Throughout her career, icon Kate Bush has left a number of detailed soundscapes in her wake; something akin to miniature, exquisitely crafted snowglobes of emotion, if you will. Fittingly, then, Bush’s new album 50 Words for Snow finds the chanteuse singing hymns to not only the season, but to her entire career.
Calling these songs hymns isn’t a misnomer. Indeed, you might think you’re listening to a modish version of the Gregorian chanting monks in the track Lake Tahoe. Meanwhile, Snowed In At Wheeler Street offers a lingering duet featuring a haunting Elton John vocal; Bush’s music and living legacy as an artist has the respect of her peers and her contemporaries in spades here, and it shows. Moreover, with this album, it’s clear that she’s adept at creating slow, gorgeous song-stories that take their time to unfold. They are, in essence, pieces that revel in themselves without bothering to revel in the past.
Not that she’s an artist that needs to revisit the past to capture long-ago glory, mind you. Bush’s voice, after all these years, is astonishingly preserved — listening to her precision on this record is often the aural equivalent of cutting glass with a diamond. There is virtually no difference in her vocals between now and 1978′s The Kick Inside, released when she was a mere 19 years old.
50 Words for Snow offers Bush at her prime; beyond a collection of songs just for completist fans, it’s an album that’s more than likely to nab her a new generation of devotees.
Chugg Entertainment is proud to present the much-lauded return of the one and only Elton John to Australia this summer.
On this, his 15th tour of Australia, Elton John & His Band will begin the national run of dates on Wednesday 30th November at the Brisbane Entertainment Centre before heading south to the iconic Hunter Valley for a performance under the stars at HopeEstate on Saturday 3rd December – in this his only appearance in NSW on the tour. The show then rolls south to Melbourne’s Rod Laver Arena on Tuesday 6th December, then onwards to Adelaide for A Night At Coopers Amphitheatre at the Coopers Brewery on Friday 9th December before closing the tour in Perth at Burswood Dome on Sunday 11th December.
Don’t miss this rare opportunity to hear one of the world’s greatest pop musicians inspectacular form when ROCKET MAN returns to Australia this November/December.
Tickets can be purchased from but you have a chance to WIN tickets with MAX we have the following amazing prize to giveaway!!!
FRONT ROW tickets to Elton John’s final show in Melbourne on Tuesday 6 December plus return economy flights from your nearest capital city to Melbourne and accommodation all included. The Minor Prizes will be a double pass to the folling Elton John shows!
Wednesday 30th November – Entertainment Centre, Brisbane Saturday 3rd December – Hope Estate, Hunter Valley Tuesday 6th December – Rod Laver Arena, Melbourne Friday 9th December – A Night At Coopers Amphitheatre Coopers Brewery, Adelaide Sunday 11th December – Burswood Dome, Perth
To ENTER tell us in 25 words or less what’s your favourite Elton John song and why?
01 ? Yellow River 02 ? Spirit In The Sky 03 ? Natural Sinner 04 ? In The Summertime 05 ? Up Around The Bend 06 ? Come And Get It 07 ? Signed Sealed Delivered 08 ? Travellin? Band 09 ? I Can?t Tell The Bottom From The Top 10 ? Good Morning Freedom 11 ? She Sold Me Magic 12 ? Snake In The Grass 13 ? Love Of The Common People 14 ? Come and Get It ?missing track 15 ? My Baby Loves Lovin? 16 ? Young Gifted And Black 17 ? Lady D?Arbanville 18 ? Neanderthal Man 19 ? Cotton Fields 20 ? United We Stand
Elton John to take family on heli ride over Moscow
Colorful British pop legend Sir Elton John is taking measures to conquer Moscow’s notorious traffic jams ahead of a concert in the Russian capital. The singer will beat the queues and get a bird’s eye view of the city from a helicopter.
