
slideshow - MUTE , No sound

quinta-feira, 21 de julho de 2011


A Trajetória do cantor Britânico Elton John e seu letrista Bernie Taupin
ao longo de 06 Décadas, através de imagens, áudios, vídeos, textos e animações.



As letras de Bernie geralmente vinham com uma linha de ação determinada para Elton , quase que impressa nelas.Havia uma seqüência de cenas e imagens contidas nas letras que eram trabalhadas na mente de Elton John de forma a retratar os sentimentos ali retratados. Isso tornava o trabalho dos dois perfeito.

Photo Foto de Maxine Feibelman

O casal foi o primeiro a escutar a canção, quando foram ao apartamento de Elton em visita.

Photo Foto de Maxine Feibelman

Foi uma surpresa para Bernie e principalmente para Maxine que não sabia do teor da canção mas que foi se reconhecendo durante a narrativa da canção TINY DANCER. Primeiro seus olhos eram só para Elton e seus dedos no teclado, depois para Bernie. Ele colocou o dedo indicador sobre os lábios como a dizer que ouvisse a música até o fim.

Photo Foto de Maxine Feibelman e Bernie Taupin

Maxine olhou novamente para Elton que cantou os últimos versos olhando para ela..

Photo Foto de Maxine Feibelman, em foto recente

A aprovação do casal foi o sinal que Elton desejava.

Elton John leaves the stage at Kooyong Tennis Centre 1971

Os planos de Elton a mudar totalmente sua vida continuavam.

Mudou legalmente seu nome.não se chamava mais Reginald Kenneth Dwght, seu nome no registro de nascimento foi alterado para ELTON HERCULES JOHN, seu nome oficial até hoje.

Outro desses planos foi encontrar uma casa digna de seu futuro brilhante. Com seu advogado procurou nos bairros mais elegantes de Londres e encontrou uma suntuosa mansão que batizou de HERK, uma abreviação de seu nome do meio, agora, HERCULES.

Feliz com a mudança, Elton começou a construir dentro de sua mansão um sonho de anos. Como grande apreciador de arte, levou todos os quadros que não cabiam mais em seu apartamento, além de seus discos, aparelhos de som, jukebox.


Nos estúdios tudo estava também mudando. Se nas entrevistas Elton afirmava que sua carreira seria curta, nos estúdios ele se tornava cada vez mais exigente.

Com o apoio de Paul Buckmaster começaram a preparar os arranjamentos do novo álbum. Em pouco tempo estava tudo pronto para iniciarem as gravações  e a banda começou a se entrosar com as novas canções a fim de gravarem nos estúdios TRIDENT.

Entre os diversos profissionais que se juntam para a confecção desse trabalho estava RICK WAKEMAN, muito conhecido na década de 70 no termo que se chamaria ROCK ERUDITO.

Fotos Rick Wakeman

Richard "Rick" Christopher Wakeman (Londres, 18 de maio de 1949) é um tecladista de rock progressivo britânico. Ele é um pianista clássico treinado, e tornou-se bastante famoso por sua virtuosidade. Nos primeiros anos de sua carreira ele foi um pioneiro no uso de teclados eletrônicos e seu nome tornou-se sinônimo de tecladista cercado por uma vasta gama de equipamentos.

Wakeman alcançou a fama em 1970 tocando com a banda The Strawbs, juntando-se ao Yes em 1971. Ele entrou e saiu da banda pelo menos quatro vezes, reflexo de um relacionamento turbulento com o grupo. Em 2002 ele voltou ao Yes pela quinta vez.

Wakeman tem uma carreira solo extremamente longa e prolífica, mas raramente bem-sucedida. Ele também tocou como músico convidado para artistas como Elton John, Lou Reed, David Bowie e Black Sabbath.

Outro rapaz que chamou atenção pelo talento vinha de um grupo chamado MAGNA CARTA, chamado de DAVEY JOHNSTONE.


