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segunda-feira, 28 de março de 2011

Elton John dedica música para Elizabeth Taylor,,MUL1655322-9798,00-ELTON+JOHN+DEDICA+MUSICA+PARA+ELIZABETH+TAYLOR.html

24/03/11 - 17h46 - Atualizado em 24/03/11 - 18h20

Elton John dedica música para Elizabeth Taylor

Cantor também fez discurso em homenagem à amiga.

Do EGO, no Rio

Reprodução/You Tube

Elton John

Elton John dedicou uma música para Elizabeth Taylor, que morreu nesta quarta-feira, 23, durante o show do cantor em Pittsburgh. O cantor também fez uma homenagem para a amiga.

Confira o vídeo 

"Hoje eu perdi uma amiga. Ela não era apenas uma estrela de cinema, embora fosse uma estrela de cinema enorme e nunca haverá alguém como ela novamente. Foi sem dúvida uma das melhores pessoas que eu já conheci na minha vida. Ela era uma mulher incrível e tive o privilégio de ter a conhecido.", disse Elton antes de começar a tocar "Don't Let the Sun Go Down On Me".

Elton John, torcedor fanático e ex-presidente do Watford,1,1

Quando criança, muita gente deseja se tornar presidente do seu time do coração. Agora imaginem um ídolo da música, famoso em todo o planeta e uma personalidade da cultura, se tornando presidente. E, melhor, conquistando sucesso nesta insólita empreitada. Pois Elton John, mito do pop/rock mundial, fez tudo isto pelo Watford Football Club.
O agora cavaleiro do Império Britânico torce desesperadamente pela modesta agremiação, fundada em 1881. Em 1976, Elton John resolveu comprar seu time, afundado na patética oitava colocação da quarta divisão inglesa. No primeiro ano, de reorganização do clube, repetiu o rendimento ficando em sétimo lugar. Chegava o então jovem treinador Graham Taylor à Vicarage Road.

Porém no ano seguinte subiu para a terceira divisão com uma excepcional campanha, campeão com cinco rodadas de antecipação.
Em 1979 o sucesso se repetiu, subindo para a segunda divisão com uma ótima campanha e um segundo lugar. Depois de penar na temporada seguinte, ficando em 18° lugar, um 9° lugar em 80-81 indicava que o caminho correto estava sendo seguido.
Em 82, enfim a glória, ficando em um ótimo segundo lugar e subindo para a divisão de elite pela 1° vez em sua história. Aliás, em uma temporada na qual o igualmente modesto  Swansea City liderou por várias rodadas e terminou em 6° lugar sua primeira temporada na Primeira Divisão.
E, o melhor viria no ano seguinte, quando o Watford foi vice-campeão inglês, ficando atrás (bem atrás, diga-se de passagem), do multicampeão Liverpool de Bob Paisley, que substituiu Bill Shankly, o mítico treinador dos Reds e falecido na temporada anterior. Ou seja, de 7º na Quarta Divisão em 1977 para 2º na Primeira Divisão em 1983 sob comando de Elton John e Graham Taylor.
E aí o brilho acabou, e o Watford ficou ainda algumas temporadas em posições intermediárias antes de ser rebaixado em 1988. Desde então, namorou a Terceira Divisão por duas temporadas e a Segunda Divisão por outras seis. Subiu duas vezes para a elite, em 1999 e 2006, mas foi rebaixado na temporada seguinte.
E Elton John? Este ’saiu do armário’ (assumindo publicamente a homossexualidade), virou Cavaleiro da Rainha, já fez dois shows com renda destinada ao Watford, casou e agora até pai é (com seu namorado). Em 2002, Elton John deixou de ser presidente em tempo integral do clube mas continuou sendo membro do comitê executivo.
E integrante do “The Yellow Army” (O Exército Amarelo).

Watford para sempre.