Elton John, who is due to perform at Moscow’s Crocus City Hall on Monday November 14, has first-hand experience of Moscow’s traffic misery, being a frequent visitor to the city. The star has taken radical evasive action by booking a helicopter for himself and his loved-ones.Happy couple Elton John, 64, and his partner David Furnish, 49, who now have a 10-month-old son to care for, are not about to miss a chance to show the world to their baby. Despite the fact that Zachary will have no memories of his short trip here, the Russian capital will nonetheless figure on his “have-been-to” list.The veteran pop legend will showcase a program of his Greatest Hits at his Moscow concert, with accompaniment from his Elton John band and 2Cellos, a duo from Croatia.The tour, which kicked off in Latvia, has already taken the singer to Riga, Vilnius, St. Petersburg and Kiev.
Trideset izdanih albumov (raznih kompilacij, duetov na platah drugih izvajalcev raje ne štejemo), prodanih v 250 milijonih izvodov, več kot 3000 koncertov, številne glasbene nagrade, od gramijev do oskarja, ter razne titule od famoznega naziva sir do imenovanja za najuspejšnješega moškega soloizvajalca vseh časov s strani Billboarda. Vse to in še mnogo več je Elton John. Po več kot 40-letih glasbene kariere in večkratnih koncertnih obiskih vseh koncev sveta se je v petek – končno – ustavil tudi v Sloveniji.
Z navajanjem številk in priznanj ne izvemo bistvenega o Eltonu Johnu, zato je potrebno obiskati kakšnega izmed njegovih koncertov. Eltonu številni nastopi, čeprav si prav po industrijsko sledijo kot po tekočem traku (zadnja turneja od izida albuma z uspešnicami, ki so zasedle prva mesta lestvic, Rocket Man: Number One, traja z nekaj razmiki že vse od leta 2007), ne predstavljajo obveze ali povečevanje dediščine sina Zachary-ja, temveč po vseh teh letih še vedno neizmerno zabavo, ki v povprečju traja dve ure in pol (v Ljubljani je trajala še nekoliko dalj, skoraj tri ure) in ob opazovanju katere se zdi, da se z starimi bendovskimi kolegi ter bekvokalistkami sami najbolje zabavajo (na vsem koncertu noben obiskovalec ni migal z zadnjo platjo tako intenzivno in, kot je bilo videti, povsem za lastno zabavo kot štiri bekvokalistke pri The Bitch Is Back). Publika se pač menja iz ene koncertne dvorane v drugo. Nekje so obiskovalci bolj živahni, drugje bolj umirjeni (v Ljubljani delno tudi zaradi sedišč v parterju), nekje se razživijo ob starih hitih, drugje – kot se je zgodilo pri nas – jih v malo bolj živahno stanje popeljejo odlični komadi z zadnjega albuma, The Union, predvsem Hey Ahab in Monkey Suit.
Koncert sta s čelistično izvedbo Jacksonove Smooth Criminal otvorila slovensko hrvaški duet 2Cellos. Za vélika glasbena imena je značilno podpiranje mladih nadarjenih glasbenikov, a vseeno le redki dobijo priložnost igranja na turneji skupaj z imeni, kot je Elton John. Na številnih tekmovanjih nagrajeni Luka Šulić in Stjepan Hauser si to priložnost nedvomno zaslužita, saj sta ustvarila odlične priredbe (in olepšave) svetovnih hitov (U2-jeva With or Without You je v njuni izvedbi, brez glasovne interpretacije, mnogo bolj prepričljiva), ki jih lahko poslušate tudi na njunem nedavno izdanem CD-ju. Za fanta je bil petkov večer še toliko bolj poseben, ker sta igrala na domačem terenu, nacionalno ponosno občinstvo je Mariborčana Luko, pri Eltonovim predstavljanjem benda, nagradilo z bučnim aplavzom.