Davey aos sete anos aprendeu a tocar violino, com doze guitarra e aos dezesseis tocava bandolim e banjo entrando para o grupo de Noel Murphy. Estava também no  Drught Todrege, mas estava no MAGNA CARTA quando foi convidado para essa gravação com Elton John.

Davey estava com vinte anos então, mas já tinha muita experiência e talento.

Em um dos intervalos das gravações , enquanto tomava café com Gus, Elton perguntou:

-         Onde vocês arranjaram tanta gente boa? Esse garoto Davey é ótimo

-         Davey Johnstone? Ele é muito bom mesmo...

-         Ele já tem grupo? Toca para alguém?

-         Ele toca com um grupo chamado MAGNA CARTA

-         Puxa... falou Elton, pensativo.

Gus olhou para ele e tirou os óculos.

- Quer desembuchar, homem? No que você está pensando?

Em nada...só acho que se tivéssemos alguém como ele na banda iria fazer uma diferença enorme nos nossos shows.Um guitarrista me daria a oportunidade de improvisos. Estamos apenas com baixo e bateria me acompanhando... Dee Murray e Nigel Olsson são ótimos, mas… a guitarra do cara fala!

-         Canta, consertou Gus.

Depois que parte da banda foi embora junto com os técnicos Gus pediu para Davey ir falar com ele no escritório.

-         Que está achando? Gus perguntou.

-         Do quê?

-         De estar trabalhando com Elton.

-         Legal, um grande músico e profissional. Já assisti alguns shows dele, vocês estão com a faca e o queijo na mão. Elton é ótimo.

-         Quer fazer parte desse queijo?

-         Quem eu?

-         Precisamos de um guitarrista fixo e você é muito bom

Davey pensou um minuto e disse:

-         Pra te falar a verdade até que gostaria mas tenho compromissos com meu grupo, até o final do ano.

-         Tudo bem, ele não vai gravar outro álbum até o final do ano, além do mais você pode mesclar suas apresentações com o Magna Carta com as de Elton... Te aviso das datas...

-         Mas e Elton, ta sabendo disso?

-         A idéia foi dele mesmo.

-         -Sério?

-         Não costumo brincar com profissionais nem o Elton. Ele te quer na banda e sabemos que você dá conta do recado.

-         Nunca recebi tanto elogios... na verdade não estava muito satisfeito com meu trabalho no Magna Carta.

-         Então ficamos conversados,voltamos em breve a nos falar., disse Gus, apertando a mão de Davey.

Tumbleweed Connection

Álbum de estúdio por Elton John
Lançamento 30 de Outubro de 1970
Gravação Trident Studios, Londres, Março de 1970
Gênero(s) Rock
Duração 46:56
Formato LP
Gravadora(s) DJM Records
Uni (EUA/Canadá)
Produção Gus Dudgeon
Cronologia de Elton John
Elton John
Madman Across the Water
Tumbleweed Connection é o terceiro álbum de estúdio do cantor e compositor britânico Elton John, lançado em 1970.
Com exceção de "Love Song", escrito e composto por Lesley Duncan, as letras foram escritas por Bernie Taupin, enquanto que a música foi composta por Elton John. Nos Estados Unidos, o trabalho conseguiu status de "Disco de Ouro" sem nem mesmo lançar um único single.
Em 2003 a revista Rolling Stone classificou este álbum como o 455° em sua lista de 500 melhores discos de todos os tempos.
Em 2008 uma versão de luxo do álbum foi lançada, contendo um disco extra com demos de piano e versões ao vivo das faixas do álbum original.


