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quarta-feira, 31 de março de 2010

the string quartet tribute to elton john

the string quartet tribute to elton john

The String Quartet Tribute é uma série de arranjos musicais, patrocinados pela Vitamin Records, tocados por diferentes grupos de músicos. Eles se focam em uma única banda por gravação, e tocam sua versão das músicas da banda, geralmente nota por nota, tão bem quanto cada composição dos álbuns originais. Eles usam vários instrumentos, porém se focam principalmente nos violinos, violas e violoncellos, o quarteto de cordas clássico. Durante os anos, Eles produziram um grande número de álbuns, aproximadamente 232. Eles tem introduzido a música clássica aos mais variados estilos musicais, como rock, pop, punk, techno, hardcore, country, metal e rap.
The Vitamin String Quartet (VSQ) is a group of Los Angeles musicians widely known for its series of tribute albums to rock and pop acts. Their albums are released through Vitamin Records and primarily performed by a string quartet, though other instruments have been used. "Vitamin String Quartet is about applying rock n' roll attitude to classical technique," says Tom Tally,[1] a violist and arranger who has performed on and produced over thirty-five Vitamin String Quartet albums.
Their albums honor a wide variety of genres not limited to pop and rock, including techno, country, and rap, and a wide variety of groups, such as Coldplay and the Red Hot Chili Peppers, and singers, such as Alicia Keys. VSQ has performed at the Coachella Festival.[2] They have also recorded with Christina Aguilera, Fiona Apple, Foo Fighters, and A Perfect Circle.[2]
In June 2009, they branched out by including a few original songs on their album Per_Versions (which mostly consisted of covers).[3]


Fans brave rain for Elton John concert

Concert goes on: Thousands of diehard Elton John fans atttending his concert in Port Elizabeth despite torrential downpours

Port Elizabeth, South Africa


ELTON JOHN Charity In Court

ELTON JOHN "Charity In Court"

Elton John - Earls Court 1993 SBD/Flac

Earls Court, London, 13th May 1993
Soundboard recording. Silver CDs -> wav -> Flac L8
"Charity In Court" Octopus Records Octo 013-014

This is an excellent performance from Elton and his band.

1. Pinball Wizard
2. The B*tch Is back
3. Take Me To The Pilot
4. I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues
5. Philadelphia Freedom
6. Empty Garden
7. Simple Life
8. The One
9. I Don't Wanna Go On With You Like That
10. Mona Lisa's & Mad Hatters 1 & 2
11. Come Down In Time
12. Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
13. Captain Fantastic & The Brown Dirt Cowboy
14. The Last Song

1. Funeral For A Friend / Love Lies Bleeding
2. Rocket Man
3. Bennie & The Jets
4. Sad Songs (Say So Much)
5. The Show Must Go On
6. Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting)
7. Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me
8. Jumping Jack Flash
9. Your Song
10. Sacrifice
11. Candle In The Wind


Disc 1: 451mb total

Disc 2: 459mb total


The Rolling Stones
(39.313 membros)


elton john´s

Conheça o primeiro e único fã clube de Elton John no Brasil
Performance extraída do show "Charity in Court", realizado no Earl's Court, em Londres, no dia 13 de maio de 1993.

Esta apresentação fazia parte da "The One Tour".

Elton John sentado (no piano), cantando "Junpin Jack Flash"? misericórdia, Elton não é disso, seu negócio é sentar ( no piano, no caso dele é bom esclarecer) e cantar baladas chorosas como "goodbye yellow brick road". Prefiro o Jagger que não senta (nem no piano...)

Leandro Alves
Sou fã incondicional dos stones, mas reconheço que o EJ é um gênio, um grande músico, aqui no Brasil é mais conhecido por baladinhas, mas tem muito rock n´roll dentro daquela biba.!!

Marcus Vinicius
Pois é, rapaz, bobagem demais julgar o som do cara pela viadagem dele. Se fosse assim Fred Mercury não seria um grande cantor de rock (que também mandava bem nas baladinhas e sentava no piano). Enfim, EJ é rock, quando quer.

polêmicas assim que é bom
Concordo, EJ. é um artista que há 40 anos faz sucesso tem que se respeitar isso, pois poucos artistas conseguem isso no mundo, más não é bom provocar uma polêmica?

EJ tem muito talento.

Leandro Alves
Outro também que sou grande fã.. O Queen, o Freddie arrisco a dizer que tem o melhor e mais competente vocal que já passou na face da terra.. No conjunto prefiro os stones, mas o Queen também é outra banda magnífica..

Rolling Stones

Essa é a minha ordem!

Tiago Mago
Ficou ótima a versão.
Principalmente o vocal que, além de não fugir da interpretação que a música pede, ficou bem mais profissional que Jagger. Afinada, encorpada, muito bom. EJ sempre foi bom de rock 'n' roll e rhythm 'n' blues.
Aliás adimiro o Jagger por sua história e liderança, mas tenho que adimitir que como vocalista sempre deixou à desejar. Curiosamente ele aprendeu a cantar de uns 10 anos ou menos pra cá, e melhorou muito.

aprendeu depois dos 60??
tem certeza?
ele AINDA canta e bem(tem seu propio estilo)!

Jagger como vocalista deixava a desejar? Puta merda viu... Ele não tinha a voz mais apropriada, mas é um dos melhores cantores de blues do rock (como também de country, soul e rock n roll propriamente dito) principalmente a partir do Beggar's Banquet, ouça de novo Sympathy For the Devil, Prodigal Son, No Expectations, You Gotta Move, Stray Cat Blues, Rocks Off, Let It Loose, I Got The Blues, Wild Horses, Gimme Shelter, Angie, 100 Years Ago, Winter, o Exile todo é uma aula vocal, se você não se impressiona com as notas que ele atinge nesse disco e todo o feeling que ele coloca em cada música, ele sim canta R&B igual um negro do Mississipi, daqueles discos antigos de Tommy Johnson, Son House, Muddy Waters, Robert Johnson, Howlin Wolf...