Elton je v skoraj tri ure trajajočem koncerti odigral številne uspešnice od začetnih Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting), I'm Still Standing in Levon - pri katerih so tonski mojstri še lovili boljši zvok - do Holiday Inn, Tiny Dancer, Philadelphia Freedom, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Candle In The Wind (v originalni različici), Sacrifice, Sad Songs (Say So Much), Something About The Way You Look Tonight, Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word, Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me. Med skupno 27-timi odpetimi skladbami (dve izmed njih v bisu Your Song in Circle of Life/Can you feel the love tonight) je izstopala četrtna urna improvizacijska izvedba Madman Across The Water, ki je spominjala na Eltona v 70-letih. Koncert se je razživel do prave mere tik pred koncem, ko so nekateri obiskovalci v parterju (ki je bil za razliko od zgornjih tribun zaradi dražjih kart najbolj prazen) pri Are You Ready For Love pritekli pred sam oder, čemur so takoj sledili še drugi. The Bitch Is Back in zadnja v rednem delu Crocodile Rock sta bili tako izvedeni s poplesavanjem pod odrom in nepogrešljivimi akrobacijami Eltona na klavirju. Zvokovna plat koncerta je bila mnogo boljša kot na kakšnem izmed preteklih koncertov, a žal se bo očitno potrebno sprijazniti, da zvok v dvorani Stožice ne bo nikoli odličen in se bo na občasno hreščanje (in morebitne druge zvokovne motnje) med koncerti potrebno navaditi.
Elton je koncert izvedel na svojem običajnem nivoju. Pevec in pianist polni dvorane že mnogo let zaradi svoje odličnosti (pa tudi vrhunskosti sodelavca tekstopisca Bernija Taupina oz. rjavega umazanega kavboja), ljubezni do glasbe in spoštovanja do publike, ki si za pošteno plačano karto zasluži vrhunsko odigran in ustrezno dolg koncert (nekaj srečnežev je tokrat domov odšlo tudi z njegovim podpisom). Nerazrodano dvorano Stožice, ki je gostila 8000 obiskovalcev, lahko tako pripišemo le dražjim kartam v parterju (ki bi bil lahko namenjen tudi le stojiščem, posledično bi pač zaprli celotno ali le del zgodnje tribune) in slabši medijski promociji. Za vse, ki ste zamudili enega izmed vrhuncev letošnje koncertne sezone v Sloveniji … Elton se bo v naši soseščini nedvomno ponovno ustavil že v bližnji prihodnosti.
Tekst: Polona Černič Foto: Bojan Okorn
David Furnish: My Son Will Live In An AIDS-Free World
By On Top Magazine Staff Published: November 13, 2011
Filmmaker David Furnish has said he believes his son will be part of the generation to live in an AIDS-free world.
Last Christmas day, Furnish and singer Elton John welcomed baby Zachary to their family.
During an interview with gay glossy The Advocate, Furnish, the chairman of the Elton John AIDS Foundation, said he became active in the fight against AIDS after watching many of his friends succumb to the disease in the 80s.
“And I watched them die very solitary, stigmatized deaths,” Furnish said. “This is a disease that has killed 30 million people, and 37 million people on our planet are living with the virus. It's a pandemic. Having been personally affected by it, it feel it's important to get involved as much as possible.”
“I would like to see my son in his lifetime live in a world without AIDS,” he later added. “And whether we discover a vaccine or a cure, if we can address stigma and homophobia, we can stop the disease from being spread to other people. And since we know with the programs we're doing around the world that we can prevent mother-to-child transmission in HIV-positive mothers, we can literally visualize an AIDS-free next generation – and my son is going to be a part of that.”
Elton John - Live At The Blockbuster Pavillion, Charlotte, NC, 14/08/1992 - FLAC ELTON JOHN LIVE AT THE BLOCKBUSTER PAVILLION CHARLOTTE, NC 14/08/1992
01.Fanfare 02.Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me 03.I'm Still Standing 04.I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues 05.Phildelphia Freedom 06.Burn Down The Mission 07.Tiny Dancer 08.Simple Life 09.The One (End Splice) 11.I Don't Wanna Go On With You Like That 12.Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters (Parts 1 and 2) 13.Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word 14.Daniel 15.The Last Song 16.Funeral For A Friend 17.Love Lies Bleeding 18.When A Woman Doesn't Love You 19.Whitewash County 20.Rocket Man 21.All The Girls Love Alice 22.Sad Songs (Say So Much) 23.Band Introductions 24.The Show Must Go On (Queen Cover-Tape Flip) 25.Saturday Night Alright (For Fighting) 26.The Bitch Is Back 27.Candle Inthe Wind 28.Your Song
Elton John graciously hosted Breanna Pfllaumer and her family backstage at her 21st birthday party Credit Photo courtesy of Pfllaumer family
Breanna Pfllaumer turned 21 years old last month and celebrated the way most young adults want to mark that big day -- with a trip to Vegas.