Postado por Alexandre Perin, às 15:49
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Crítica - Gnomeo & Juliet (2011)

Realizado por Kelly Asbury
Com Jason Statham, Emily Blunt, James McAvoy

O clássico "Romeu & Juliet" de William Shakespeare foi novamente adaptado aos cinemas mas desta vez não estamos perante um romance live-action mas sim perante um filme animado claramente inferior às produções da Disney/Pixar, DreamWorks ou Illumination Entertainment. “Gnomeo & Juliet” é protagonizado por Gnomeu (James McAvoy) e Juliet (Emily Blunt), dois gnomos decorativos que pertencem a famílias rivais mas que acabam por se apaixonar um pelo outro, criando assim um conflito entre as suas famílias que não aceitam este seu amor proibido e que vão fazer de tudo para os impedir de viverem felizes para sempre.

A história de “Gnomeo & Juliet” não é inteiramente fiel à da clássica e romântica história de William Shakespeare e ainda bem que não o é porque estamos perante uma obra animada direccionada a um público muito inocente que não iria compreender a beleza e o dramatismo de "Romeu & Juliet". “Gnomeo & Juliet” é portanto uma versão mais cómica, feliz e infantil do icónico clássico literário, uma versão que se centra no romance proibido entre Gnomeo e Juliet e no confronto entre as suas famílias (Azuis e Vermelhos) mas que também aposta em vários momentos cómicos que envolvem intervenientes secundários como Nanette (Ashley Jensen), Benny (Matt Lucas), Fawn (Ozzy Osbourne), Featherstone (Jim Cummings ) e o Gnomo da Pesca (James Daniel Wilson). A sua conclusão é a mais indicada porque fornece a Gnomeo e a Juliet um final feliz e nada catastrófico, alias não existe nenhum momento sombrio em todo o filme porque nem mesmo o malévolo Tybalt (Jason Statham) tem um final mortal.

O maior trunfo de “Gnomeo & Juliet” está na sua banda sonora que é composta por vários êxitos musicais da autoria de Elton John (Produtor), êxitos esses que se inserem muitíssimo bem na essência romântica e cómica desta obra que tecnicamente está a milhas dos sucessos animados da Pixar/Disney ou da DreamWorks. O seu elenco vocal norte-americano é composto por actores conhecidos como Emily Blunt ou James McAvoy mas também por nomes mediáticos de outros sectores de entretenimento como Ozzy Osbourne ou Hulk Hogan, nomes poderosos que aparentemente fizeram um trabalho razoável. Quanto ao elenco vocal nacional, acho também que teve uma performance minimamente aceitável. Em suma, “Gnomeo & Juliet” não é um excelente filme de animação mas é uma obra razoável que nos oferece uma versão mais leve e inocente de “Romeo & Juliet”, versão essa que deverá entreter facilmente os espectadores mais novos.


SESC Santana
Dia(s) 16/04
Sábado, às 20h.
Apresentação musical cover, com Rogério Martins, interpretando os grandes sucessos de Elton John como ‘Rocket Man’, ‘Crocodile Rock’, ‘Bennie and the Jets’ e ‘Philadelphia Freedom’ contando com a performance de casais de dançarinos da escola Jaime Arôxa. 60 min. Convivência II.

Não recomendado para menores de 12 anos

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por R$ 19,00

Gente  |  24/03/2011 11h49min
Elton John dedica canção a Elizabeth Taylor em show,0,3251144,Elton-John-dedica-cancao-a-Elizabeth-Taylor-em-show.html

Cantor executou "Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me"
Atualizada às 12h30min

O cantor Elton John fez um tributo a Elizabeth Taylor durante um show em Pittsburgh, dedicando uma canção à atriz, que morreu nesta quarta-feira. Igualmente à Liz, o cantor também promove ativamente um maior conhecimento da Aids.

— Estou triste por que hoje perdi uma amiga e vocês perderam uma heroína — disse em show na quarta-feira à noite.

Elton John tocou Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me, logo depois de dizer:

— Deus abençoe Elizabeth. Deus sabe como faremos para substituí-la. Esta (música) é para ti e a recordação de todas as pessoas que ajudaste a salvar.

