"Is Funny How Young Lovers Start As Friends..."
Em 1971, Elton John e Bernie Taupin lançaram o álbum Friends, com a trilha sonora do filme homônimo
Produced and Directed by Lewis Gilbert (UK, 1971)
Associate Producer: Geoffrey Helman
Screenplay by Jack Russell and Vernon Harris
(story by Lewis Gilbert)
Cinematography by Andréas Winding
Film Editing by Anne V. Coates
Music by Paul Buckmaster
Songs by Elton John and Bernie Taupin
Associate Producer: Geoffrey Helman
Screenplay by Jack Russell and Vernon Harris
(story by Lewis Gilbert)
Cinematography by Andréas Winding
Film Editing by Anne V. Coates
Music by Paul Buckmaster
Songs by Elton John and Bernie Taupin
Nominated for the 1972 Golden Globe of Best Foreign-Film.
Sean Bury ... Paul Harrison
Anicée Alvina ... Michelle La Tour
Ronald Lewis ... Mr. Harrison
Toby Robins ... Mrs. Gardner
Joan Hickson ... Lady in bookstore
Pascale Roberts ... Annie
Sady Rebbot ... Pierre
Sean Bury ... Paul Harrison
Anicée Alvina ... Michelle La Tour
Ronald Lewis ... Mr. Harrison
Toby Robins ... Mrs. Gardner
Joan Hickson ... Lady in bookstore
Pascale Roberts ... Annie
Sady Rebbot ... Pierre
In 1971, a little film by the name of Friends became a huge commercial success around the world. Universally denounced by critics, director Lewis Gilbert's tale of two teenagers in love in the Camargue charmed and delighted untold thousands. The album soundtrack by Elton John and Bernie Taupin also became a hit.
And those so-called critics probablly didn’t felt the magic of this jewel because they weren’t young anymore. Paul Harrison would say «pauvres idiots», while Michelle Latour would call them «poor silly bastards» with her tender accent.

The film's greatest strength – apart from Alvina's extraordinary performance and presence (sadly, the actress died two years ago, at only the age of 53) and, to a lesser extent, Bury's – is its evocation of Arcadia, that magic, protected place where life may be lived as the rest of us can only dream. Literature and art has for all time been obsessed with the many forms of Shangri La, but cinema has not been that successful at evoking it (the very artifice feels more like an attempt than a true experience).

The white cottage and Camargue of Friends is a perfect embodiment of that world – a place where no stranger/adult enters and which even the police cannot track down. This is why, by the end of the movie, they must wait overnight (one assumes in a local village) and return the next morning to the vineyard to await Paul.

Shot by Andréas Winding, the film is always extremely beautiful to look at (though the David Hamilton-esque patina dates it at times), and thoughtfully directed (the green of nature is kept out until the reverse close-ups of Paul and Michelle during their first meeting). Lewis Gilbert has never been regarded as a particularly inventive or imaginative craftsman, but the clearly personal nature of the material has made his work here unusually sensitive and appropriate.

The scenes of nakedness and lovemaking, which created some comment at the time, are strikingly natural, never prurient and exploit neither actor. That did not stop several critics from complaining that Alvina is exposed to more explicit nudity than Bury, but this isn't so. The full-frontal of Alvina that set the puritans afire is three-frames long, and a long-shot. What certainly did upset people was Michelle's having a baby outside the hospital system, as if this was somehow irresponsible and unbelievable. But Michelle's mother died during childbirth (presumably in a hospital), and Michelle's desire to have hers somewhere else is totally believable.

Paul and Michelle are a remarkable cinematic couple, because one always believes in, and is inspired by, their love. Few films have captured the rapture of teenage passion so sweetly; few films have created and held a teenage perspective so honestly. Gilbert has exactly captured Fournier's maxim: «My credo in art and literature is childhood. The thing is to render it without childishness.» One could add: «Nor debase it with adult perspectives.»

