Opera House presents ‘Tribute to Elton John’
Tuesday, September 7, 2010 12:03 AM EDT
Lee Alverson’s Tribute to Elton John (Submitted photo)
Elton John is one of the best performers out there. But most will never have the opportunity to see him rock the piano and hit notes - like no other.
Lee Alverson’s Tribute to Elton John, who is endorsed as the world’s Number 1 Elton John Tribute by United Tribute Artists International, has appeared at casinos up and down the Las Vegas strip and shared the stage with Barry Manilow and The Beach Boys.
Lee Alverson will be performing Saturday at the Rockwood Mill Shoppes & Opera House. A buffet dinner, catered by Oakhurst Tea Room, will be served at 6 p.m. Advance reservations are required and can be made by calling 926-4546.
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You may wonder, what happened to our “friends” at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame?
They’re meeting on September 13th to have the annual fight over who will get onto the ballot and who won’t. As usual, it will be a slugfest between Jann Wenner‘s minions and the few independent voices left on the nominating committee.
I’m told that Leon Russell‘s chances have gotten a lot better since Elton John made an album with him and went on tour together. Elton has petitioned everyone on the nominating committee for Russell. His induction is long overdue. Russell is not only a seminal influence as a rocker, but he wrote some of the best pop songs ever including “A Song for You” and “This Masquerade.”
But that leaves a lot of question marks. Sting is eligible this year as a solo artist. He’s had had too many hits and influenced so much of the music business that he’s the only cinch.
From there things look bleak. Wenner and company have made a point of skipping over some key people from the late 70s to the mid 80s. Cyndi Lauper should be in. The Cars have been overlooked. Dire Straits and Mark Knopfler, as well.
Then there’s the holdovers from the 70s. Wenner bears everyone a grudge for something, so this group is hard to navigate. Chicago, Hall & Oates, Carly Simon, Linda Ronstadt, The Moody Blues and Todd Rundgren are on that list.
Going backwards, there are a whole roster of important musicians and stars, many of whom are now gone including Billy Preston and Mary Wells. Dionne Warwick, Chuck Wills, Chubby Checker. and so on. And let’s not forget Neil Diamond and Neil Sedaka.
Or, of course, the nominating committee can choose from a list of one hit wonders who first released albums in 1985. We love ‘em but still: Fine Young Cannibals, til Tuesday, and Simply Red. If they’re not available, Pet Shop Boys are ready and waiting from last year.
And PS Isn’t it time for producers to be honored? Phil Ramone, Richard Perry, Richard Gottherer, Russ Titelman, Lenny Waronker, Tommy LiPuma, and posthumously Arif Mardin and Tom Dowd are just a few that come to mind.
Barbara Walters, David Letterman talk 'heart to heart' on 'The View'
It was 'Welcome Back, Barbara' day at
The View as the show kicked off its 14th season this morning. Barbara Walters, 80, returned to her job after having heart valve replacement surgery in May."I. Feel. Fine," she said, explaining that people keep saying, "How ARE you?" but there's no need to be gentle with her.
We were in the audience and can tell you that she looked genuinely moved as she watched a reel with taped greetings from celebs including
Elton John, David Beckham, Martha Stewart and Justin Bieber. And she got "heart to heart" with first-time
View guest David Letterman.
After they swapped surgery stories, Letterman was asked if he'd be watching Conan O'Brien's new show in November and he said yes. But, no, he said doesn't watch his own show. "Why should I be different from the rest of the country?" he cracked. Whoopi asked if he would ever host the Oscars again after his 1995 stint and he said, "No, I kinda sucked" at the job. "I had my shot; I screwed it up."
Elisabeth asked him if he'd like to have more kids, now that son Harry is 6. And he said "Yes," noting that the family had just gotten a new dog, named Sully, who was giving them a hard time. When Walters asked what kind of dog it was, Letterman said, "Part yellow lab, part crime lab."
There was also a quiet moment when Whoopi Goldberg spoke about her mother Emma Johnson's passing on Aug. 29. "One of the great women," said Whoopi. "My brother and I were lucky to have her in our lives. I'm not sad because she had a great time. ... I'm sad when I think, "Who will love me the way that she did?'"

Luciano Ligabue (a Bari l’11 settembre), Fiorello (a Bari il 18 settembre), Elton John (a Trani il 22 settembre). Sono questi i prossimi tre grandi eventi che scandiscono il mese di settembre. I biglietti per assistere agli spettacoli sono disponibili presso la libreria Tranilibri, in via delle Crociate 54 (0883/480316). I tickets per lo spettacolo del baronetto inglese al Monastero stanno letteralmente andando a ruba. Fra le rivendite Ticketone e quelle Bookingshow sono stati già venduti complessivamente 2000 biglietti. L’organizzazione sottolinea che non vi è nessuna differenza di prezzo tra i due circuiti.