Ingressos do Rock in Rio estão em pré-venda!

publicado em 23/03/2011 - 20:53 por Juliana Colares
Para quem não quer esperar até 7 de maio e quer garantir logo o acesso livre aos shows do Rock In Rio 4, começou ontem, terça (dia 22), a pré-venda de entradas para clientes com cartões Itaucard platinum, black e infinite. A edição limitada de ingressos poderá ser adquirida com uma redução de 15%, no valor do Rock in Rio Card, até 22 de abril, por meio do site Ou seja, um descontinho até bom para quem não é estudante. A entrada, para cada dia, custa R$ 190 (inteira) e R$ 95 (meia). Poderão ser comprados até quatro ingressos por CPF por dia de festival. Vale lembrar que em dezembro do ano passado o primeiro lote se esgotou em pouco menos de um mês. Foram vendidos 100 mil tickets.
O Rock In Rio 4 acontece entre 23 de setembro e 2 de outubro, com 108 atrações. Guns N’ Roses, Katy Perry, Rihanna, Elton John, Coldplay, Metallica e Red Hot Chili Peppers estão entre os artistas confirmados para o festival. Todas as atrações do palco Sunset, destinado a encontros entre artistas, já foram reveladas.

Elton John planeja jantar para Príncipe William e Kate Middleton

Casal Beckham deve ser convidado para o evento

Elton John planeja jantar para Príncipe William e Kate Middleton  - Grosby Group

Elton John quer promover um banquete real para os noivos Príncipe William e Kate Middleton, que trocam alianças no dia 29 de abril. O cantor estaria organizando um jantar em sua casa, com a ajuda de seu marido, David Furnish.
“Elton ama e acha divertido ter pessoas em sua casa. Ele está em turnê pelos Estados Unidos no momento, mas ele vai para o Reino Unido e voltará para sua casa em Old Windsor, assim que sua agenda permitir. Ele quer convidar Kate e William para o jantar, em retribuição ao convite de casamento. Ele sempre dá as festas mais incríveis e a realeza se sentirá em casa”, disse uma fonte ao Daily Mirror.
A lista de convidados do jantar traz os nomes de David e Victoria Beckham. Os Beckhams serão convidados, mas isso depende se o clube de David vai deixá-lo viajar", explica o informante.
Vale lembrar que Elton foi um grande amigo da Princesa Diana, mãe do Príncipe William.

Elton John: - Agora me sinto uma mulher moderna

Da Redação

Elton John

Elton John se descreve como uma mulher moderna. O intérprete de Rocket Man declarou ao ShowBiz Spy que realmente se sente conectado com o século 21.

- Para alguém que sempre se recusou a ficar online, usar um computador, acessar a internet, Elton John recebeu o seu primeiro iPad há duas semanas, falou David Furnish, marido do cantor.
O motivo de tanta mudança? A adoção do filho do casal, Zachary. Quando não está perto da criança, o artista pode ficar em contato com o bebê.

Download Elton John 03-16-2011 Madison Square Garden Arena, New York City

Elton John Dedicates Song to Elizabeth Taylor at Concert

10:10 AM 3/24/2011 by Lindsay Powers

"Today I lost a friend and you lost a hero," he says of her death at his Pittsburgh show Wednesday.

Elton John dedicated a song to longtime friend Elizabeth Taylor at his Pennsylvania concert Wednesday night.
"Today I lost a friend and you lost a hero named Elizabeth Taylor. She was not just a movie star, although she was a huge movie star and there will never be anyone like her again ... She was without a doubt one of the greatest people I've ever met in my life," John told the audience in Pittsburgh's Consol Energy Center.
PHOTOS: Elizabeth Taylor's life in pictures
"She stood up when no one was prepared to stand up and be counted against AIDS," continued John, who grew close to the two-time Oscar winner over their shared interest in raising money for the disease.

"She supported everybody in that with 1,000 percent of her body and her fiber," added John. "But most of all she loved people. She fought for the underdog. She was an incredible woman and I was privileged to have known her."
PHOTOS: Elizabeth Taylor's many loves
"God bless you, Elizabeth. God knows how we're going to replace you. This is for you and your beautiful memory and for all the people you helped and saved," he went on before launching into "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me."
John also released "Candle In the Wind" in 1973 to pay tribute Marilyn Monroe, and re-released it in 1997 for Princess Diana.
Taylor died Wednesday at 79 from congestive heart failure; read more Hollywood tributes to the two-time Oscar winner.