The elegiac world of Paul and Michelle's love may have been attacked from outside, dismantled and lost, but, by the virtue of this tender film, one can constantly return and relive it. And the magic still exist: it gives your youth back again, everytime you look at it.Three years after there was a sequel, called “Paul et Michelle”, but the times have already changed and the actors lost their innocence.

I saw this little sweet movie when it was released, back in 1971. It’s a film about innocence, the purity of young love and the determination of two young people to make a better life for themselves then they had at home. At the time it was pretty risky to have a movie about a couple of young runaways who successfully setup house and have a baby on their own. Thinking about the values of young people today, I'm not surprised the movie and Elton John's soundtrack are almost unknown nowadays.
I was then eighteen years old and for the really first time I was deeply in love with a girl of sixteen. That's the reason why I’ve never forgot this movie or the gentle music score signed by Elton & Bernie.
I was then eighteen years old and for the really first time I was deeply in love with a girl of sixteen. That's the reason why I’ve never forgot this movie or the gentle music score signed by Elton & Bernie.

Friends later made a brief appearance on video (CIC-Taft) and was shown a couple of times on late-night television, but then disappeared without trace. The soundtrack went out of print, and no CD version was ever released. The first hint of revival came in 1992 when Elton John released a two-CD compilation, “Rare Masters” (DJM 514 305-1), which contains all the music (and the original's dialogue snippets: «I meant to do my work today as a lizard sunned itself on a moss-grown rock ...»). A few years later, the film was released on VHS in the US.

Finally I’ve got it in DVD, after many many years of waiting. The reason of such a delay it’s because the movie wasn’t edited in DVD in the States because of child nudity (!). I think there’s a stupid decree of American Congress that don’t allow individuals under eighteen to be shown having sex on the screen. Or for that matter, even permitted to have sexual thoughts. Nevertheless, you can buy it (Region 2) quick and easily at Galatea Shop, in Ebay.

A couple of years ago I was lucky enough to receive an email signed by Sean Bury. Unfortunetely that email was lost between some crashes of my computer. But basicly he told me that he enjoyed to know that this little film has crossed the times and won the status of a cult-movie. He told me also that he was living another life, far away from the cinema world. And that he was very happy because his new work had the gift of helping many people around him. Thanks, Sean, for the wonderful person you are and thanks also for being part of this magic movie, which caused so much happiness to so many people around the world.

«I can't believe that such a small budget film that Anicee and I had the good fortune to make all those years ago, is still receiving your kind attention. Thank you for all your comments, I assure you it was great fun to make "Friends" and an honour to work with Lewis Gilbert who has continued to make some super films.
I shall always remember Lewis's words after the Preview showing..."Sean" he said as he came up to shake my hand,"you have nothing to be ashamed of !"..(I heaved a sigh of relief)...then he added.. "But nothing to be proud of either!".

«I can't believe that such a small budget film that Anicee and I had the good fortune to make all those years ago, is still receiving your kind attention. Thank you for all your comments, I assure you it was great fun to make "Friends" and an honour to work with Lewis Gilbert who has continued to make some super films.
I shall always remember Lewis's words after the Preview showing..."Sean" he said as he came up to shake my hand,"you have nothing to be ashamed of !"..(I heaved a sigh of relief)...then he added.. "But nothing to be proud of either!".
Years of dedicated training as a young actor just went down the pan!I now work with people with special needs , the money is terrible but the smiles are the best! I have been lucky enough to see both of these 2 very different worlds. One feeds upon the attention it seeks and the other is just happy being, and getting on with things quietly, but both are exciting,fun and challenge one to do better. May your gods be with you all !» (Sean Bury in Amazon.com)

I hope the day will be a lighter highway
For friends are found on every road
Can you ever think of any better way
For the lost and weary travellers to go
Making friends for the world to see
Let the people know you got what you need
With a friend at hand you will see the light
If your friends are there then everything's all right
It seems to me a crime that we should age
These fragile times should never slip us by
A time you never can or shall erase
As friends together watch their childhood fly

