
slideshow - MUTE , No sound

domingo, 13 de novembro de 2011

David Furnish: My Son Will Live In An AIDS-Free World

Kate Bush
50 Words for Snow

Written by Stephanie Myers

Kate Bush – 50 Words for Snow

Throughout her career, icon Kate Bush has left a number of detailed soundscapes in her wake; something akin to miniature, exquisitely crafted snowglobes of emotion, if you will. Fittingly, then, Bush’s new album 50 Words for Snow finds the chanteuse singing hymns to not only the season, but to her entire career.

Calling these songs hymns isn’t a misnomer. Indeed, you might think you’re listening to a modish version of the Gregorian chanting monks in the track Lake Tahoe. Meanwhile, Snowed In At Wheeler Street offers a lingering duet featuring a haunting Elton John vocal; Bush’s music and living legacy as an artist has the respect of her peers and her contemporaries in spades here, and it shows. Moreover, with this album, it’s clear that she’s adept at creating slow, gorgeous song-stories that take their time to unfold. They are, in essence, pieces that revel in themselves without bothering to revel in the past.

Not that she’s an artist that needs to revisit the past to capture long-ago glory, mind you. Bush’s voice, after all these years, is astonishingly preserved — listening to her precision on this record is often the aural equivalent of cutting glass with a diamond. There is virtually no difference in her vocals between now and 1978′s The Kick Inside, released when she was a mere 19 years old.

50 Words for Snow offers Bush at her prime; beyond a collection of songs just for completist fans, it’s an album that’s more than likely to nab her a new generation of devotees.

How much do you love Elton John?

How much do you love Elton John?

Chugg Entertainment is proud to present the much-lauded return of the one and only Elton John to Australia this summer.

On this, his 15th tour of Australia, Elton John & His Band will begin the national run of dates on Wednesday 30th November at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre before heading south to the iconic Hunter Valley for a performance under the stars at Hope Estate on Saturday 3rd December – in this his only appearance in NSW on the tour. The show then rolls south to Melbourne’s Rod Laver Arena on Tuesday 6th December, then onwards to Adelaide for A Night At Coopers Amphitheatre at the Coopers Brewery on Friday 9th December before closing the tour in Perth at Burswood Dome on Sunday 11th December.

Don’t miss this rare opportunity to hear one of the world’s greatest pop musicians inspectacular form when ROCKET MAN returns to Australia this November/December.

Tickets can be purchased from but you have a chance to WIN tickets with MAX we have the following amazing prize to giveaway!!!

FRONT ROW tickets to Elton John’s final show in Melbourne on Tuesday 6 December plus return economy flights from your nearest capital city to Melbourne and accommodation all included. The Minor Prizes will be a double pass to the folling Elton John shows!

Wednesday 30th November – Entertainment Centre, Brisbane
Saturday 3rd December – Hope Estate, Hunter Valley
Tuesday 6th December – Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne
Friday 9th December – A Night At Coopers Amphitheatre Coopers Brewery, Adelaide
Sunday 11th December – Burswood Dome, Perth

To ENTER tell us in 25 words or less what’s your favourite Elton John song and why?

For more information go to: www.eltonjohn.comor

Competition closes Sunday 20 November at 11:59pm AEST

To view the full competition terms and conditions please click here.

Elton John Legendary Covers 1971

Elton John ? Legendary Covers (1971)

01 ? Yellow River
02 ? Spirit In The Sky
03 ? Natural Sinner
04 ? In The Summertime
05 ? Up Around The Bend
06 ? Come And Get It
07 ? Signed Sealed Delivered
08 ? Travellin? Band
09 ? I Can?t Tell The Bottom From The Top
10 ? Good Morning Freedom
11 ? She Sold Me Magic
12 ? Snake In The Grass
13 ? Love Of The Common People
14 ? Come and Get It ?missing track
15 ? My Baby Loves Lovin?
16 ? Young Gifted And Black
17 ? Lady D?Arbanville
18 ? Neanderthal Man
19 ? Cotton Fields
20 ? United We Stand

Elton John to take family on heli ride over Moscow

Colorful British pop legend Sir Elton John is taking measures to conquer Moscow’s notorious traffic jams ahead of a concert in the Russian capital. The singer will beat the queues and get a bird’s eye view of the city from a helicopter.