March 27, 2011

Review: Elton John at 1st Mariner Arena in Baltimore

elton john at 1st mariner arenaSun reporter Nick Madigan saw Elton John last night at 1st Mariner Arena. Here's a photo gallery of the show. And here is Nick's review:
When Elton John launched into "Funeral for a Friend" at the start of his concert in Baltimore on Saturday night, it was easy to assume that he was honoring the departed screen star Elizabeth Taylor, with whom John had long shared a friendship and the mission of promulgating the fight against AIDS.
But three songs later, John made his intentions clear, dedicating the concert to the late Guy Babylon, a Baltimore native who had been John's keyboard player for a decade -- they had played more than 1,300 gigs together -- when he died of a heart attack in 2009. "He was a huge Orioles and Ravens fan," John told the sold-out hall at the 1st Mariner Arena, drawing a thunderous response, and said that although Babylon lived in California, his heart had always remained in Baltimore.
"Guy, wherever you are -- this show is for you," John said, touching the first notes of "Levon," one of his most evocative peans of biography.
For years one of the more flamboyant performers in rock, John, who turned 64 on Friday, has mellowed only his outfits. Attired in his now trademark coattails, neatly buttoned around his plump frame, he remains as energetic as ever, plowing boisterously through a musical canon spanning four decades, songs like "Madman Across the Water," "Tiny Dancer," "Candle in the Wind,” “Your Song” and "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" -- all a trigger to rattling memories in a crowd populated largely by the gray-haired.
elton john at 1st mariner arenaAt 1st Mariner, John jumped to his feet from the piano at the conclusion of almost every song, jabbing his finger at the audience, exhorting them to even greater enthusiasm. This is a man who, not surprisingly, covets applause. But at one point, as he introduced his band -- including guitarist Davey Johnstone and drummer Nigel Olsson, who have been with him since the beginning -- John spoke of the privilege of a lifetime of singing songs and getting paid for it, and sounded grateful for the chances he's had. It was a revealing note of modesty in a performer known for outré showmanship.
It was also clear, though, that time has taken its toll. While his voice has lost none of its volume or vigor, John pitches it lower, most high notes having surrendered to the vagaries of age, smoking and high living. Perhaps in an effort to compensate, John’s delivery is augmented -- excessively, in my view -- by sometimes prodigious amounts of echo and reverb, so that songs that sound tender and soulful on his albums sound forced and even harsh from the stage.
But if John -- who recently adopted a baby -- was showing signs of longevity, his guest of honor for the evening appeared positively centenarian. Leon Russell, who was inducted on March 14 into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and who will turn 69 next month, shuffled onto the stage with the aid of a cane, his face obscured by a voluminous white beard and sunglasses, his equally white hair cascading down his back from under a white, wide-brimmed cowboy hat. Stiffly taking his seat at a second grand piano, Russell loosened up only in the tips of his fingers, deftly tinkering the keyboard as he and John delivered a handful of songs from "The Union," the album they released together last fall.
elton john at 1st mariner arenaAnd yet Russell's willingness to go out on the road and plug the album is a testament to his own fortitude, considering he underwent brain surgery shortly before recording "The Union" and has been in frail health since. His voice, vaguely reminiscent of Willie Nelson's, was clear and strong, and recalled the heyday of his career as a session man and performer in the 1970s, when he played with everyone from George Harrison to Bob Dylan to the Rolling Stones.
At first glance, his pairing with Elton John might have seemed a mismatch, given Russell’s abhorrence for histrionics and glittery showbiz, but John made clear his connection to him by saying he had “idolized” Russell and his talent decades ago, when he sometimes opened concerts for the older player. “He’s my hero, my friend,” John told the crowd.
Together, the pair pounded the pianos and wailed, and if members of the audience were not as enthused over the unfamiliar new songs, they at least encouraged the musicians to kick out the jams.
Unintentionally or not, one of their songs together, "Never Too Old," might have summed up the ethos of the evening -- two veterans, fighting on despite the advancing years and drawing cheers as they did.
"You're never too old," John said when the song was over. "And you're never too young."
(Photos by Colby Ware/Special to The Baltimore Sun)