Todas as músicas de Elton John e Bernie Taupin, exceto quando indicado.
[editar]Lado 1
"Ballad of a Well-Known Gun" – 4:59
"Come Down in Time" – 3:25
"Country Comfort" – 5:06
"Son of Your Father" – 3:48
"My Father's Gun" – 6:20
[editar]Lado 2
"Where to Now St. Peter?" – 4:11
"Love Song" ([Lesley Duncan]) – 3:41
"Amoreena" – 5:00
"Talking Old Soldiers" – 4:06
"Burn Down the Mission" – 6:22
[editar]Bonus tracks (1995 CD reissue)
"Into the Old Man's Shoes" – 4:02
"Madman Across the Water" [Versão original] – 8:52
[editar]Bonus tracks (2008 Deluxe Edition)
"There Goes A Well Known Gun" [Versão alternativa de "Ballad of a Well-Known Gun"] - 3:27
"Come Down in Time" [Piano demo] - 3:21
"Country Comfort" [Piano demo] - 4:12
"Son Of Your Father" [Piano demo] - 4:13
"Talking Old Soldiers" [Piano demo] - 4:13
"Into the Old Man's Shoes" [Piano demo] -3:40
"Sisters of the Cross" [Piano demo] - 4:38
"Madman Across the Water" [Versão original] – 8:52
"Into the Old Man's Shoes" - 4:06
"My Father's Gun" [BBC session] - 3:43
"Ballad of a Well-Known Gun" [BBC session] - 4:36
"Burn Down the Mission" [BBC session] - 6:52
"Amoreena" [BBC session] - 5:12

Elton John
Madeline Bell
Paul Buckmaster
Caleb Quaye
Roger Pope
Dee Murray
Nigel Olsson
Dave Glover
Barry Morgan
Tony Burrows
Brian Dee
Ian Duck
Lesley Duncan
Mike Egan
Herbie Flowers
Kay Garner
Dusty Springfield
Mick Ronson

Gus Dudgeon – produtor
Robin Geoffrey Cable – engenheiro
Gus Skinas – edição
Ricky Graham – digitalização
Greg Penny – surround mix
Bernie Taupin – letras
Paul Buckmaster – arranjos
David Larkham – direção de arte, design, design de capa
David Larkham, Barry Wentzell – fotografia
John Tobler – notas

Bernie Taupin é um dos principais fatores para o sucesso de Elton
John nos Estados Unidos, e daí para o mundo.

Ao chegar em 1970 à América Elton John não era um artista situado com
os temas ou universo americano, em geral.
As canções encontradas no álbum "ELTON JOHN" eram sérias e SOTURNAS
(First Episode At Hienton), beirando, o trágico (The King Must Die).

Em questão de poucas semanas após sua chegada BERNIE TAUPIN entendeu
que o caminho que Elton John deveria trilhar não deveria ser esse: De
ser um compositor lúgubre.

Encarregou-se, então, de traçar toda um percurso para suas carreiras:
Adotou, então, temas folclóricos, tradicionais da cultura norte-
americana. Os sonhos, desejos, vontades, atitudes, história, lendas e
artes passaram, então, a ser uma constante em sua obra.
TUMBLEWEED CONNECTION era o primeiro álbum, na seqüência, a retratar
toda a cultura norte americana. Um álbum COUNTRY, FOLK onde o
espírito aventureiro americano era reinante.

Canções como: Ballad Of A Well-Known Gun , Country Comfort ,Son Of
Your Father ,My Father's Gun ,Where To Now St. Peter? Amoreena,
Talking Old Soldiers e Burn Down The Mission, especificamente
(retirei algumas faixas) representam a ALMA norte-americana, seja seu
gosto pelas armas, as guerras civis, retratadas por conversas
narrativas, seja pelas canções românticas que retratavam o ambiente

Os encartes, também, complementavam essa sintonia entre canção e

No encarte do LP em BURN DOWN THE MISSION existe uma imagem de
soldados erguendo a bandeira americana, em clara alusão à guerra
civil entre o norte e o sul. Apesar de a tradução da canção não ter
uma linha definida e clara, julgo, ainda (posso estar errado) que o
tema centrado ali é a guerra civil.


Você diz que há um anjo em sua árvore
Ele disse que veio pra me convocar?
Pois as coisas estão ficando desesperadas lá em casa
Vivendo na Paróquia dos caras mais inquietos que conheço

Traga sua família pro lado do rio
Olhe pra oeste pra ver onde esconderam os estoques
Por trás de quatro paredes de pedra o homem rico dorme
Chegou a hora de tocarmos fogo em suas posses.