But Breanna is not like most young adults. The fact that she celebrated her 21stbirthday is testament to a very skilled pediatric neurosurgeon, Breanna’s unending supply of determination and strength, and her family’s ability to weather the uncertainty of their daughter’s battle with brain cancer.
When Breanna was only 13 years old and a freshman in high school, she was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. Her doctors gave her three weeks to three months to live. That was eight years ago.
Breanna had initially been treated for her suddenly stunted growth. The doctor she was seeing blamed her small stature on an eating disorder. After 10 months, what doctors finally saw was a tumor in her brain. Surgery removed a very small, and ultimately, inadequate sample. Based on that sample, her doctors told Breanna and her family that she was nearing the end of her life.
The family went into crisis mode and traveled far away for experimental treatments for that type of tumor. The treatments didn’t help, likely because Breanna had a different type of tumor. Instead, she had a highly treatable form of pediatric brain cancer which, if found early, is most often surgically removed and cured.
According to her father, Tom, the many delays by their HMO allowed Breanna's tumor to continue to grow and it did, indeed, become nearly inoperable and potentially deadly.
Long story short, Breanna’s family found a brilliant surgeon at UCLA and, after much discussion with her HMO, her surgeon was finally allowed to operate.
After more brain surgeries than I can count and two strokes that have left her struggling to overcome partial paralysis, Breanna beat the odds and graduated high school. She triumphantly received her diploma to the roar of a packed stadium standing on its feet and screaming with joy.
It seemed like Breanna was now headed for her new life adventures, like other graduates. But, because the tumor could not be completely removed, there have been more medical crises accompanied by miraculous strides forward.
Which takes us to Breanna’s adventures in Vegas. She said it was a great family trip where she had her “first” drink -- a strawberry daiquiri. OK, maybe not her very first. The main event awaiting Breanna was an Elton John concert.
Breanna’s attendance was no secret to Sir Elton. He entertained the whole family backstage before the concert, regaling them with genuine sweetness and war stories of his good friend, the late Freddie Mercury. Of course, they had supreme seats. But then Sir Elton went the extra mile. During the concert, he wished Breanna a happy birthday and dedicated a song to her.
A bold ride on the Las Vegas zipline and other fun stuff completed Breanna’s celebration.
But life is never a straight line for her and she had been having trouble walking before the trip. During the visit, Breanna had a terrible time walking. She had endured previous surgery for a cyst on her spine a while ago and now another cyst had formed on her spine.
After coming back home and going through another back surgery, Breanna recovered quickly. Then it hit her, pain in her head unlike anything she had ever known.
A trip to the ER revealed a clogged shunt in her brain and a few days later, her magnificent surgeon again helped her get past the crisis. Breanna is now home and resting up. Her father assured me that she is doing well now.
I have written several articles about Breanna and her astonishing life and I will continue to report on her progress. Knowing Breanna and her family has been one of the highlights of living in Moorpark. Being able to tell others about her makes it that much better.
Happy birthday, young lady, and watch those daiquiris, they can sneak up on you.
As chairman of the Elton John AIDS Foundation, David Furnish is doing all he can to see that his son one day lives in an AIDS-free world. Earlier this week the activist and filmmaker delivered a keynote speech at the United States Conference on AIDS in Chicago, discussing the Greater Than AIDS initiative, of which the Elton John AIDS Foundation is a founding partner. Amid the weeklong conference, Furnish found time to speak with The Advocate about the importance of the campaign, what motivated him to fight this disease, and what he’d like to see in the future.