Elton John Forum

I'm at the Pittsburgh show as I'm writing this and I cannot believe I just had to sit thru an hour of Leon Russell!!!!! It was the worst experience I've ever had at a concert and I'm an avid music fan and concert goer. I've never done anything like this in my life, but I've been cheated out of time and $$$ !!!!! I cannot believe that Elton John would put his fans thru this!! My only problem that I've ever had at concerts is that musicians make you listen to either B sides (which some are great ) or that they force new music on you. But to advertise this as a greatest hits show is an absolute joke!!! So for anyone planning on going to any show on this tour think about it first. Do you really want to listen to Leon Russell for an hour?! If so than I recommendit if not than stay away. The entire crowd at Consol Energy was disgusted by this. So let me finish my rant , and for what I was just put thru dammit I deserve to be heard, Elton why did you put me thru that. I and everyone in Pittsburgh deserves an apology. Keep the money and give it to Leon!!!

Posted on Mon, Mar. 28, 2011

Elton John plays hits plus

By Steve Klinge

For The Inquirer

Elton John played lots of hits and some newer material, Leon Russell sitting in with him on the latter.
Elton John played lots of hits and some newer material, Leon Russell sitting in with him on the latter.

Elton John billed his tour that came to the Wells Fargo Center on Friday night as "Greatest Hits Live." But that claim was only partly true. From 1970 to 1996, Sir Elton charted Top 40 hits every year, but the three-hour set drew almost exclusively from the first five of those years. The only exceptions: "I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues" and "Sad Songs (Say So Much)" from the early '80s and eight songs with Leon Russell from last year's The Union.

The Union is a surprisingly strong album that allowed John to refract his star power onto one of his musical heroes, and Russell deserves rediscovery. The two share a deep grounding in honky-tonk and New Orleans-style piano playing, and their 45 minutes together was a fun meeting of equals. The Union's "Hey Ahab" and "Never Too Old (To Hold Somebody)" clearly share musical DNA with John's earliest work, such as the gospel-based "Take Me to the Pilot" and "Levon." But it's disingenuous to call them greatest hits and devote a quarter of the show to the album, especially without advertising it.

The hits themselves varied. It was, by definition, a nostalgia show with few surprises (aside from Russell's appearance). John's been performing these songs for four decades, and so have drummer Nigel Olsson and guitarist Davey Johnstone, but there was little of John's legendary flamboyance. Dressed in a long black coat, pink shirt, and signature scarf, he stayed tethered to his piano, mugging thank yous to the crowd. His voice lacks some of its former power and range, which diminished the catharsis of "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" and the celebration in "Philadelphia Freedom," and he often relied on his bandmates and a quartet of backing singers, including Sly & the Family Stone's Rose Stone, to bolster the depth.

But there were moments of genuine in-the-moment music making. Friday was John's 64th birthday, and he rattled off a loose and lively bit of the Beatles' "When I'm 64." His piano playing was in fine form. "Rocket Man," "Burn Down the Mission," and "Madman Across the Water" stretched out with rollicking, enthusiastic piano solos, some of which brought surprised smiles from the band. And it was difficult to resist smiling to "Bennie and the Jets," "The Bitch Is Back" and "Crocodile Rock," the inherently campy trio of bona fide hits that closed the main set.


What Is This Elton John Autograph Worth?

I recently got my ticket autographed at an Elton John concert. There were some special conditions which could possibly increase the value. It is a ticket to Elton John's very first show at the new Console Energy Center in Pittsburgh, Pa, also the show was played on the same day as Elizabeth Taylor's death. Elton John talked about her death and sang a song for her. It is a pretty legible autograph and the ticket is in perfect condition. The ticket is also front row, dead center in front of his piano. Thanks.

Answers (1)

The Elton John autograph could be worth about $2,000.00.