Leandro Alves
O Jagger é aquele cantor que tira as notas na raça, todos sabem que ele nunca tinha feito aula de canto, depois que ficou mais velho para não forçar tanto a garganta que começou a fazer aula. Mas mesmo assim concordo com o post acima aí, ele é um grande intérprete e tem uma versatilidade vocal incrível..

Tiago Mago
Ok pessoal, nao vamos discutir isso.
Jagger nunca foi um profissional com afinações corretas, finalizações de frase,improviso, timbre e uma série de coisas que ele só agora começou a se preocupar.
Agora nao ha ofença alguma nisso e nem tiora seu merito como um lider e historia no rock.
Sobre o R&B está longe, muito longe em vocal se comparar à Muddy Waters, Big Joe Turner e muitos outros. Em nenhuma lista como essa da Rolling Stone e outras de vocalistas o Jagger deveria aparecer, pq é a maior falta de bom senso.

Leandro Alves
O EJ gosta dos stones, ele fez outro cover de uma das minhas músicas favoritas, e cá entre nós, ficou excelente!

e formos seguir seu raciocínio deviamos colocar o Keith pra cantar, ele cantava em coral desde pequenino e era bem mais profissional que o Mick, que aprendeu a cantar de ouvido. Como se os cantores de blues tivessem tido aulas de canto profissional também. Desculpa cara, mas não consigo concordar com vc dizendo que ele só aprendeu a cantar agora. Também queria ter a falta de talento vocal que ele tinha aos 27, 28 anos de idade, mas não vamos discutir né?
O Elton gosta tanto dos Stones que se convidou pra tocar no show de 75, Keith ficou tão puto por ele não ter saido do palco depois de ter tocado Honky Tonk Women que até hoje os dois não se bicam e se insultam pela imprensa, me admira que ele ainda faça covers deles.

"Nada de animais no palco – já chega o Elton John"
Keith Richards

"Ele é patético, coitadinho. Parece um macaco com artrite tentando subir no palco e parecer jovem."
Elton John

Leandro Alves
Eu sei disso também, da relia entre Elton e Keith.. Mas isso não tira o mérito do EJ de ter gravado ótimos covers do RS!

Sim, mas eu acho meio complicado isso, o Elton cantar as músicas do cara que desce o pau nele, mas como é do Mick também ele releva.


Nesta quarta-feira, 31, Elton John assistiu com o companheiro, David Furnish, ao musical "Billy Elliot", em Londres. O espetáculo comemorou cinco anos em cartaz na capital inglesa.

Conheça o primeiro e único fã clube de Elton John no Brasil e fotos, biografia, videos, musicas, letras traduzidas,
 noticias e muito, muito mais. Participe de nossa comunidade no Orkut

Meet the first and only fan club in Brazil Elton John  and  photos, biography, videos, music, lyrics translated, news and much, much more.

domingo, 28 de março de 2010

a nova música de Elton John you never too old


Elton John
tocou uma nova musica


de seu novo álbum com

Leon Russell.

A canção se

'You're Never Too Old'.



Never too Old

(lyric Bernie Taupin)

Verse 1:

Don't bend on life, don't step away

Don't give up that tune that you never could play

Cause you fall in his hand and that's (or i guess?) what's wrong.

If everyone rebels

Through not so long

Well you're on top of a ladder

No one crawl outside

You're some home-scrabbled weed

Crawling up through the cracks


Don't you know, you're never too old, you're never too old to hold somebody

Don't you know, you're never too old, you're never too old to hold somebody

You're never too old to hold somebody

Verse 2:

Don't think you go out, don't flicker a thing

You got to get nervous

Don't do what they say

The wind makes you weary

Oh -----

--- on the style

Each sun settle down

You're on top of a nail

Don't steal (or feel) your ---

you're so sharp as a razor

and I like you like that


Don't you know, you're never too old, you're never too old to hold somebody

Don't you know, you're never too old, you're never too old to hold somebody

You're never too old to hold somebody


I can better hold than blaim it on you

You should got what it takes

We got nothing, nothing to prove


Oh, you're never too old, you're never too old to hold somebody

Don't you know, you're never too old, you're never too old to hold somebody

You're never too old to hold somebody

Conheça o primeiro e único fã clube de Elton John no Brasil
fotos, biografia, videos, musicas, letras traduzidas,

noticias e muito, muito mais. Participe de nossa comunidade no Orkut

Meet the first and only fan club in Brazil Elton John
photos, biography, videos, music, lyrics translated, news and much, much more.

quinta-feira, 25 de março de 2010


FELIZ ANIVERSÁRIO, ELTON JOHN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Um momento especial de renovação para sua alma e seu espírito, porque Deus, na sua infinita sabedoria, deu à natureza, a capacidade de desabrochar a cada nova estação e a nós capacidade de recomeçar a cada ano.

Desejamos a você, um ano cheio de amor e de alegrias. Afinal, fazer aniversário é ter a chance de fazer novos amigos, ajudar mais pessoas, aprender e ensinar novas lições, vivenciar outras dores e suportar velhos problemas.

Sorrir novos motivos e chorar outros, porque, amar o próximo é dar mais amparo, rezar mais preces e agradecer mais vezes. Fazer Aniversário é amadurecer um pouco mais e olhar a vida como uma dádiva de Deus. É ser grato, reconhecido, forte, destemido.

É ser rima, é ser verso, é ver Deus no universo; Parabéns Elton John, nesse dia tão grandioso!!!

Nós, do Elton John´s Corporation, nos sentimos muito felizes de estarmos juntos com Elton todos esses anos, divulgando sua obra, seu trabalho e todo seu talento artístico.