Incendiemos a Missão (Igreja Missionária)
Se quisermos ficar vivos
Assista a fumaça escura voar pro paraíso
Veja a chama rubra iluminar o céu

No meio da floresta os esquilos estão passeando hoje
Minha mulher chorou quando me levaram embora
Mas o que mais eu podia fazer para aquecê-la,
A não ser queimar, queimar, as paredes da Igreja.


Veja bem que os termos "Ele disse que veio pra me convocar?" e "Minha
mulher chorou quando me levaram embora" refere-se à convocação ao
exército. A ilustração junto à canção complementa esse meu
raciocínio, que não quer dizer que seja o correto.

A resposta do povo americano foi imediata: levou Elton John
rapidamente ao topo das listas em um álbum nada comercial. Agora
Elton John era CULT.

1971 trouxe o lançamento de 04 álbuns e por conseqüência, um excesso
de exposição. Adotado pela critica, elogiado por vários superstars,
só lhe faltava o salto decisivo para a fama. Assim, em janeiro desse
ano Elton John volta à carga com um novo lp: TUMBLEWEED CONNECTION. O
objetivo era recriar a América e o disco tinha tudo para isso, se
inclinando para o CONTRY & WESTERN. O oportunismo do título era
claro: o filme THE FRENCH CONNECTION (Operação França), um clássico
no cinema do ano anterior, ganhando um OSCAR, se somava ao sucesso
das tiras WESTERN dos TUMBLEWEEDS (Aqui no Brasil intituladas
como "KID FAROFA"), quadrinhos de enorme aceitação nos Estados Unidos.
TUMBLEWWED foi para a América e para os americanos, diretamente em um
contexto sobre sua cultura.

Naquele mesmo ano Elton lançou canções bem rock´n´roll, diferentes
MADONNA eram canções que revitalizaram seu repertório.

Menu dos Capítulos
Capítulo 01 clique aqui  Prefácio Pinner
Capítulo 02 clique aqui  Nasce Elton John
Capítulo 03 clique aqui  Nasce Bernie Taupin
Capítulo 04 clique aqui  O vaqueiro Sujo
Capítulo 05 clique aqui  Bitter Fingers ( Bluesology)
Capítulo 06 clique aqui  SURGE LONG JOHN BALDRY
Capítulo 07 clique aqui  O encontro com Bernie Taupin 
Capítulo 08 clique aqui  Torre de Babel
Capítulo 09 clique aqui  Alguém salvou minha vida essa noite
Capítulo 13 clique aqui  Elton encontra o sucesso
Capítulo 16 clique aqui  Surge Davey Johnstone
Capítulo 17 clique aqui  Madman Across The Water
Capítulo 18 clique aqui 
Château D´Hierouville
Capítulo 19 clique aqui  HONKY CHATEAU
Capítulo 20 clique aqui  Não atire em mim sou apenas o pianista
Capítulo 21 clique aqui  Rocket Records
Capítulo 22 clique aqui  A Transformação
Capítulo 23 clique aqui  O lançamento da ROCKET RECORDS
Capitulo 24 clique aqui  O LANÇAMENTO DA ROCKET RECORDS II
Capítulo 25 clique aqui  Ray Cooper
Capítulo 26 clique aqui  GOODBYE YELLOW BRICK ROAD
Capítulo 27 clique aqui  O sucesso muda as pessoas, quem não muda?
Capítulo 28 clique aqui  WATFORD F.C.
Capítulo 29 clique aqui  Tommy , o filme
Capítulo 30 clique aqui  1974
Deseja ser avisado dos novos capítulos via e-mail? escreva para e solicite o alerta para BIOGRAFIA