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Sir Elton John pays tribute to Dame Elizabeth Taylor

DateMarch 24, 2011
Picture Sir Elton John paid tribute to Dame Elizabeth Taylor during a concert in the US, by dedicating a tune to the late screen legend. The Academy Award-winning actress died yesterday in Los Angeles of congestive heart failure, aged 79. Sir Elton made the heartfelt tribute to his long-time friend and fellow Aids activist during his gig in Pittsburgh, telling the audience that it was "a sad day because today I lost a friend and you lost a hero". In a Live Nation video supplied to WTAE-TV in Pittsburgh, the 63-year-old singer said Dame Taylor "stood up when no one was prepared to stand up and be counted against Aids". He then performed his track Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me after saying: "God bless you, Elizabeth. God knows how we are going to replace you. This is for you and your beautiful memory, and for all of the people you helped and saved."...

Copied from

Happy Birthday, Sir Elton John!

Elton John faz hoje 64 anos. Para assinalar o aniversário do músico britânico, uma pastelaria norte-americana confecionou um original bolo em forma de piano

Maria Luiza Rolim(
23:28 Sexta feira, 25 de Março de 2011
Elton John

ELTON John is planning an exclusive dinner party for Prince William and Kate Middleton.
The Rocket Man singer — who was a close friend of William’s mother, the late Princess Diana — and his partner David Furnish have planned the party, to which David and Victoria Beckham will also be invited to thank the young couple for their invitation to their  April 29 nuptials.
“Elton loves entertaining and hosting people at his home,” a source told Britain’s Daily Mirror newspaper.
“He is touring America at the moment but he flies between there and the UK and comes to his Old Windsor home whenever a short break in his schedule allows.
“He has wanted to invite Kate and William to dinner for a while now to thank them for his wedding invitation. He always puts on the most incredible feasts fit for royalty anyway so they should feel right at home.
“The Beckhams will be invited but it depends on whether his club will let him travel.”

Reposting from yesterday....just in case someone missed the news.

ELTON JOHN!!!! Red heart Yayyyyyyyy!!!! Party Sheeeeeeeeeeshhhhhhh​​​hh!!!  Mj was right to begin with when I posted this news on Thursday! Open-mouthed Someone is really trying to keep us from getting the Spoilers! 

List of best songs of ELTON JOHN:

1. Your Song - Star Stefano
2. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road - Star Jacob or Casey
3. Tiny Dancer
4. Empty Garden (Song for John Lennon) - Star Scotty
5. Madman Across the Water - Star Casey
6. Philidelphia Freedom - Star Scotty, Jacob, Paul
7. Island Girl
8. Levon - Red rose HALEY
9. Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me -Star Casey
10. "Ticking" - No
11. Funeral For A Friend - Instrumental 
12. Someone Saved My Life Tonight - Star James
13. CIRCLE OF LIFE - Red rose Thia or Naima
14. CANDLE IN THE WIND - Red rose Lauren, Thia, Naima or Pia
15. Bennie & the Jets - Star Paul
16. Original Sin - No?
17. Can You Feel the Love Tonight - Star Stefano
18. Rocket Man - Star Paul
19. Pinky - No
20. live like horses - No
21. Harmony -Red rose HALEY
22. THE ONE (What Dreams May Come) - Star Jacob or Stefano
23. I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues - Star Jacob or Casey
24. Blue Eyes - Star Stefano
25. Sad Songs(Say So Much)-StarJames, Haley, Naima (anyone, really)
26. I'm Still Standing -  Red rose Lauren, Naima, Thia, Pia
27. Friends - ?
28. Sweet Painted Lady - Red roseHALEY - HAHAAAA!!!!
29. Club At The End Of The Street - Star Scotty
30. NIKITA - Star Scotty
31. Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word - Red rose Pia
32. I Want Love - Star Paul
33. The Bitch Is Back - No 
34. Don't Go Breaking My Heart - would have to be a Duet
35. Sweat It Out - No
36. You Gotta Love Someone - Star Scotty
37. I Dont Wanna Go On With You Like That
38. victim of love - No
39. Crocodile Rock - Star James
40. Cold - No
41. Daniel - Star Paul, Stefano, Casey, Jacob(really anyone could sing it)
42. Something About The Way You Look Tonight - Red rose Pia or Stefano (does a guy have to sing this one?)
43. Sacrifice - Red rose Lauren

Thinking  What Songs should they sing?