Elton sempre nos traz alegrias, fortes emoções, sua música maravilhosa é como um hino que soa em nossos ouvidos por toda uma eternidade, e, através de nosso ELTON JOHN'S CORPORATION, eternizamos este fantástico artista POR TODO O MUNDO!!!



Elton John's Corporation e seus amigos.

terça-feira, 16 de março de 2010




Show de Elton John Cover Rogério Martins no teatro Santos Dumont em São Caetano - São Paulo

Dia: 19/03/2010

informações: 011 4238 3030

Av. Goiás 1.111

Show no Baile do Hawai - AABB - São Paulo

Incrivel show no tradicional Baile do Hawai, na AABB sul - São Paulo.

Dia 20 de março de 2010.

AABB São Paulo - Sede Sul:

Estrada de Itapecerica, 1.935 - Santo Amaro - São Paulo

Telefone: (11) 5511-9555 - Fax: (11) 5511-6402 - CEP: 05835-005

 videos rogério


domingo, 7 de março de 2010


Elton John Recruits Marc Ribot, Neil Young, & More for New Album

I enjoy a good Elton John pop song as much as the next guy, but Tumbleweed Connection is truly my jam, so it’s great news around here that John, Bernie Taupin, and company have “cut fifteen songs ranging from Stones like rockers, Country tinged ballads, Gospel and even a Sinatra like weepy similar to something torn from the grooves of ‘In the Wee Small Hours’.”
That quote is from Taupin’s official site, where John’s longtime lyricist provided an update on their forthcoming as-yet-untitled album with Leon Russell, one of rock’s unsung heroes. T Bone Burnett is producing the album with a backup band featuring the one and only Marc Ribot, drummer Jim Keltner, Jay Bellerose, Dennis Crouch, and Keefus Ciancia. Pretty exciting lineup so far, but wait, there’s more!
ABC News reports that Neil Young and Booker T. Jones are also among the album’s guests. Well played, Sir Elton.

Billy Joel might not be coming to Chicago this year, but Elton John is.
 Ontem às 12:55

Billy Joel might not be coming to Chicago this year, but Elton John is.
Shortly after John and Joel shot down the idea that they’d tour together again this year, including an earlier reported concert at Wrigley Field, John today announced a tour with his full band, stopping April 15 at the Sears Centre Arena in Hoffman Estates.
The tour is called “Rocket Man: The Greatest Hits Live” and features Davey Johnstone on guitar, Bob Birch on bass, John Mahon on percussion, Nigel Olsson on drums and Kim Bullard on keyboards.
Tickets are $39.50-$169 plus service charges and go on sale at 10 a.m. March 13 through, all Ticketmaster locations, the Sears Centre Arena Box Office, or by phone at (800) 745-3000.

OMG,not another Greatest Hits concert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elton John in concerto

Il tour di Elton John toccherà anche l' Italia, a settembre 2010 due le tappe previste: Milano e Roma.
Le date dei concerti italiani
  • 17 settembre 2010 Ray Cooper Milano, Italia Arcimboldi
  • 19 settembre 2010 Roma, Italia Auditorium Parco Della Musica
  •  20 settembre 2010 Roma, Italia Auditorium Parco Della Musica
Date Internazionali
  • 29 maggio 2010 Watford, Regno Unito Vicarage Road Watford
  • 3 giugno 2010 Belgrado, Serbia Arena Belgrado
  • 8 giugno 2010 Budapest, Ungheria Papp Laszlo Arena
  • 10 giugno 2010 Praga, Repubblica Ceca O2 Arena Prague
 Altre informazioni

Elton John Working With Neil Young on New Album

Posted on Mar 6th 2010 3:00PM
Sir Elton John is working on an album with longtime collaborator Bernie Taupin that will feature guest spots from Neil Young and others.

Sir Elton and Taupin are working with songwriter Leon Russell, and together the three have laid down 15 tracks for the album, according to an update on Taupin's website. Veteran producer T-Bone Burnett, recently in the news for his 'Crazy Heart' soundtrack accolades, is overseeing production of the recording sessions, as Taupin previously reported, and the trio is "about to start vocals and overdubs immediately."

The three have "cut fifteen songs ranging from Stones like rockers, Country tinged ballads, Gospel and even a Sinatra like weepy similar to something torn from the grooves of 'In the Wee Small Hours.'"

Taupin adds that the album is "varied in scope and drenched in a rich tapestry of atmospherics. Don't expect to hear the old EJ/BT sound; this is organic recording unlike anything you've heard from our duo before."

ABC News reports that Young and Booker T Jones will be featured on the album. The trio has also recruited guitarist Marc Ribot, bassist Dennis Crouch, and drummers Jim Keltner and Jay Bellerose, with more collaborations to come.


01/03/2010 - 

Je vote   3 vote(s)

L’icône pop rock donnera une série de concerts dans la Principauté durant le mois d’août 2010. L’interprète sera accompagné par son fidèle percussionniste, Ray Cooper.

Elton John jouera à la belle étoile ou presque. C’est en effet sous le ciel étoilé du très select Sporting Club que le chanteur se produira du 2 au 6 août. Des concerts qui s’inscriront dans le cadre du Monte Carlo sporting summer.
Un récital spécialement conçu pour le rocher auquel prendra part également, Ray Cooper, le musicien qui peut se targuer d’avoir accompagné les plus grands.

Elton John, qui fêtera ses 63 ans le 25 mars prochain, a déjà travaillé avec Ray Cooper dans les années 70. Les deux artistes se sont, une nouvelle fois, retrouvés à la faveur de la tournée, « The red piano ». Elton John et Ray Cooper se sont notamment produits en France l’année dernière à Paris, Nantes, Amneville, Grenoble et Toulouse.

Pour assister aux représentations qui seront données au Sporting Club de Monte Carlo, ainsi qu’aux dîners, il vous en coûtera 420 euros par personne.