The Advocate: What led The Elton John AIDS Foundation to cofound Greater Than AIDS? David Furnish: Just the opportunity to partner with many wonderful people, like the Kaiser Foundation, Walgreens, Johnson Publishing, and Ebony magazine. We saw it as an opportunity to dive straight in and address the biggest issues that we see affecting people: understanding and knowing about their HIV status, and the stigma associated with that. Walgreens now has in 450 of their pharmacies within African-American and gay communities across America the opportunity to go in and get on-the-spot HIV testing with counseling and medication counseling. We’re finding, despite the fact that we’ve been living with this disease for 30 years, that the greatest challenge we’re facing is stigma. The biggest hurdle we have to overcome — and that’s why we went with the Greater Than AIDS awareness campaign — is getting people to overcome their fear and their inhibitions so they can go into safe, easy environments and learn their HIV status as soon — and as privately — as possible so they can act accordingly.
How important are events like the USCA? What do you hope comes out of it? It’s very important because I think there is a younger generation of people and a lot of minority communities that basically hit the [information] snooze button on the alarm clock — the alarm clock that I heard very strongly when I was a gay man coming to terms with my sexuality and dealing with HIV in the ’80s. Those alarm bells were ringing very, very loudly. But it’s fallen off the agenda. People aren’t writing about AIDS as much anymore. I get very frustrated every time I pick up a newspaper on World AIDS Day and find the story buried on page 26, if it’s covered at all. In most major cities, one in five gay men are infected, but 50% of them don’t know it. The message clearly isn’t getting out there.
What would you like to say to the younger generation? I would say, if you’re in a situation to prevent yourself from contracting any disease, you should do so. [Which means] wearing a condom if you’re in a nonexclusive relationship or in an exclusive relationship where you don’t know the status of your partner. Prevention is still very important. But if you don’t know your status, the important thing is to get tested. Because a lot of young gay men think, Oh, I’m not vulnerable — it’s the older generation of gay men that were affected by this disease. They’re wrong. That’s where we’re seeing the growth. So they do need to take precautions.
Sinočnji koncert Eltona Johna v skoraj polni dvorani Stožice je navdušil obiskovalce. Nekateri so kljub dve uri in pol dolgem koncertu domol odšli z besedami, da jih je pustil kratke za enega njegovih največjih hitov – Nikita. Medtem, ko je Elton navduševal svoje oboževalce, ki jim je pred bisom kar z odra delil avtograme, se je sam navduševal nad slovensko – hrvaško navezo dveh čelistov Two cellos. Luka Sulič in Stjepan Hauser sta sicer ogrevala občunstvo preden je svoj koncert začel britanski zvezdnik in kasneje z Eltonovo zasedbo odigrala kar nekaj pesmi. Navdušuje pa predvsem dejstvo, da so pregovorno hladni slovenci tokrat svojo zadržanost pustili doma.
Billy joel elton john pictures
Billy Joel Also Available At: Visit Billy Joel on MySpace! I love you, Billy, and this is tough love. Billy Joel/Face to Face From Review: Saw them two nights in a row on May 2010, ( cgirou36 ) Read Elton John and Billy Joel: Face to Face Reviews Like this photo? EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS – Lindsay Is A Sheer Pleasure To Photograph Lindsay Lohan enjoyed a night out on the town. Elton John: Lady Gaga Like John Lennon Well, she has worn a mop-top wig before. Elton reported that Thom Bell was the first person to give him voice lessons; Bell encouraged John to sing in a lower register.
However it was slammed by the critics and closed in May 2006 after 39 performances. Publisher HarperCollins has announced today that the. Lennon made the rare stage appearance to keep the promise he made that he would appear on stage with Elton if “Whatever Gets You Thru The Night” became a number1 single. In great concern, and as a long time friend, his statements should not have been of public matter! Music style John’s voice was once classed as tenor, it is now baritone. A picture featuring Michael John and Joel Mason with Billy Joel and Elton John promoting their Face to Face tour appears on OnlineSeats. His albums continued to sell, but of the six released in the latter half of the 1980s, only Reg Strikes Back (number16, 1988) placed in the Top 20 in the United States. Afternoon Bitch-Back: What’s to Become of Fabulously Bitchy Lea Michele? Apr 28 Elton Johns mum: He has cut me out of his life Elton John and partner David Furnish may be enjoying life as new parents but for the legendary singers own mum things arent quite as rosy.