For friends are found on every road
Can you ever think of any better way
For the lost and weary travellers to go
Making friends for the world to see
Let the people know you got what you need
With a friend at hand you will see the light
If your friends are there then everything's all right
It seems to me a crime that we should age
These fragile times should never slip us by
A time you never can or shall erase
As friends together watch their childhood fly

(February 1971)
(February 1971)
In Search of Lost Time: |
As well, girls/women have had babies outside hospitals for most of history; it is a profoundly natural act that only the 20th and 21st centuries have deemed always intervention-necessary. Michelle is 15 at the time, which is a most physiologically appropriate age to give birth. And why shouldn't teenagers happily cut off from a technologically-crazy world not act in a traditional, natural way? It could be argued that Gilbert should have taken his point even further and had Michelle give birth squatting (allegedly the most natural of methods), but Paul and Michelle have read a book on childbirth and this has introduced into their world adult ideas of acceptable delivery.
For all its 'controversial' material, this is a profoundly moral, indeed deeply Catholic, work. Paul and Michelle see themselves as married because they have exchanged vows to each other (standing in a church alcove while an adult marriage takes place). They also baptise their child, Sylvie, in an otherwise empty church. It is hard to believe they would not be as blessed by any God as those who simply kowtow to the man-made rules of the Pauline church.
Paul and Michelle are a remarkable cinematic couple, because one always believes in, and is inspired by, their love. Few films have captured the rapture of teenage passion so sweetly; few films have created and held a teenage perspective so honestly. Gilbert has exactly captured Fournier's maxim: “My credo in art and literature is childhood. The thing is to render it without childishness.” (17) One could add: “Nor debase it with adult perspectives.”
The elegiac world of Paul and Michelle's love may have been attacked from outside, dismantled and lost, but, by the virtue of this tender film, one can constantly return and relive it.
For all its 'controversial' material, this is a profoundly moral, indeed deeply Catholic, work. Paul and Michelle see themselves as married because they have exchanged vows to each other (standing in a church alcove while an adult marriage takes place). They also baptise their child, Sylvie, in an otherwise empty church. It is hard to believe they would not be as blessed by any God as those who simply kowtow to the man-made rules of the Pauline church.
Paul and Michelle are a remarkable cinematic couple, because one always believes in, and is inspired by, their love. Few films have captured the rapture of teenage passion so sweetly; few films have created and held a teenage perspective so honestly. Gilbert has exactly captured Fournier's maxim: “My credo in art and literature is childhood. The thing is to render it without childishness.” (17) One could add: “Nor debase it with adult perspectives.”
The elegiac world of Paul and Michelle's love may have been attacked from outside, dismantled and lost, but, by the virtue of this tender film, one can constantly return and relive it.
Paul and Michelle – The Critics
If Leonard Maltin's infelicities regarding Friends were not enough, he is at it again with Paul and Michelle:
BOMB. [...] further antics of those lovable teeny-boppers have about as much bearing on real life as anything [Keir] Dullea encountered while going through the 2001 space-warp. (18)
Maltin (19) misses the very point of Paul and Michelle, which takes the characters out of the idyllic Camargue and shoves them into the harsh world of modern Paris. The entire film is about what Maltin presumably sees as “real life” intruding on a romantic dream. (As for what Paul and Michelle has to do with the Kubrick film – or a space-warp! – is anyone's guess.)