  • 7 March 2010

Neil Young, Leon Russell working on new album with Elton John

Country singer makes guest appearance on John/Russell record
Elton John and veteran US singer/songwriter Leon Rusell are working on an album together featuring guests including Neil Young, it has been revealed.

Booker T Jones, guitarist Marc Ribot and drummer Jim Keltner contribute to the album, reports Billboard. Long-time Elton John collaborator Bernie Taupin has also been working on the record, it was revealed on Taupin's official website,

"Basic tracks for Bernie and Elton's new album with Leon Russell have been recently completed and the gang is about to start vocals and overdubs immediately," it was explained on the site.

The message continued, "The trio has cut 15 songs ranging from Stones-like rockers, country-tinged ballads, gospel and even a Sinatra-like weepy similar to something torn from the grooves of 'In the Wee Small Hours' [1955 Frank Sinatra album].

"It's varied in scope and drenched in a rich tapestry of atmospherics. Don't expect to hear the old EJ/BT sound; this is organic recording unlike anything you've heard from our duo before."

A release schedule for the abum is yet to be revealed.--
Robson Vianna.

Neil Young estará no novo álbum de Elton John

Neil Young estará no novo álbum de Elton John

Elton John está trabalhando com o compositor Leon Rusell em seu novo disco, que contará com vários convidados, entre eles Neil Young.

Segundo a Billboard, John está acompanhado do baixista Booker T. Jones, do guiratrista Marc Ribot e do baterista Jim Keltner. Bernie Taupin, que trabalha há anos com John, também está graanvando com o´cantor.

Taupin explica em seu site que boa parte do trabalho já foi feito e que agora eles estão colocando vocais adicionais e ofazendo outras mixagens. Entre as músicas, comenta Taupin, há faixas que lembram os stones, baladas country, gospel a "algo similar a Sinatra".

O disco ainda não tem data para ser lançado.

Divulgamos aqui no Som na Caixa, que a banda Muse, os cantores Maria Rita, Toni Garrido, Andreas Kisser e a Ivete Sangalo estarão no Rock in Rio Lisboa. E agora foi divulgado que o cantor Elton John e a cantora Leona Lewis estarão presentes do festival.
Além deles outros já estão confirmados no evento que vai agitar Portugal. Como as principais atrações a colombiana Shakira, os alemães do Rammstein e o quinteto britânico Snow Patrol.

Madonna com ou sem Jesus na festa Pré-Oscar?

6 de março de 2010 por: Camila
Publicado em: news
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Joyce Pascowitch posta a seguinte noticia no Site Glamurama:
Quem pode, pode! Glamurama foi o único veículo do Brasil, e também da imprensa da América do Sul, que participou da festa pré-Oscar promovida pela Grey Goose, em Los Angeles, nessa quinta-feira. E como foi? Celebridades para todos os lados… Confira os detalhes!
* O Soho House, clube Inglês que até então só existia em Nova York, abriu as portas nesta quinta-feira em grande estilo. No lugar só entram sócios, já que ele funciona como uma espécie de clube de lazer – diurno e noturno. Só que, na nesta noite de quinta-feira, ninguém menos que Sir Elton John, com a Grey Goose, estava convidando para o agito pré-Oscar.
* Com um espaço na cobertura de um prédio supermoderno, colado em Beverly Hills, o clube é circundado por um terraço, que dá uma vista de 360 graus de Los Angeles, de tirar o fôlego. Na chegada, no estacionamento, dezenas de manobristas estavam a postos para pegar os carros dos convidados – e dos desesperados para entrar na festa. Uma cena bem São Paulo, guardadas as proporções.
* Hostess na porta – com lista – e tudo o mais. O que não era para menos: depois de pegar o elevador, chegar à cobertura e ainda subir um lance de uma suntuosa escada, Glamurama deu de cara com Jennifer Lopez e o marido, Marc Antony, Dustin Hoffman, Sir Elton John, claro, que estava na mesa central da casa – fazendo as honras – Quentin Tarantino, com sorriso de orelha a orelha, Kelly Osbourne – loira – Topher Grace – mais conhecido pelo papel no seriado “That 70’s Show” - Edward Norton, Juliette Lewis e… Para quem pensa que parou por aí, se enganou: Madonna, sozinha, também foi, apesar de não ter ficado muito, e Clive Owen e Joaquin Phoenix também. Os dois, supersimpáticos, estavam só com amigos, para a alegria das lulus, que eram bem poucas na festa, diga-se de passagem. Ah, pista de dança não tinha. A música, que começou com o jazz norte-americano e acabou no pop – leia-se Madonna e Beyoncé- rolava a um volume mais comportado, digamos assim.
* Glamurama conseguiu tirar algumas fotos exclusivas, mas a direção da festa logo proibiu, uma vez que tinham contratado um dos melhores fotógrafos do “fashion business” para clicar o evento: o suíço Michel Comte. Ele, inclusive, fez questão de dar “oi” ao Glamurama em um português carregado de sotaque.

Dustin Hoffman e Natalie Portman, Madonna, Josh Hartnett, Eva Longoria, Elton John, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jennifer Lopez e Marc Antony, LaTanya Richardson, Angela Bassett, Regina Taylor, Viola Davis e Gabourey Sidibe, detalhe do menu, Clive Owen e Carey Mulligan na Grey Goose Party at Soho House West Hollywood on 4th March: noite para poucos.
Porem, anteriormente uma fonte disse ao ‘The Mirror’ que Madonna estava com Jesus na festa.
De acordo com o ‘The mirror’, Madonna aproveitou bastante o jantar da festa pré-Oscar no ‘Grey Goose Cecconi’ em Melrose, beijando seu namorando Jesus Luz assim como Elton John e David Furnish, Sienna Miller, Matthew Rhys, Dev Patel e a indicada ao Oscar Marisa Tomei.
“Madonna parecia completamente apaixonada por Jesus e ele por ela”, contou uma fonte ao ‘The Mirror’.
“Eles ficaram a noite toda no canto à luz de velas e mesmo quando Elton John chegou eles sequer levantaram para cumprimentá-lo. Madonna costuma ser reservada quando está com um homem em público, mas ela não estava se importando que os outros a vissem com Jesus”,completou a testemunha que esteve na festa.
Pois é… mas tem mais um detalhe nessa história…
Só esqueceram de avisar a quem inventou a história do The Mirror que Jesus Luz estava em Lisboa enquanto Madonna estava na festa em Los Angeles.