Backup Artist

Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 178
nikosaek is on a distinguished road

Elton John 03-16-2011

Elton John (with Leon Russell & Greg Allman)
March 16, 2011 (Wed)
Madison Square Garden Arena, New York City

a01 Funeral For A Friend
a02 Love Lies Bleeding
a03 Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting)
a04 Levon
a05 Madman Across The Water
a06 Tiny Dancer
a07 Philadelphia Freedom
a08 Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
a09 I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues
a10 Rocket Man
b01 If It Wasn't For Bad *
b02 Hey Ahab *
b03 The Best Part Of The Day *
b04 Gone To Shiloh **
b05 Monkey Suit *
b06 When Love Is Dying *
b07 MC (Band Introductions)
b08 Never Too Old (To Hold Somebody) *
b09 A Dream Come True *
c01 Sad Songs (Say So Much)
c02 Take Me To The Pilot
c03 Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me
c04 Candle In The Wind
c05 Burn Down The Mission
c06 Bennie And The Jets
c07 The Bitch Is Back
c08 Crocodile Rock
c09 Your Song

* with Leon Russell
** with Leon Russell & Gregg Allman

Arashi recording at 321 section (behind the stage)
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Elton John

ELTON John has described himself as a “modern woman”.
The Rocket Man hitmaker says his husband David Furnish wears the trousers in their 18-year romance.
“As they say, I am now a modern woman. I’ve actually entered the 21st century,” he said.
“For someone who has steadfastly refused to get online, embrace the computer, embrace the internet, Elton’s got the delivery of his first iPad 2 weeks ago because it has the double camera on it,” David added.
“He wants to Skype his little son every day when he’s not with him.”
Elton then opened up about the couple’s baby son Zachary — who was born on Christmas day last year.
“When David and I had our civil union in Windsor, it brought us closer together,” he said.
“We’d already been together 13 years. It brought us together in the most incredible way. It moved us closer together.

Elton John to meet David Cameron over gay HIV rates

ton John says he will meet prime minister David Cameron to discuss what can be done to tackle UK HIV rates in gay men. The pop legend and HIV campaigner said he had a date in the diary to speak to the prime minister.
John, who set up the Elton John AIDS Foundation in 1992, was speaking to Gaydar Radio’s Neil Sexton and Debbie Ryan yesterday.
Sexten said: “We’ve been told that HIV prevention services in London face a funding cut of about 43 per cent, and that’s on the back of the news that in the last ten years we’ve seen a 70 per cent rise in new diagnosis of HIV infections in gay men. If you could both speak to the government and to David Cameron what would you say?”
John replied: “I’m going to see David Cameron when I come back in April, I have a date in my diary to see him. I’m going to be talking with him – with the people who work with my AIDS foundation – to talk about this very thing and to see what the government is going to do about it – and to see how we can work together.
“It is startling that in this day and age [that] the infection rate has gone up so much within gay men. It is something on our agenda and I’m going to be doing that when I come back in May.”
A Downing Street source confirmed to that a private meeting would take place in the next couple of months.
John and his civil partner David Furnish were voted campaigners of the year for 2011 in the Gaydar Heroes Awards.
Furnish, who is the chairman of John’s AIDS Foundation, told the radio station that he was particularly concerned about younger gay men not understanding safe-sex messages.
He said: “The new younger generation of gay men that are out there, they didn’t get the same safe-sex messages that I got when I was growing up – when I was becoming aware of my sexuality.
“There has been a decrease in funding, cutting that funding further is disastrous because there is so much misinformation out there relating to HIV and how it’s transmitted and how it affects people.
“We need to continue – as each new generation comes along and becomes sexually active – we need continue to make them aware and understand the risks of HIV”.

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