Rocket man gives Oshawa a boost

Published On Wed Jul 20 2011

Elton John and partner David Furnish appear at the Toronto premiere of the musical Billy Elliott earlier this year. It will be Oshawa's turn to host John in September.
Elton John and partner David Furnish appear at the Toronto premiere of the musical Billy Elliott earlier this year. It will be Oshawa's turn to host John in September.
Carola Vyhnak Urban Affairs Reporter
Sir Elton John is coming to the birthplace of his “old gold Chevy.”
And lawdy mama, the excitement in Oshawa is in overdrive with news of the pop superstar’s concert in just 50 days.
“To have a living legend of the calibre of Elton John coming to Oshawa to do what he does is huge,” gushes Mayor John Henry. “And when he plays Crocodile Rock, it’ll be amazing.”
It’s been almost 40 years of hoppin’ and boppin’ to the song that mentions an “old gold Chevy,” and while the singer/songwriter may not have made the connection to Oshawa, the concert promoter certainly has.
“It’s home of the McLaughlin car,” says Riley O’Connor, referring to the automobile manufacturing company started by Sam McLaughlin in 1907, which became General Motors of Canada. “It’s a city of historical significance and the car manufacturing capital of the country.”
O’Connor, chairman of Live Nation Canada, has been working on bringing the “royalty of rock ’n’ roll” to the city of 152,000 for five years.
“It’s thrilling,” he says of finally booking the “Greatest Hits Live” show at the General Motors Centre on Sept. 9.
Tickets for the roughly 6,400 seats are expected to be snapped up in mere minutes when they go on sale for $91.50 and $151.50 at 10 a.m. Friday.
The concert, one of four stops in Canada on John’s current tour, is part of his game plan to play smaller markets, says O’Connor. The GM Centre was recently ranked 18th in the world for venues with a 5,000- to 10,000-seat capacity by Venues Today magazine.
Sir Elton is just the rocket man to blast the city into a happy place in the wake of last week’s loss of hundreds of jobs at a defunct call centre, says Henry. The event is another sign that Oshawa is open for business and that “we are very much an exciting community.”
He credited the KISS concert in October 2009 for putting the 5-year-old downtown arena on the map as a viable venue “with great sound.” Recent headliners include Alan Jackson, Great Big Sea and Sarah Brightman.
But there was no expectation to see anyone of John’s stature, says O’Connor, 60, who first visited the city to watch junior hockey games as a Montreal teenager.
It’s “absolutely important” to the solo artist to know about the places where he performs, adds the entertainment mogul. With a career spanning five decades and including 35 gold and 25 platinum albums, John has played almost 3,000 concerts worldwide.
Now add the ’Shwa, where they’re already feeling the love tonight.

Lawdy mama, Elton coming

  jacques boissinot/the canadian press
Tickets for Elton John’s concert in Oshawa are expected to be snapped up in minutes when they go on sale Friday.
Published: July 21, 2011 5:30 a.m.
Last modified: July 20, 2011 10:07 p.m.

Sir Elton John is coming to the birthplace of his “old gold Chevy.” And the excitement in Oshawa is in overdrive with news of the pop superstar’s upcoming Greatest Hits Live show.

“When he plays Crocodile Rock, it’ll be amazing,” an ecstatic Mayor John Henry said yesterday.

The song mentions an “old gold Chevy,” and while Sir Elton may not have made the connection to Oshawa, the concert promoter certainly has.

“It’s home of the McLaughlin car,” says Riley O’Connor, referring to the auto company started by Sam McLaughlin in 1907, which became General Motors of Canada.

“It’s thrilling,” he says of finally booking the show after five years of trying.