Elton John to Rock Chichen Itza

Elton John to Rock Chichen Itza

The ancient Maya ruins of Chichen Itza are one of the top attractions for travelers on Riviera Maya or Cancun vacations. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Chichen Itza is home to El Castillo, The Castle, one of the best preserved and restored pyramids of the Maya world, along with many other impressive structures. It’s a place of profound spiritual significance for the Maya people, especially during the vernal and autumnal equinox, when the rising sun casts a shadow in the shape of a feathered serpent that crawls down the steps of El Castillo.
This impressive archeological site has also become an occasional venue for the hottest concerts on the Yucatan Peninsula. The latest artist to announce a concert there is the Rocket Man himself, Elton John. Riviera Maya hotels are filling fast with fans who want to take part in the special evening concert. Sir Elton John will perform on April 3 on a stage set up at the foot of El Castillo.
Tickets are still available for the show on Ticketmaster, but many vacationers will probably end up buying the tickets as part of a package. Hotels and tour operators are all trying to create unique Elton John concert experiences. Most of the packages include concert tickets and transportation, but one hotel, the Mandarin Oriental Riviera Maya has gone a step further to create the ultimate Elton John concert experience.

The Mandarin Oriental’s Elton John Chichen Izta package starts with four nights at a beachfront casita. The casita comes with its own private infinity pool of course. The package also includes a preshow party at the hotel’s cocktail lounge, private transfers to and from the concert, as well as two VIP concert tickets. Knowing that you will be worn out after a night of concert revelry, the package also comes with a personal butler, spa treatments, dinner for two at the resort’s Ambar restaurant, and a bottle of French champagne with Beluga caviar. All this could be yours for a mere $13,000 for two.
If that’s a little too steep for your wallet, there are tickets available for roughly US$80, $160, $240, and $400 each depending on the seating. There won’t be caviar included, but you might get to experience a little “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me”  just as it is doing exactly that.
John’s famous song “Crocodile Rock” will most likely be part of the playlist given the abundance of that particular reptile in the Yucatan region, but if not, you can always stop by the Riviera’s Maya’s Crococun Zoo for your own hopping and a bopping.

Vendors at Chichen Itza Vow to Protest and Blockade Elton John

March 3rd, 2010 by ejalbright
vendors at Chichen threaten to protest and blockade Elton John concert
The association representing hundreds of vendors who flood into Chichen Itza every day to sell crafts and trinkets to tourists has vowed to begin blockading Chichen Itza over the next month in protest of the forthcoming Elton John concert April 3.
While the vendor association maintains that the Elton John concert is illegal, of greater concern is the current ownership situation of Chichen Itza. The land under many of the most significant monuments is owned by Hans Thies Barbachano, who the association is claiming discriminates against them.
In retaliation for actions by Thies Barbachano and the Elton John concert, the vendors are threatening to protest and set up blockades to prevent tourists from seeing Chichen Itza. In a statement, Viveldo Pech Moo, representing the vendors, demanded that a dialogue be opened with Yucatan states Patronato Cultur and the federal Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH), which co-manage Chichen Itza, and with Thies Barbachano, so that the indigenous Maya “are taken into account when it comes to tasteless performances,” referring, presumably, to Elton John.
The purpose of the protests and blockades will be to bring attention to the plight of the Maya, who desire to be able to sell their wares at Chichen Itza without interference and, at least according to the news source La Jornada, to be able to see the concert for free, if they so desire.
Meanwhile, INAH has released a statement in response to a declaration by three members of its staff representing hundreds of workers that holding concerts at Chichen Itza is illegal. According to INAH spokesman Julio Castrejon, steps will be taken to insure installation of the concert stage and audience platforms will not affect the archaeological remains of Chichen Itza. “We will protect all archaeological remains.”
Organizers of the concert have also argued that a portion of the proceeds from the Elton John concert and previous concerts held there (Placido Domingo, Sarah Brightman) go to the communities affected and to augment research efforts at Chichen Itza.

Elton John set for Oscars bash

Thursday, 4 March 2010
Sir Elton John is hosting his annual Oscars bash
Sir Elton John is hosting his annual Oscars bash
Sir Elton John has invited the Olympic gold medal winners to his Oscar-viewing party this year.
Construction of the massive marquee, home to one of the biggest parties in Hollywood, has begun in the grounds of the city's Pacific Design Center for what looks set to be another massive fundraising event for the singer's charity.
Scott Campbell, the director of the Elton John AIDS Foundation, said this year's guest list promises to be pretty impressive.
"It's a great list and it brings together a diverse group of people, including this year's three Olympic medal winners," he said.
"We have a very loyal group of core friends - everyday people and people in the media and entertainment world who come together."
Following tradition, after the stars finish watching who wins this year's Academy Awards, Elton will take to the stage to perform a special set with a musical guest. This year he'll be performing with Grace Jones.
But fundraising is at the event's heart, explained event producer Virginia Fout.
"You have an Elton John hosted event which, as we all know, Elton wants to be beautiful elegant and nice... but you're also raising money for charity so you have folks that have paid a lot of money to sit and have dinner for a good cause."
The five-course menu includes a spring vegetable compote, risotto carnaroli with saffron liquorice, a choice of either New York steak or Wahoo with black olives and stewed lentils, and for desert a 'crispy milk chocolate bar with a bitter chocolate glaze, meringue sticks and apricot coulis'.