David McGillivray in Monthly Film Bulletin (20) so mangles the film's plot one has to ask if he actually watched it. He makes seven significant errors in his plot synopsis, claiming that: Paul goes to a Parisian school (it is in England); Paul meets Michelle “accidentally” (he has been diligently searching); Paul, Michelle and Sylvie go together to Paris (Paul goes alone, the others following later); Michelle works “in a restaurant and kitchen” (only the kitchen); Michelle discovers she is pregnant in Paris (actually it is in Arles); “her student friends perform a secret abortion” (they are not even remotely her friends); Paul “puts Michelle and Sylvie on a train” (it is Michelle's idea to return to the Camargue, not Paul's). As for describing the white cottage in the Camargue as Michelle and “Paul's old haunt” ...!
Despite an incapacity to describe Paul and Michelle accurately, that does not stop McGillivray railing against it:
David McGillivray in Monthly Film Bulletin (20) so mangles the film's plot one has to ask if he actually watched it. He makes seven significant errors in his plot synopsis, claiming that: Paul goes to a Parisian school (it is in England); Paul meets Michelle “accidentally” (he has been diligently searching); Paul, Michelle and Sylvie go together to Paris (Paul goes alone, the others following later); Michelle works “in a restaurant and kitchen” (only the kitchen); Michelle discovers she is pregnant in Paris (actually it is in Arles); “her student friends perform a secret abortion” (they are not even remotely her friends); Paul “puts Michelle and Sylvie on a train” (it is Michelle's idea to return to the Camargue, not Paul's). As for describing the white cottage in the Camargue as Michelle and “Paul's old haunt” ...!
Despite an incapacity to describe Paul and Michelle accurately, that does not stop McGillivray railing against it:
The suffering is richly melodramatic, with the young things (no longer provocative adolescents) being cut off without a penny, languishing in almost Dickensian squalor [...] (21)
McGillivray exposes only himself with the “no longer provocative adolescents”, because in Friends Paul and Michelle are in no way provocative to anyone, living as they do in Elysian isolation. As for using the term “Dickensian” to describe lower-middle-class life in Paris, that is simply cultural arrogance.
Underlining these and many other attacks on Paul and Michelle is an anger that the film was even made. It is as if the critics believe their denunciations of Friends should have been sufficient to ensure no sequel was ever contemplated or made. The fact that no one listens is always the hardest reality for any critic to bear.
To take but two examples; first Leonard Maltin:
Underlining these and many other attacks on Paul and Michelle is an anger that the film was even made. It is as if the critics believe their denunciations of Friends should have been sufficient to ensure no sequel was ever contemplated or made. The fact that no one listens is always the hardest reality for any critic to bear.
To take but two examples; first Leonard Maltin:
Why anyone would ever want a sequel to Friends requires an investigation we must take up one of these days [...]
One can hardly wait!
Second, David McGillivray:
Second, David McGillivray:
Three years after Lewis Gilbert's star-crossed lovers won very few hearts in Friends, the same pair return to suffer anew in this unnecessary sequel.
This is McGillivray as self-appointed revisionist. The first film was a hit, as McGillivray well knows, and to say “won very few hearts” is disingenuous in the extreme.
The Film
Paramount Pictures presents Paul and Michelle. © 1974 Paramount Pictures Corporation. Locations: Paris, Nice; the Camargue. A Franco-British co-production. 35mm. 103 mins. (22) Director: Lewis Gilbert. Producer: Lewis Gilbert. Associate producer: William P. Cartlidge. Scriptwriters: Angela Huth, Vernon Harris. Based on an original story by Lewis Gilbert. DOP: Claude Renoir. Production designer: Pierre Guffroy. Editor: Thelma Connell. Music: Michel Colombier. Songs: “Paul & Michelle”, “Good” (lyrics: Don Black); “Sexy Thing”, “Queen of the Nasties” (music, lyrics: Steve Gilbert). Mixer: Gerry Humphreys.
Cast: Sean Bury (Paul Harrison), Anicée Alvina (Michelle Latour), Keir Dullea (Gary (23)), Ronald Lewis (Sir Robert Harrison), Catherine Allegret (Joanna), Georges Beller (Daniel), Anne Lonnberg (Susannah), Sara Stout (Sylvie), Steve Gilbert (Nic), Anthony Clark (Hush), Peggy Frankston (Lilli), Peter Graves (Sir Henry), Toby Robins (Jane Harrison), André Maranne (M. Bellancourt), Jenny Arasse (Sister Mercier), Michel Garland (Doctor in Arles), Elizabeth Kaza (Mother Superior), Sylvie Joly (Hotel Receptionist), Alberto Favart (Professor).