Music legend Elton John brightens a rainy day

editorial image Elton John perfoms at Magic Summer Live at Hatfield House.
I HAVE finally dried out after getting a thorough soaking at Magic Summer Live on Sunday.
The one-day festival was blighted by torrential downpours during the afternoon and a constant drizzle throughout the evening.
But the weather didn’t dampen spirits on stage or in the 20,000-strong crowd, which was a sea of umbrellas.
We missed earlier acts due to a mammoth queue for the car park, which was almost stationary.
But we made it into the arena in time for girl band The Pierces, which suffered a few sound glitches but seemed to be well-received by the hardcore fans at the very front.
We stood near to the back for Rumer – much of which was unfortunately drowned out by the loud music from the funfair to our right – but I enjoyed her performance of music which very much reminded me of Morcheeba.
And The Lighthouse Family was a real blast from the past.
But for me, it was music legend and headline act Elton John who made the soggy jeans and endless queues worthwhile.
The superstar hit the stage with Saturday Night’s Alright (For Fighting) and delivered again and again with a set full of mega hits and crowd-pleasers including Yellow Brick Road, Sacrifice, I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues, Rocketman and Tiny Dancer.
I loved how appreciative he was of his audience, giving a little bow and thanks to each section of the crowd.
My only criticism was that at some points we couldn’t hear what he was saying between songs.
But frankly, I was so thrilled by the set list and infectious energy he threw into it, that I was still dancing even when the tracks finished.
Your Song was the perfect finish to a Elton fan’s dream show.
Exiting was much more successful than entering, and we left with a spring in our steps and a smile.
And, luckily, the sneaky alternative car park we had found at another entrance to the site meant we managed to avoid a similar nightmare coming home.

Elton John Beginning Work On New Album

Elton John Working with Bernie Taupin and T Bone Burnett

Elton John – who has revamped his old Rocket Records label through a new business, the Rocket Music Entertainment Group, with artists James Blunt, Lily Allen, Leon Russell and Ed Sheeran – has said he’ll begin his new album with T Bone Burnett next January.
According to a new interview in Music Weekmagazine, Sir Elton said: “We’ve booked two weeks in the studio in January and Bernie is writing as we speak and I just want to make an album of good songs. I’m just going to go in the studio and write and see what happens and maybe just write before I go in and I really enjoyed working with T Bone and look forward to that experience again.”
He also said he was delighted to see Leon Russell’s career back on track after their collaboration on TheUnion last year.
“He’s got money in the bank, his fees have gone up, he’s happy,” said Elton. “He now wants to make a record to define himself, so it opened the door for him in a big way. Everything I wanted to do [with him] has been achieved. He’s got his respect back. My main concern was he was being neglected and forgotten about and he wasn’t just a one-track writer. He wrote so many great songs and was so integral on other people’s records.”

Elton John Beginning Work On New Album
Elton John is beginning the process of work on a new album to be released next year. He told Music Week in a recent interview that he has booked studio time for January, and that the new album will be comprised of songs written with Bernie Taupin.  Elton said ‘Bernie is writing as we speak and I just want to make an album of good songs.’

T-Bone Burnett is on board as producer. Elton indicated that he really enjoyed working with him on his last album with Leon Russell, the critically acclaimed ‘The Union’.  
Music Week magazine - July 18, 2012
July 19, 2011
By John F. Higgins/
Fans of Elton John have two new recordings to look forward to, although there will be some waiting involved.

It was announced last week that on October 18th, Shout! Factory will release T Bone Burnett Presents: The Speaking Clock Revue – a live CD from the benefit concert organized by the Oscar-winning producer at New York's Beacon Theatre last fall. In addition to Elton and Leon Russell performing Monkey Suit, the 11-song disc will include performances by Elvis Costello, Gregg Allman, Jeff Bridges, and the balance of the show's remarkable line-up.

And, according to an in-depth interview now appearing on Music Week magazine's website, Elton will be returning to the studio in January, 2012, to record new songs (for which Bernie Taupin is currently writing lyrics) with producer T Bone Burnett.

You can read the entire Music Week interview, which also discusses Elton's newly formed Rocket Music Entertainment Group, here.

Camping out for Elton John tickets

Several people were lined up outside Credit Union Place since Thursday morning, some as early as 26 hours before the box office opened, in hopes of securing tickets for Elton John's Sept. 14 concert in Summerside. The eager ticket buyers passed the time by playing Scrabble and eating servings of fish and chips courtesy of Gentleman Jim's. The box office opens at 10 a.m. Friday. Stephen Brun/Journal Pioneer

Several people were lined up outside Credit Union Place since Thursday morning, some as early as 26 hours before the box office opened, in hopes of securing tickets for Elton John's Sept. 14 concert in Summerside. The eager ticket buyers passed the...

