Sir Elton John
O show de Elton John no Sporting Club em Monte Carlo na noite de quarta feira foi interrompida por uma luta entre uma mulher de 70 anos de idade e uma loira de cerca de 30 anos, que estava obstruindo a visão da mulher mais velha. "As duas estavam vestindo o que pareciam ser joias de 70 quilates de diamantes e vestidos caros", disse uma testemunha. A mulher mais velha, apelidado de "70", começou a gritar em francês, e a mais jovem, mulher vociferou de volta. "Quando a jovem loira virou-se a de 70 agarrou seus cabelos e puxou a gigantesca loira". A testemunha diz que as duas "senhoras" saíram nos tapas até que a segurança chegou. Naquele momento, 70 lançou dois copos de champagne na Jovem Loira e foi escoltada para fora. "A coisa mais maluca era que Elton nunca parou de tocar. Ele percebeu a briga, mas continuou cantando: "Tiny Dancer ". Foi inacreditável. " Um representante de Elton John não fez nenhum comentário.

BY Florence Dubosc FOR FR2DAY.COM Aug 5, 2010

BY Sarah Bull FOR FR2DAY.COM Oct 22, 2009
Last updated: August 09, 2010
Elton John sings through violent concert catfight
- From: NewsCore
- August 08, 2010 4:53PM
TINY BRAWLER: Elton John stayed composed and kept singing Tiny Dancer during an all-out socialite brawl during a recent show. Source: AP
AN Elton John show has been interrupted by a bitter catfight between what were described as a 70-year-old woman and a 30-something blonde, who was obstructing the older woman's view, the New York Post revealed.
."The two of them were each wearing what looked like 70 carats of diamonds and ball gowns that looked equally expensive," said one witness to the recent MonteCarlo show.
The older woman, nicknamed "70," started barking in French, and the younger woman barked back.
"When Younger Blonde turned around, 70 grabbed her hair and pulled out a gigantic blonde weave," the witness said, adding that the two "ladies" slapped and kicked each other while still seated until security arrived.
It was at this time that 70 launched two glasses of champagne at Younger Blonde and was escorted out.
"The crazy thing was that Elton never missed a beat. He noticed the brawl but kept on singing 'Tiny Dancer.' It was unbelievable," gushed the witness.
Sir Elton brings a little touch of magic to Monte-Carlo Florence Dubosc FOR FR2DAY.COM Aug 5, 2010
Elton John is bringing his brilliance to Monaco as he is performing this week at the Sporting Club's 'Salle Des Etoiles' concert hall. Dressed in a black glittery suit and red shirt and wearing (of course!) some funky dark glasses, Sir Elton showed off last Tuesday for the second of five almost sold-out shows his musical mastery on the piano and totally connected with the assembled audience with his beautiful music and lyrics.
For more than two hours, he played and sang awesomely, with a passion still intact after a career that started more than forty years ago. It is impressive to see that no matter how many times the 60-year-old musician has performed these songs he still manages to sound as if he means every word of them.
Most artists are accompanied by a band and have a couple of backing singers and big screens in the background, but this was not the case for Elton John. First alone on the piano, he was soon joined by Ray Cooper, a road-tour percussionist, who has also worked with Pink Floyd, Sting, George Harrison, The Who, The Rolling Stones and Eric Clapton. The two friends revisited some of the musician's biggest hits: "Your Song", "Sorry seems to be the hardest word", "Don't let the sun go down on me", "Nikita", "Daniel", "Tiny dancer" or "Rocket Man", which Elton John dedicated to the great tennis player, Novak Djokovic, who was in attendance.
They also perform some new songs and a few older and unknown pieces that did not temper the audience's party mood. There really was not one dull moment and from time to time the artist would get up to take a bow and accept flowers. Some people may regret that he did not talk much between songs and left a bit abruptly at the end, without an encore. Having said that, it was really a concert to remember.
Elton John's Letter to his Teenage Self Sarah Bull FOR FR2DAY.COM Oct 22, 2009
Elton John wishes he'd lost his virginity earlier. He makes the confession in a book called ‘Dear Me,' by Joseph Galliano in which a host of celebrities, including Stephen Fry, Alan Carr and Jonathan Ross write to their 16-year-old selves to offer life observations and advice.