Cast: Sean Bury (Paul Harrison), Anicée Alvina (Michelle Latour), Keir Dullea (Gary (23)), Ronald Lewis (Sir Robert Harrison), Catherine Allegret (Joanna), Georges Beller (Daniel), Anne Lonnberg (Susannah), Sara Stout (Sylvie), Steve Gilbert (Nic), Anthony Clark (Hush), Peggy Frankston (Lilli), Peter Graves (Sir Henry), Toby Robins (Jane Harrison), André Maranne (M. Bellancourt), Jenny Arasse (Sister Mercier), Michel Garland (Doctor in Arles), Elizabeth Kaza (Mother Superior), Sylvie Joly (Hotel Receptionist), Alberto Favart (Professor).
It is three years after Friends, and Paul graduates from an English public school, where he has been effectively locked away by his father.
Before starting a university course at the Sorbonne, Paul decides to return to France and search for Michelle.
For those who think Paul has done too little to find Michelle over the three years, in 1974 he would have had no passport separate from his father's and no means of travel from England to France without that parent's consent – a consent that clearly would never have been given. The dialogue between father and son at the start also indicates that Paul deliberately waited until he is old enough to escape his father's clutches.
Paul finally finds Michelle in Nice. In an odd misjudgement, Lewis Gilbert cuts from a near-wordless embrace (on a pedestrian crossing as car horns blare and traffic whizzes past) to some time later. What did Paul and Michelle say to each other on meeting after three years of separation? What did their eyes seek out and find in each other's?
This is the same failure of imagination as found in Le Grand Meaulnes, where Alain-Fournier has Augustin Meaulnes and Yvonne de Galais, after having passed each other several times in the woods and gardens of the château, finally meet and talk by the lake. Every reader is on tenterhooks about what they will say to each other, but, after the characters introduce themselves, Fournier opts out and delivers the most infuriating two sentences in all literature: “Et ils parlèrent un instant encore. Ils parlèrent lentement, avec bonheur, – avec amitié.” (“And they spoke a moment more. They spoke slowly, with happiness, – with friendship.”) (24)
Before starting a university course at the Sorbonne, Paul decides to return to France and search for Michelle.
For those who think Paul has done too little to find Michelle over the three years, in 1974 he would have had no passport separate from his father's and no means of travel from England to France without that parent's consent – a consent that clearly would never have been given. The dialogue between father and son at the start also indicates that Paul deliberately waited until he is old enough to escape his father's clutches.
Paul finally finds Michelle in Nice. In an odd misjudgement, Lewis Gilbert cuts from a near-wordless embrace (on a pedestrian crossing as car horns blare and traffic whizzes past) to some time later. What did Paul and Michelle say to each other on meeting after three years of separation? What did their eyes seek out and find in each other's?
This is the same failure of imagination as found in Le Grand Meaulnes, where Alain-Fournier has Augustin Meaulnes and Yvonne de Galais, after having passed each other several times in the woods and gardens of the château, finally meet and talk by the lake. Every reader is on tenterhooks about what they will say to each other, but, after the characters introduce themselves, Fournier opts out and delivers the most infuriating two sentences in all literature: “Et ils parlèrent un instant encore. Ils parlèrent lentement, avec bonheur, – avec amitié.” (“And they spoke a moment more. They spoke slowly, with happiness, – with friendship.”) (24)
Paul and Michelle |
What is soon learnt, however, is that Michelle is now living with an American airline employee, Garry (Keir Dullea). In full knowledge of her time with Paul, Garry has taken in both Michelle and her child, Sylvie. The unavoidable emotional tug-of-war begins, with Michelle leaving Garry to return with Paul and Sylvie to the domaine perdu of the white cottage in the Camargue. But the happiness they find there is only on the surface, and dark shadows gather. The varied close-ups of Michelle are unbearably sad, as if she alone senses what will befall them – a fear justified when the 32-year-old Garry arrives by car, penetrating the sanctity of their childhood Eden. One immediately knows much, if not all, is lost.