    Published on July 21, 2011
Stephen Brun  RSS Feed
The Journal Pioneer

SUMMERSIDE – It was “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road” and hello sidewalk lineup at Credit Union Place on Thursday.

Dozens of Elton John fans camped outside the arena’s box office early to get the first crack at tickets for the entertainer’s September concert in Summerside.

Laurie Muttart of Seven Mile Bay was roughly 40th in line around 2 p.m. Thursday in anticipation of Friday’s box office opening.

When she heard this week's announcement that John would be coming to the city, Muttart sprang into action and chose her plan of attack.

“I mapped the floor plan, I thought about where I wanted to sit, how high I wanted to be, how short I am,” she laughed.

“I feel good about our seats. We'll have to keep an eye on them.”

All tickets for the Sept. 14 show go on sale Friday at 10 a.m. They can be purchased at the box office, by telephone at 432-1234, or online at

The city issued a release Thursday advising ticket buyers to create an online account on the website as early as possible before tickets go on sale.

All phone, box office and online tickets go on sale at exactly the same time.

Christine Arsenault of Wellington was the first in line outside Credit Union Place Thursday at 8 a.m.

Arsenault brought rain gear in case of inclement weather, and said she was prepared for a sleepless night outside the facility.

“It might take me a day to get over this, but it will be worth it. If I walk out tomorrow morning with tickets in my hand, I'll be happy. Who cares? One night of no sleep,” she said. “I thought I would see (Elton John) in Vegas, but I never thought I'd see him in Summerside. It's such a small venue, I can't believe he's coming here.”

Mobile toilets were brought in Thursday afternoon as the lineup accumulated outside.

Staff members from Gentleman Jim’s also provided free servings of fish and chips to the eager ticket buyers.

It was no doubt the first time many in the line have camped out for tickets, as was the case with Linda Waddell and her 17-year-old daughter Ellen.

The pair said they were discouraged by previous attempts to purchase Elton John tickets online when the singer played in Moncton and Halifax.

“We couldn't get them online the last time, so we decided to just come here,” said Linda. “Everybody will be there. One of my daycare kids wanted a ticket, and he's 10.”

Muttart, though, is no stranger to the ticket camp-out experience.

She's waited overnight outside the Halifax Metro Centre for tickets to both the bands Pearl Jam and Foo Fighters for performances in that city.

But she said neither of those bands could hold a candle to seeing an Elton John performance on P.E.I.

“It's a once-in-a-lifetime deal. Those bands could be going for another 20 years, and I don't think (Elton John) will go for 20 more years,” said Muttart. “If you're missing this, I think you're crazy.”

Elton John in Istanbul

British artist Elton John rocked Istanbul in Turkey and 6 time Grammy Award winning famous British artist Sir Elton John is coming to Turkey as part of his world tour. Sir Elton John is an English singer, composer and pianist. He has worked with lyricist Bernie Taupin as his songwriter partner since 1967; they have collaborated on more than 30 albums to date. John received a knighthood from HM Queen Elizabeth II for "services to music and charitable services" and became Sir Elton Hercules John, CBE in 1998.
In his four-decade career John has sold more than 250 million records, making him one of the most successful artists of all time. His single "Candle in the Wind 1997" has sold over 33 million copies worldwide, and is the best selling single in Billboard history.
Elton John event tickets has been sold between 550 YTL to 155 YTL in Istanbul and Ankara and many Turkish fans already has secured the tickets for great event before.
He has more than 50 Top 40 hits, including seven consecutive No. 1 US albums, 56 Top 40 singles, 16 Top 10, four No. 2 hits, and nine No. 1 hits.
Regarding to Turkish media Hurriyet; He has won six Grammy Awards, an Academy Award, a Golden Globe Award and a Tony Award. In 2004, Rolling Stone ranked him Number 49 on its list of the 100 greatest artists of all time.
Turkish music fans will have a chance to listen to a global legend this summer when British singer Sir Elton John comes to play in both Istanbul and Ankara.
As part of his world tour of 47 cities and 21 countries, John will take the stage in Istanbul on July 5 and in Ankara on July 6. John last played in Turkey 18 years ago.
The Istanbul concert will take place at the outdoor Maçka Küçükçiftlik Park. Music lovers holding tickets for the Club House section, which is being established for the concert, can sample the Chinese cuisine of Dragon Restaurant while also partaking in unlimited local and foreign beverages.
Ranked in the list of the 50 greatest artists of all time by Rolling Stone, John’s performance at the Ankara Arena will be one of the largest concerts in the Turkish capital to date. Fans in the Platinum and Gold sections will be efit from a tasty open buffet and beverages services at a special area before the concert.