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Elton John, Billy Joel sing to 15,000 in Wichita

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By Denise Neil

The Wichita Eagle

The two stars, both now in their 60s, wound down their "Face 2 Face" tour with a stop in Wichita, where they performed more than 30 of their best-known hits.
"It's been 31 years since I last played in Wichita, back in 1979" Joel joked from the stage when it was his turn to perform solo. "I'm not really Billy Joel. I'm Billy Joel's dad. Billy's home messing with his hair."
The show started with the two stars emerging from two separate sides of the stage — first Joel, wearing a casual suit with a blue T-shirt. He stood, smiled and soaked up the applause for a few minutes before motioning to the other side of the stage as John appeared, wearing a black tux with tails, purple-hued sunglasses and a scarf printed with the words "Stardust Kiss."
The two sat at black grand pianos facing each other and launched into cooperative performances of four hits — John's "Your Song" and "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me" and Joel's "Just the Way You Are" and "My Life."
Joel exited, and John launched into a solo set that included "Levon," "Rocket Man," "Madman Across the Water," "I'm Still Standing," "Daniel" and "Crocodile Rock."
He ably kept up with his hour-plus set, standing up from the piano to dance every few songs. But his age showed on "Tiny Dancer" and "Goodbye, Yellow Brick Road" when he skipped his famous high notes. On "Tiny Dancer," John purposely stayed in a lower register. And on "Road," he let the band members take the high notes.
John didn't chit-chat at all from the stage, but Joel's solo set was full of jokes and one-liners.
He opened with "Angry Young Man" and played his way through "Movin' out (Anthony's Song)," "Allentown," and crowd favorite "We Didn't Start the Fire," a song during which Joel left the piano and played the guitar in the center of the stage.
At the end of his hit "Always a Woman," the oft-married Joel joked,"... and then we got divorced."
Joel's more energetic set had the crowd on its feet dancing through other hits, such as "It's Still Rock and Roll To Me" and "Only the Good Die Young."
At the end of the show, the two returned to the stage and performed an encore together, collaborating on "I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues," "Uptown Girl," "Candle in the Wind," "Bennie and the Jets" and finally "Piano Man."
Annie Sauber, who got seats in the third row after the seats she purchased were blocked by a camera, said John and Joel provided the soundtrack to much of her youth.
She brought friend Marilee Nordhus along with her, and the two spent the concert dancing and reminiscing.
"I can remember my mom cleaning to 'Bennie and the Jets' when I was 5 or 6 years old," Sauber said. "It reminds me of the smell of Pledge every time I hear it."

Download MP3@320kps: Megaupload


Elton John
Saturday Sun
Notes: Apparently Joe Boyd arranged a recording date to showcase some new songs, including some other material from Mike Heron and John Martyn (among others). The future Linda Thompson,then known as Linda Peters, handled backing vox and then sang lead on a few more songs. Possibly some people from Fairport Convention and/or Traffic were in the band.
Issued by Sound Techniques in 1994
Catalog Number: EJCD348
Tracks 1-11 unreleased studio tracks
Tracks 12-18 audience recorded live at the Universal Amphitheatre, Los Angeles, 26 September, 1979
Saturday Sun (Nick Drake)
Sweet Honesty (Beverley Martin)
Stormbringer (John Martyn)
Way to Blue (Nick Drake)
Go Out and Get It (Mike Heron)
The Day is Done (Nick Drake)
Time Has Told Me (Nick Drake)
You Get Brighter (Mike Heron) Linda Peters-vocals
This Moment (Mike Heron) Linda Peters-vocals
I Don’t Mind (Ed Carter) Linda Peters-vocals
Pied Piper (Ed Carter) Linda Peters-vocals

Katie Price joins husband Alex Reid in Los Angeles as they get ready for Elton John's Oscars bash

By 3am's Clemmie Moodie & Danielle Lawler 4/03/2010
Alex Reid Tells All (Pic: Big Pictures)
Katie Price jetted off to LA yesterday, to hook up with new hubby Alex Reid - and prepare for Sir Elton John's glitzy Oscars party.
It's an annual affair and, you may recall, the model, aka Jordan, attended it with now ex-husband Peter Andre this time last year.
Katie, 31, was snapped arriving at Heathrow's Terminal 5 with her mum Amy.
The pair got into LaLa-land mode with a spot of pampering at British Airways' First Class lounge.

Elton John, Leona Lewis e Trovante no Rock in Rio Lisboa

Elton John, Leona Lewis e Trovante no Rock in Rio Lisboa

Os cantores e o grupo actuam dia 22 de Maio no Palco Mundo.

Elton John
Elton John, Leona Lewis e os Trovante são os artistas que actuarão no Rock in Rio Lisboa no dia dedicado à celebração dos 25 anos do evento musical. De acordo com a organização, são nomes que marcaram gerações durante o último quarto de século e têm como objectivo recordar a história do rock ao público dos 8 aos 80 anos.
Leona Lewis
Leona Lewis
Esta será a primeira visita de Leona Lewis a Portugal e a terceira de Elton John.
Já o concerto dos Trovante promete atrair muita gente ao Parque da Bela Vista, em Lisboa, uma vez que reunirá os ex-membros do grupo, que se separou em 1991. 

Brothers se exercitam na academia

05/03/2010 - 18:11 -
Enquanto Anamara e Lia prepararam o almoço do dia no Puxadinho, os brothers Fernanda, Cadu e Michel aproveitam para se exercitarem na academia.
Os três fazem exercícios aeróbicos devidamente vestidos com roupas de ginástica. O publicitário e a dentista estão na esteira, cada um em uma, e o personal trainer curte a bicicleta ergométrica.
O brother Dourado os observa e ao mesmo tempo conversa com os três. Além disso, ele canta com Michel a música “Rocket Man” do cantor Elton John.