Elton John, who is due to perform at Moscow’s Crocus City Hall on Monday November 14, has first-hand experience of Moscow’s traffic misery, being a frequent visitor to the city. The star has taken radical evasive action by booking a helicopter for himself and his loved-ones.Happy couple Elton John, 64, and his partner David Furnish, 49, who now have a 10-month-old son to care for, are not about to miss a chance to show the world to their baby. Despite the fact that Zachary will have no memories of his short trip here, the Russian capital will nonetheless figure on his “have-been-to” list.The veteran pop legend will showcase a program of his Greatest Hits at his Moscow concert, with accompaniment from his Elton John band and 2Cellos, a duo from Croatia.The tour, which kicked off in Latvia, has already taken the singer to Riga, Vilnius, St. Petersburg and Kiev.

Captain Fantastic končno tudi v Sloveniji

Ljubljana / Stožice
11. 11. 2011

Trideset izdanih albumov (raznih kompilacij, duetov na platah drugih izvajalcev raje ne štejemo), prodanih v 250 milijonih izvodov, več kot 3000 koncertov, številne glasbene nagrade, od gramijev do oskarja, ter razne titule od famoznega naziva sir do imenovanja za najuspejšnješega moškega soloizvajalca vseh časov s strani Billboarda. Vse to in še mnogo več je Elton John. Po več kot 40-letih glasbene kariere in večkratnih koncertnih obiskih vseh koncev sveta se je v petek – končno – ustavil tudi v Sloveniji.

Z navajanjem številk in priznanj ne izvemo bistvenega o Eltonu Johnu, zato je potrebno obiskati kakšnega izmed njegovih koncertov. Eltonu številni nastopi, čeprav si prav po industrijsko sledijo kot po tekočem traku (zadnja turneja od izida albuma z uspešnicami, ki so zasedle prva mesta lestvic, Rocket Man: Number One, traja z nekaj razmiki že vse od leta 2007), ne predstavljajo obveze ali povečevanje dediščine sina Zachary-ja, temveč po vseh teh letih še vedno neizmerno zabavo, ki v povprečju traja dve ure in pol (v Ljubljani je trajala še nekoliko dalj, skoraj tri ure) in ob opazovanju katere se zdi, da se z starimi bendovskimi kolegi ter bekvokalistkami sami najbolje zabavajo (na vsem koncertu noben obiskovalec ni migal z zadnjo platjo tako intenzivno in, kot je bilo videti, povsem za lastno zabavo kot štiri bekvokalistke pri The Bitch Is Back). Publika se pač menja iz ene koncertne dvorane v drugo. Nekje so obiskovalci bolj živahni, drugje bolj umirjeni (v Ljubljani delno tudi zaradi sedišč v parterju), nekje se razživijo ob starih hitih, drugje – kot se je zgodilo pri nas – jih v malo bolj živahno stanje popeljejo odlični komadi z zadnjega albuma, The Union, predvsem Hey Ahab in Monkey Suit.

Koncert sta s čelistično izvedbo Jacksonove Smooth Criminal otvorila slovensko hrvaški duet 2Cellos. Za vélika glasbena imena je značilno podpiranje mladih nadarjenih glasbenikov, a vseeno le redki dobijo priložnost igranja na turneji skupaj z imeni, kot je Elton John. Na številnih tekmovanjih nagrajeni Luka Šulić in Stjepan Hauser si to priložnost nedvomno zaslužita, saj sta ustvarila odlične priredbe (in olepšave) svetovnih hitov (U2-jeva With or Without You je v njuni izvedbi, brez glasovne interpretacije, mnogo bolj prepričljiva), ki jih lahko poslušate tudi na njunem nedavno izdanem CD-ju. Za fanta je bil petkov večer še toliko bolj poseben, ker sta igrala na domačem terenu, nacionalno ponosno občinstvo je Mariborčana Luko, pri Eltonovim predstavljanjem benda, nagradilo z bučnim aplavzom.