Paul then travels alone to Paris to set up home in a tiny attic apartment, in a student quarter filled with drug-taking hippie protesters. (Gilbert unfortunately shows his age in these scenes.) Michelle and Sylvie arrive later, adapting uneasily to the city lifestyle and the demands of supporting a family, which weighs heavily on Michelle and Paul (each working while the other takes turn to mind Sylvie).
The film is an almost unrelievedly bleak look at the crushing effects of a grey capitalist world on young love (Claude Renoir muting his photographic palette to chilling effect), and ends on yet another separation: Michelle and child returning to the cottage, and Paul staying in Paris to finish his degree. Despite promises of joint holidays and being together in three years' time, they look far more life-defeated than at the end of Friends, and no sequel has ever appeared to suggest that their now-illusive happiness has been regained or separately found. (25)
This impression is reinforced by the unleavened hand of Gilbert who sets up many negative parallels between the two films: the natural home birth is 'replaced' with an illegal abortion in a hospital; Paul's job in a picturesque vineyard full of wonderfully warm Frenchmen becomes back-breaking toil in an industrial meat-packing plant; and so on. It is almost as if Gilbert is punishing the audience for having believed in the possibility of Friends. (This Catholic-like turnabout is also found in Le Grand Meaulnes and in many other tales of lost domains and loves unregained.) No wonder so few at the time wanted to see his new film (just as many re-readers of Le Grand Meaulnes falter after the première partie, unwilling to face again what follows).
That said, Paul and Michelle is an always interesting film, even if the story feels unfinished, like a novel where the final chapters have fallen loose. Paul and Michelle's story is too special to not want more ... to not want to return to that most special of places and once again believe that love can overcome all.
Paul then travels alone to Paris to set up home in a tiny attic apartment, in a student quarter filled with drug-taking hippie protesters. (Gilbert unfortunately shows his age in these scenes.) Michelle and Sylvie arrive later, adapting uneasily to the city lifestyle and the demands of supporting a family, which weighs heavily on Michelle and Paul (each working while the other takes turn to mind Sylvie).
The film is an almost unrelievedly bleak look at the crushing effects of a grey capitalist world on young love (Claude Renoir muting his photographic palette to chilling effect), and ends on yet another separation: Michelle and child returning to the cottage, and Paul staying in Paris to finish his degree. Despite promises of joint holidays and being together in three years' time, they look far more life-defeated than at the end of Friends, and no sequel has ever appeared to suggest that their now-illusive happiness has been regained or separately found. (25)
This impression is reinforced by the unleavened hand of Gilbert who sets up many negative parallels between the two films: the natural home birth is 'replaced' with an illegal abortion in a hospital; Paul's job in a picturesque vineyard full of wonderfully warm Frenchmen becomes back-breaking toil in an industrial meat-packing plant; and so on. It is almost as if Gilbert is punishing the audience for having believed in the possibility of Friends. (This Catholic-like turnabout is also found in Le Grand Meaulnes and in many other tales of lost domains and loves unregained.) No wonder so few at the time wanted to see his new film (just as many re-readers of Le Grand Meaulnes falter after the première partie, unwilling to face again what follows).
That said, Paul and Michelle is an always interesting film, even if the story feels unfinished, like a novel where the final chapters have fallen loose. Paul and Michelle's story is too special to not want more ... to not want to return to that most special of places and once again believe that love can overcome all.
For a moment or two there was only one time, and it was not the present, but that of the domaine perdu, the so impossible to find; yet once found, so impossible to forget. (26)
© Scott Murray, 2005