Leona Lewis, Elton John e Trovante no segundo dia do Rock in Rio Lisboa 2010

05.03.2010 - 15:56
Elton John, Leona Lewis e os Trovante são as mais recentes confirmações da edição 2010 do Rock in Rio Lisboa, avança a organização do festival.
Elton John, Leona Lewis e os Trovante são as mais recentes confirmações da edição 2010 do Rock in Rio Lisboa, avança a organização do festival.
Ambos actuam a 22 de Maio – um dia dedicado à celebração dos 25 anos do Rock in Rio, por onde vão passar, no palco secundário do festival, nomes como Rui Veloso, Maria Rita, Toni Garrido, Tiago Bettencourt & Mantha, Tiê, Soul Bizness e Zoey Jones.
“Para assinalar o quarto de século deste evento, a organização decidiu convidar grandes nomes que marcaram várias gerações nos últimos 25 anos. Para isso, para além do pianista e cantor mais famoso do mundo, convidou os ex-membros dos Trovante a reunirem-se para um concerto único, e ainda a cantora revelação Leona Lewis. O público dos 8 aos 80 poderá cantar em uníssono canções que marcam diferentes épocas”, pode ler-se em comunicado.
Estes nomes juntam-se assim, no Palco Mundo do evento, aos já anunciados Shakira, John Mayer, Ivete Sangalo e Mariza (21 de Maio), Muse, Snow Patrol e Xutos & Pontapés (27 de Maio), Miley Cyrus, D’ZRT e McFly (29 de Maio) e Rammstein e Motörhead (30 de Maio).
Pelo Palco Sunset do evento vão passar, ao longo de todo o festival, nomes como Zeca Baleiro, Luis Represas, Julie Mcnight, Rui Veloso, Boss AC, OqueStrada, Maria Rita, Expensive Soul, entre muitos outros.
O Rock in Rio Lisboa regressa ao Parque da Bela Vista nos dias 21, 22, 27, 29 e 30 de Maio de 2010.
Já à venda, os bilhetes diários para o evento custam €58.
Sobre Elton John
Sir Elton John é  dos artistas mais bem sucedidos de sempre. Após ter vendido mais 40 milhões de discos e ter actuado para milhares de pessoas em todo o mundo, o britânico vem ao Rock in Rio-Lisboa 2010 revisitar e cantar os maiores sucessos da sua carreira para o público português.
Ao longo da sua carreira, o compositor inglês já editou 29 álbuns de originais e esta será a sua terceira passagem por Portugal. Entre os seus grandes êxitos encontram-se temas como Your Song, Can You Feel The Love Tonight, Something About The Way You Look Tonight, I'm Still Standing, Sacrifice, Nikita ou Candle in the Wind.
Todos estes hits deram a Elton John dezenas de galardões, entre os quais se destacam o Brit Award para “Melhor Artista Britânico Masculino” (1991), seis Grammys, incluindo o de “Prémio Lenda” (2001), e onze prémios Ivor Novello.
No seu percurso profissional foram vários os artistas que com ele actuaram, incluindo John Lennon, Tina Turner, Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Paul McCartney, Sting, Eric Clapton, Luciano Pavarotti, George Michael e, mais recentemente, na cerimónia de entrega dos Grammys deste ano, Lady GaGa.
Sobre os Trovante
Os Trovante, grupo formado no Verão de 1976, em Sagres, era inicialmente composto por João Nuno Represas, Luís Represas, Manuel Faria, João Gil e Artur Costa. Mais tarde, Fernando Júdice e António José Martins juntaram-se ao grupo. Têm no seu repertório temas como 125 Azul, Noites de Verão, Outra Margem, Perdidamente, Timor, entre outros. 
Em 1977 gravaram o primeiro disco “Chão Nosso”, com uma forte componente política e música tradicional portuguesa. A partir de 1980, o grupo concentrou-se mais na vertente tradicional e lança “Baile no Bosque”, que conta com êxitos como Balada das Sete Saias e Outra Margem. 
O concerto do Jornal Sete foi o ponto de viragem na carreira dos Trovante, tornando-os referência no panorama musical português. Em 1983 o álbum “Cais das Colinas” é lançado e José Salgueiro substitui João Nuno Represas. A célebre música Saudade é parte integrante deste projecto.
Passado um ano, lançam “Trovante 84” com uma série de temas que se tornaram memoráveis, entre eles Xácara das Bruxas Dançando, Travessa do Poço dos Negros e o famoso Molinera. Nesse mesmo ano, dão espectáculos no Coliseu de Lisboa e no Rivoli do Porto, ambos com lotação esgotada, e encerraram a Festa do Avante, onde actuaram para cem mil pessoas. 
Em plena explosão do Rock em Portugal, os Trovante revelaram-se uma das mais importantes bandas nacionais, compondo temas que permanecem até aos dias de hoje.
Sobre Leona Lewis
Leona Lewis, que actuará  pela primeira vez em Portugal, conquistou a fama após ter vencido o concurso X-Factor. “Spirit” (2007), o seu álbum de estreia, foi um enorme sucesso que vendeu mais de sete milhões de cópias em todo o mundo e alcançou sete discos de platina só no Reino Unido. Deste primeiro disco, que esteve em primeiro lugar no top britânico, norte-americano, canadiano, irlandês, australiano e neo-zelandês, resultaram singles como Bleeding Love, que alcançou o número um no top português, Better in Time ou Run.
Em Novembro de 2009, a londrina lançou o segundo disco. “Echo” está a ser um sucesso de vendas um pouco por todo o mundo e os temas Happy e I got you tocam frequentemente na maior parte das rádios.
Na sua curta mas consistente carreira, Leona Lewis já foi foi nomeada para quatro prémios Grammy em 2008, venceu o prémio “Ivor Novello” na categoria de “Melhor Single Britânico de Melhor Venda” com A Moment Like This, e Bleeding Love arrecadou o prémio “Melhor Tema” nos Virgin Media Music Awards. Nos MTV Asia Awards 2008 venceu ainda o prémio “Artista Internacional Revelação”.