Da Tranilibri, rivenditore ufficiale Ticketone, è possibile acquistare anche i biglietti del Bari calcio e di tutti i più importanti spettacoli che troveranno posto nelle rassegne nazionali della stagione ormai alle porte. Nella libreria tranese si possono comprare i biglietti per alcune delle rassegne del Teatroteam di Bari (il segmento Nonsoloprosa, The musical show, Danza & danza) oltre che alcuni imperdibili fuori programma come Il tour della Playhouse Disney (a dicembre) ed il nuovo spettacolo di Corrado Guzzanti (ad aprile). Il programma è consultabile su Internet ( http://www.teatroteam.it/) e riserva eventi imperdibili tra cui il musical della Divina Commedia, il musical Aladin ed una rivisitazione teatrale de La Ciociara di Alberto Moravia.
Da Tranilibri inoltre è possibile acquistare i biglietti per il musical La Bella e la bestia in programma il 12 dicembre al teatro Brancaccio di Roma. Da non perdere. |
Elton John prépare une comédie musicale politique
Elton John, pas trop créatif ces dernières années en tant que chanteur, semble préférer les gros projets et notamment les comédies musicales. Cette fois il nous prépare une comédie musicale adaptée du classique de l’écrivain Britannique
George Orwell « La ferme des animaux »
Dans cette fable politique, l’auteur se moquait des dictatures en faisant des animaux de la ferme des doubles des politiciens de son temps et leur faisait notamment dire
« tous les animaux sont égaux mais certains sont plus égaux que d’autres. »
Elton John va travailler avec le librettiste
Lee Hall avec qui il avait déjà adapté le film
Billy Elliott à la scène et selon lui cette fable noire et cynique était parfaite pour notre époque…
PHOTO FLASH: Faith Prince and Billy Elliot Second National Tour Cast Begin Rehearsals
Kylend Hetheringon, Daniel Russell, Faith Prince,
Lex Ishimoto, and Michael Dameski
(© Kevin Thomas Garcia) |
Rehearsals have begun for the second national tour of
Billy Elliot the Musical, which
as previously reported will launch in Durham, NC at the Triangle's DPAC, October 30 - November 14. Giuseppe Bausilio, Michael Dameski, Kylend Hetherington, Lex Ishimoto, and Daniel Russell will alternate in the title role. The cast also features Tony Award winner
Faith Prince (Mrs. Wilkinson), Rich Hebert (Dad), Patti Perkins (Grandma), Jeff Kready (Tony), Joel Blum (George), Griffin Birney and Jacob Zelonky (Michael), and Rachel Mracna (Debbie).
The ensemble will include Maximilien A. Baud, Craig Bennett, Kirrilee Berger, Michael Biren, Damien Brett, Samantha Cutler, Jason DePinto, Jennifer Evans, J. Austin Eyer, Andrew Fitch, Kurt Froman, Mary Giattino, Cassidy Hagel, Regan Haley, David Hibbard, Karen Hyland, Aaron Kaburick, Nicholas Lampiasi, Rebecca Marlowe, Katie Micha, Alec Osher, Vanessa Russo, Nathan Scherich, Nicholas Sipes, Dorothy Stanley, Kristopher Thompson-Bolden, Beatrice Tulchin, Genai Veal, Olivia Wang, Beverly Ward, Patrick Wetzel, Branch Woodman, Katrina Yaukey, and Danielle Znutas.
Based on the 2000 film of the same name,
Billy Elliot tells the tale of a young boy with a dream of being a dancer. The show won 10 Tony Awards, including Best Musical; it is written by Elton John (music) and Lee Hall (book and lyrics).
Smagsprøve på Elton Johns nye stil
07-09-10: 15:28 | af: WENN

Elton John
Foto: Scanpix
Det spændt ventede album fra Elton John og Leon Russell nærmer sig og makkerparret har nu udsendt den første smagsprøve i form af singlen "If It Wasn't for Bad".
Her synger de begge og trakterer hver sit flygel.
Den britiske popstjerne og hans amerikanske kollega arbejder saammen for første gang siden 1970. Resultatet bliver CD'en "The Union", der kommer på gaden i næste måned.
John har kaldt pladen "et forsøg på at lægge afstand til popmuikken", og singlen skulle give svaret på, om det er lykkedes den britiske hitsnedker.
Albummet er produceret af T-Bone Burnett og de to veteraner har desuden fået bistand af Johns mangeårige tekstforfatter Bernie Taupin.
De har også bedt et par jævnaldrende med-legender medvirke på pladen, nemlig Neil Young og Beach Boys-stjernen Brian Wilson.
"The Union" udsendes i USA den 19. oktober mens de europæiske fans må vente en uge længere.
Næste år følger de herrer albummet op med en fælles turné.
Monday, September 6, 2010