July 14, 2011

Bob Birch on stage with Elton, Photo: Todd Kaplan

By John F. Higgins/
Elton's bassist, Bob Birch, celebrates his birthday today, July 14th. Tonight, Bob will be performing with the Elton John Band in Lucca, Italy. If you are lucky enough to be going to this concert, please be sure to sing him a 'Buon Compleanno!'
Bob, the youngest member of the band, has been Elton's bassist since 1992, when Davey asked him to join the tour to promote the album The One. Since then, Bob has toured the world with Elton and has also recorded the albums Made in England (where his first-takes earned him the nick-name, "Mr. Perfect"), The Big PictureThe Road to El DoradoPeachtree RoadThe Captain And The Kid, and the two new songs on the soundtrack to Gnomeo & Juliet. Bob is the bassist with the longest tenure in an Elton John band.
All of us at wish Bob a very happy birthday indeed.
Don't forget, if you are a Rocket Member, you can find out all about Bob - as well as all the past and present members of the Elton John Band - by visiting the Elton John Band Pages via the video screen on our home page.

Elton John rouses Atlantis crew - with Rocket Man

'Nauts toil to empty station bins, unload deliveries
The crew of space shuttle Atlantis were woken this morning by Elton John's Rocket Man, followed by a personal message from Britain's national musical treasure.
Sir Elton said: "Good morning, Atlantis, this is Elton John. We wish you much success on your mission. A huge thank you to all the men and women at NASA who worked on the shuttle for the last three decades."
Suitably encouraged, the combined Atlantis and International Space Station Expedition 28 crews will spend most of today continuing to shift boxes from the Raffaello multi-purpose logistics module.
When it arrived aboard the shuttle, Raffaello was packed with "9,403 pounds [4.26 metric tonnes] of spare parts, spare equipment, and other supplies – including 2,677 pounds of food – that will sustain space station operations for a year".
Once that's unloaded, the module will be filled with 5,600 pounds [2.54 tonnes] of redundant ISS gear and waste for return to Earth aboard Atlantis.
NASA ground operatives, meanwhile, have been busy providing the traditional stats on the last ever spacewalk of the shuttle era, carried out yesterday by Expedition 28 members Mike Fossum and Ron Garan.
The agency explains: "It was the 249th spacewalk by US astronauts, the seventh for Fossum, totaling 48 hours and 32 minutes, and the fourth for Garan, totaling 27 hours and 3 minutes. It was the 160th spacewalk in support of International Space Station assembly and maintenance, totaling 1009 hours, 9 minutes, and the 119th spacewalk out of station airlocks."
Fossum and Garan spent 6 hours and 31 minutes outside the orbiting outpost. During their excursion, they stowed a clapped-out ISS ammonia pump in Atlantis' cargo bay and installed the Robotic Refueling Mission (RRM) experiment.
NASA has the latest from Atlantis' final STS-135 mission here. ®

Elton John has reportedly been contacted by police investigating the News of the World phone hacking scandal.

image: Elton John Elton John
The 64 year-old and his partner David Furnish, 48, are thought to have been informed by officers that their phones were targeted.
A pal said to UK newspaper Daily Star: "David was horrified at having his fears confirmed. It seems these hackers were desperately trying to find out details of his life with Elton.
"They couldn't target Elton because he never used a mobile - he hates th

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