Elton je v skoraj tri ure trajajočem koncerti odigral številne uspešnice od začetnih Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting), I'm Still Standing in Levon - pri katerih so tonski mojstri še lovili boljši zvok - do Holiday Inn, Tiny Dancer, Philadelphia Freedom, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Candle In The Wind (v originalni različici), Sacrifice, Sad Songs (Say So Much), Something About The Way You Look Tonight, Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word, Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me. Med skupno 27-timi odpetimi skladbami (dve izmed njih v bisu Your Song in Circle of Life/Can you feel the love tonight) je izstopala četrtna urna improvizacijska izvedba Madman Across The Water, ki je spominjala na Eltona v 70-letih. Koncert se je razživel do prave mere tik pred koncem, ko so nekateri obiskovalci v parterju (ki je bil za razliko od zgornjih tribun zaradi dražjih kart najbolj prazen) pri Are You Ready For Love pritekli pred sam oder, čemur so takoj sledili še drugi. The Bitch Is Back in zadnja v rednem delu Crocodile Rock sta bili tako izvedeni s poplesavanjem pod odrom in nepogrešljivimi akrobacijami Eltona na klavirju. Zvokovna plat koncerta je bila mnogo boljša kot na kakšnem izmed preteklih koncertov, a žal se bo očitno potrebno sprijazniti, da zvok v dvorani Stožice ne bo nikoli odličen in se bo na občasno hreščanje (in morebitne druge zvokovne motnje) med koncerti potrebno navaditi.

Elton je koncert izvedel na svojem običajnem nivoju. Pevec in pianist polni dvorane že mnogo let zaradi svoje odličnosti (pa tudi vrhunskosti sodelavca tekstopisca Bernija Taupina oz. rjavega umazanega kavboja), ljubezni do glasbe in spoštovanja do publike, ki si za pošteno plačano karto zasluži vrhunsko odigran in ustrezno dolg koncert (nekaj srečnežev je tokrat domov odšlo tudi z njegovim podpisom). Nerazrodano dvorano Stožice, ki je gostila 8000 obiskovalcev, lahko tako pripišemo le dražjim kartam v parterju (ki bi bil lahko namenjen tudi le stojiščem, posledično bi pač zaprli celotno ali le del zgodnje tribune) in slabši medijski promociji. Za vse, ki ste zamudili enega izmed vrhuncev letošnje koncertne sezone v Sloveniji … Elton se bo v naši soseščini nedvomno ponovno ustavil že v bližnji prihodnosti.

Tekst: Polona Černič
Foto: Bojan Okorn

David Furnish: My Son Will Live In An AIDS-Free World

By On Top Magazine Staff
Published: November 13, 2011

Filmmaker David Furnish has said he believes his son will be part of the generation to live in an AIDS-free world.

Last Christmas day, Furnish and singer Elton John welcomed baby Zachary to their family.

During an interview with gay glossy The Advocate, Furnish, the chairman of the Elton John AIDS Foundation, said he became active in the fight against AIDS after watching many of his friends succumb to the disease in the 80s.

“And I watched them die very solitary, stigmatized deaths,” Furnish said. “This is a disease that has killed 30 million people, and 37 million people on our planet are living with the virus. It's a pandemic. Having been personally affected by it, it feel it's important to get involved as much as possible.”

“I would like to see my son in his lifetime live in a world without AIDS,” he later added. “And whether we discover a vaccine or a cure, if we can address stigma and homophobia, we can stop the disease from being spread to other people. And since we know with the programs we're doing around the world that we can prevent mother-to-child transmission in HIV-positive mothers, we can literally visualize an AIDS-free next generation – and my son is going to be a part of that.”

Elton John - Live At The Blockbuster Pavillion, Charlotte, NC, 14/08/1992 - FLAC


02.Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me
03.I'm Still Standing
04.I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues
05.Phildelphia Freedom
06.Burn Down The Mission
07.Tiny Dancer
08.Simple Life
09.The One (End Splice)
11.I Don't Wanna Go On With You Like That
12.Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters (Parts 1 and 2)
13.Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
15.The Last Song
16.Funeral For A Friend
17.Love Lies Bleeding
18.When A Woman Doesn't Love You
19.Whitewash County
20.Rocket Man
21.All The Girls Love Alice
22.Sad Songs (Say So Much)
23.Band Introductions
24.The Show Must Go On (Queen Cover-Tape Flip)
25.Saturday Night Alright (For Fighting)
26.The Bitch Is Back
27.Candle Inthe Wind
28.Your Song


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