Rock in Rio Lisboa confirma shows de Elton John e Leona Lewis

Rock in Rio Lisboa confirma shows de Elton John e Leona Lewis

Lisboa, 5 mar (EFE).- A organização do festival Rock in Rio Lisboa confirmou nesta sexta-feira que Elton John e Leona Lewis se apresentarão no evento no dia 22 de maio.
Além de John e Leona, o Rock in Rio Lisboa terá como principais atrações a colombiana Shakira, o trio de rock britânico Muse, os alemães do Rammstein e o quinteto britânico Snow Patrol.
A música brasileira também marca presença no festival com shows de Ivete Sangalo, Maria Rita, Toni Garrido, Zeca Baleiro, Tiê e Martinho da Vila.
O Rock In Rio Lisboa será realizado entre os dias 21 e 29 de maio no parque da Bela Vista.
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2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young

2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young - Roaming Inside(Elton John)

Musicians David Crosby and Elton John attend the 
2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los 
Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, 
Musicians David Crosby and Elton John attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California
(January 28, 2010 - Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images North America)

Musicians David Crosby and Elton John attend the 
2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los 
Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, 
Musicians David Crosby and Elton John attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California
(January 28, 2010 - Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images North America)

Musicians Elton John and Brian Williams attend the 
2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los 
Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, 
Musicians Elton John and Brian Williams attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California
(January 28, 2010 - Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images North America)

Musicians Elton John and Brian Williams attend the 
2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los 
Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, 
Musicians Elton John and Brian Williams attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California
(January 28, 2010 - Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images North America)

Musicians David Crosby and Elton John attend the 
2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los 
Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, 
Musicians David Crosby and Elton John attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California

Musicians David Crosby and Elton John attend the 
2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los 
Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, 
Musicians David Crosby and Elton John attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California
(January 28, 2010 - Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images North America)

Musicians Stephen Stills and Elton John attend the 
2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los 
Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, 
Musicians Stephen Stills and Elton John attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California
(January 28, 2010 - Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images North America)

MusiCares Person of the Year Neil Young and 
musician Elton John attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute
To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 
in Los Angeles, California
MusiCares Person of the Year Neil Young and musician Elton John attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California
(January 28, 2010 - Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images North America)

MusiCares Person of the Year Neil Young, Pegi Young
and musician Elton John attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year 
Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 
29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California
MusiCares Person of the Year Neil Young, Pegi Young and musician Elton John attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California
(January 28, 2010 - Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images North America)

Musicians Elton John and Elvis Costello attend the 
2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los 
Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, 
Musicians Elton John and Elvis Costello attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California
(January 28, 2010 - Photo by Larry Busa

MusiCares Person of the Year Neil Young, Pegi Young
and musician Elton John attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year 
Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 
29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California
MusiCares Person of the Year Neil Young, Pegi Young and musician Elton John attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California

Musicians Elton John and Elvis Costello attend the 
2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los 
Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, 
Musicians Elton John and Elvis Costello attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los
Musicians Leon Russell, Elton John and Elvis 
Costello attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil 
Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los 
Angeles, California
Musicians Leon Russell, Elton John and Elvis Costello attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California

Musicians Leon Russell and Elton John attend the 
2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los 
Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, 
Musicians Leon Russell and Elton John attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California

Musicians Leon Russell, Elton John and Elvis 
Costello attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil 
Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los 
Angeles, California
Musicians Leon Russell, Elton John and Elvis Costello attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California

MusiCares Person of the Year Neil Young, Pegi Young
and musician Elton John attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year 
Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 
29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California
MusiCares Person of the Year Neil Young, Pegi Young and musician Elton John attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California
(January 28, 2010 - Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images North America)

MusiCares Person of the Year Neil Young and 
musician Elton John attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute
To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 
in Los Angeles, California
MusiCares Person of the Year Neil Young and musician Elton John attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California

Musician Elton John and David Furnish attend the 
2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los 
Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, 
Musician Elton John and David Furnish attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California

Musician Elton John and David Furnish attend the 
2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los 
Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, 
Musician Elton John and David Furnish attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the--

Musicians Jeff Tweedy of Wilco and Elton John 
attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at 
the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, 
Musicians Jeff Tweedy of Wilco and Elton John attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California

Musicians Sheryl Crow and Elton John attend the 
2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los 
Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, 
Musicians Sheryl Crow and Elton John attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the

Musicians Sheryl Crow, Elton John and T-Bone 
Burnett attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil 
Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los 
Angeles, California
Musicians Sheryl Crow, Elton John and T-Bone Burnett attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California

Musicians Elton John and Leon Russell attend the 
2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los 
Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, 
Musicians Elton John and Leon Russell attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young

Musicians Elton John, T-Bone Burnett and Leon 
Russell attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil 
Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los 
Angeles, California
Musicians Elton John, T-Bone Burnett and Leon Russell attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California
Musicians Jeff Tweedy and Pat Sansone of Wilco, 
Beck and Elton John attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute
To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 
in Los Angeles, California
Musicians Jeff Tweedy and Pat Sansone of Wilco, Beck and Elton John attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California
Musical group Wilco and musician Elton John attend 
the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los 
Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, 
Musical group Wilco and musician Elton John attend the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California

Musician Elton John performs onstage at the 2010 
MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles 
Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California.
Musician Elton John performs onstage at the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California.

Musicians Leon Russell (C) and Elton John (R) 
onstage at the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young 
at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles,
Musicians Leon Russell (C) and Elton John (R) onstage at the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California

Musician Elton John performs onstage at the 2010 
MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles 
Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California.
Musician Elton John performs onstage at the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute To Neil Young at the Los Angeles Convention Center on January 29, 2010 in Los Angeles, California.
(January 28, 2010 - Photo by Larry Busacca/Getty Images North America) 
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