Rod Laver Arena on Tuesday 6 December, then onwards to Adelaide for A Night At Coopers Amphitheatre at the Coopers Brewery on Friday 9 December before closing the tour in Perth at Burswood Dome on Sunday 11 December.
Regardless of the song list he decides to play, there’s no doubt that Elton John is a remarkable individual. As the press release says, “artist, altruistic philanthropist, Grammy, Oscar, Tony and BRIT winner, his many accolades have made him an inimitable force in a career spanning five decades, with his versatility and effortless talent showing no sign of slowing down”.
Elton bought flamboyance into pop music and made the piano cool, long before that James Blake fella was even born! He soundtracked many historical events and became a celebrated composer for stage and film. And he has done more for AIDS support than any other music identity, including establishing the Elton John AIDS Foundation in 1992, and in 1997 raising over $40 million for charity through sales of ‘Candle In The Wind 1997,’ the single released following the death of his friend Diana, Princess of Wales.
Advance Elton John tour tickets across all seating categories will be available from 10.00am (local time), Monday 16 May 2011 until 5.00pm (local time), Wednesday 18 May 2011 (or until tickets sell out) at the Visa website.
Wed 30 Nov – Brisbane Entertainment Centre
Sat 3 Dec – Hope Estate, Hunter Valley
Tue 6 Dec – Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne
Fri 9 Dec – A Night At Coopers Amphitheatre, Coopers Brewery, Adelaide
Sun 11 Dec – Burswood Dome, Perth
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