Elton John's letter states that he lost is virginity aged 23. He writes' ""I made the mistake of not having sex until I was 23! I loved being with another man and felt relieved that I finally knew who I was. I made the mistake of falling in love too soon because I was naive and romantic. My advice to you is to never chase love. It will find you when you least expect it. Have fun, have lots of safe sex and enjoy your sexuality. Be proud of who you are."
He also cautions his 16 year old self on the pitfalls of the life he is about to face, ""I made a lot of mistakes. Stay away from drugs, they're a waste of time. Stand up for every human being's rights. Be loving, kind and strong. Set an example!"
The full letter appears alongside those of other knights, a few Oscar winners, authors, film directors, even an Archbishop. Sir Elton, who has a house near Nice also told his teenage self that he was "going to have one hell of a life!"
VH1 Divas: Live 99 (1999)
NTSC DVD | English | 73 mins | 720x480 | MPEG-2 @8500kbps | AC3 @448kbps 6CH | 3.81 GB NTSC DVD | Inglês | 73 min | 720x480 | MPEG-2 @ 8500kbps AC3 | @ 448kbps 6CH | 3,81 GB
Genre: Pop Gênero: Pop
NTSC DVD | English | 73 mins | 720x480 | MPEG-2 @8500kbps | AC3 @448kbps 6CH | 3.81 GB NTSC DVD | Inglês | 73 min | 720x480 | MPEG-2 @ 8500kbps AC3 | @ 448kbps 6CH | 3,81 GB
Genre: Pop Gênero: Pop
Aretha Franklin was clearly the queen of 'em all, y'all, at VH1's first Divas Live concert. Aretha Franklin foi claramente a rainha de todos eles, todos vocês, a VH1 Divas Live concerto em primeiro lugar. So much so that even with her absence from the second, the finest musical moment comes on one of her classics. Tanto assim que, mesmo com sua ausência do segundo, o melhor momento musical vem em um de seus clássicos. Mary J. Blige teams with a surprisingly gritty Whitney Houston to deliver a more than respectable take on "Ain't No Way." equipas de Mary J. Blige com um surpreendentemente corajoso Whitney Houston para entregar um mais respeitável assumir "Ain't No Way". Many of the remaining performances on Divas Live/99 are perfectly competent, but inevitably uninspiring except for the biggest fans of the artists. Muitas das demais prestações em Live/99 Divas são perfeitamente competentes, mas, inevitavelmente, inspirado, exceto para os maiores fãs dos artistas. Brandy stands out thanks to the relative unfamiliarity of her hits next to warhorses like Tina Turner's "The Best" and Cher's "If I Could Turn Back Time." Brandy se destaca graças ao desconhecimento relativo dos seus maiores sucessos ao lado de cavalos de guerra como "Tina Turner, The Best" e "Cher Se eu poderia girar para trás o tempo." Otherwise, the clever choice of Elton John to round out the party proves inspired as he duets with Turner on "The Caso contrário, a escolha inteligente de Elton John para arredondar para fora a parte provar que ele inspirou duetos com Turner em "O ***** ***** Is Back" and solos on his hardy anthem "I'm Still Standing." Is Back "e solos em seu hino hardy" I'm Still Standing ".
With the participation of Caudia Schiffer, Elizabeth Hurley, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ashley Judd, Treach, Gloria Ruben, Cheri Oteri, Molly Shannon, Ana Gasteyer. Com a participação de Caudia Schiffer, Elizabeth Hurley, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ashley Judd, Treach, Ruben Gloria, Cheri Oteri, Molly Shannon, Ana Gasteyer.
With the participation of Caudia Schiffer, Elizabeth Hurley, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ashley Judd, Treach, Gloria Ruben, Cheri Oteri, Molly Shannon, Ana Gasteyer. Com a participação de Caudia Schiffer, Elizabeth Hurley, Sarah Michelle Gellar, Ashley Judd, Treach, Ruben Gloria, Cheri Oteri, Molly Shannon, Ana Gasteyer.
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