Elton John did have an alcohol problem (he is supposed to be sober for some time now).
What Elton did was use Billy to get more publicity.
Is it worth depriving the charity because of the bigoted source of the funding?
Sarah Mclachlan, Billy Joel, Elton John, Curt Smith in a picture as part of TV Guide’s Elton John photo gallery
I’m here because my sister-in-law bought me tickets for my birthday. I know he doesn’t usually play that song outside of New York, but it’s one of his favorites. Name (required) Email (will not be published) (required) XHTML: You can use these tags: Stay Informed SMS Newsletter Twitter Facebook RSS Watch Lady Gaga’s “You & I” Music Video Premiere! In the last issue of Rolling Stone, John spoke about his close friend and tourmate Joel’s struggles with addiction, criticizing him for not taking. I’ve had tickets to Elton at Radio City a bunch of years ago. Play Videos Play Music // Buy Now ↓ CD Digital Album More Options: Official Store MyPlay Store iTunes Amazon. X17 EXCLUSIVE – Paris And Nicky Hilton Pocket $1 Million To Attend Sweet 16 Party In Cannes Paris and Nicky Hilton know how to make money. Elton John, Chelsea Clinton & Anna Wintour Kick Off Fashion Week At amFAR Gala (PHOTOS) A flock of fashionistas and fashion-supporters headed to Cipriani Wall Street on Wednesday to kick off the fall shows at the amFAR New York Gala.
Elton John: Billy Joel 'Hates Me' For Rehab Comments Feb 10, 2011 … Just as predicted, Billy Joel now hates Elton John. In the last issue of Rolling Stone, … Alex Donnelley: Billy Joel's New Girlfriend. Elton John Shows Off Baby Zachary (PHOTOS) …
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February 2010 oskarchristian tagged Elton John and Billy Joel with a world without music is like a garden without flowers and singer-songwriter.
This is the third concert to be held in Wrigley Field following Jimmy Buffet in 2005 and The Police in 2007. Last week a semi-trailer truck carrying staging equipment for the Elton John-Billy Joel Wrigley shows overturned at Irving Park and Pulaski Roads.
Watch videos & listen free to Elton John and Billy Joel: Piano Man, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road & more, plus 5 pictures. William Martin Joel (born May 9, 1949, in Bronx, New York, USA) an American singer, pianist, and songwriter . He released his first hit song, "Piano Man", in 1973. According to the RIAA, he is the sixth best selling artist in the United States. Joel had Top 10 hits in the ’70s, ’80s, and ’90s, is a six-time Grammy Award winner and has sold in excess of 150 million records worldwide. He was inducted into the Songwriter’s Hall of Fame (Class of 1992), the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (Class of 1999), and the Long Island Music Hall of Fame (Class of 2006). Joel retired from recording pop music in 1993 but continued to tour (sometimes with Elton John). In 2001 he subsequently released Fantasies & Delusions, a CD of classical compositions for piano. In 2007 he returned to recording with a single entitled "All My Life". Discover more music, concerts, videos, and pictures with the largest catalogue online at
Do you try to get them to rehab or just give up and not speak to them? Reply Saturday 12 February By Karen Vote down Vote up Report this One of them will act the mommy role. Most Popular on HuffPost Ys8OdCqwJzFjurjIUSAx15s1gvWz4Yr98dKBszUV6tIOTSgOw71JSCBn2jNMmWj1Do2QbShDzSDqBAyEd4361WYTJt9fzEB7 MDUr7UkSXELt9I+7TTq7tHID96ixyddk6XeFJTEKmD+jNMayzhzX6h4LZHsB5DIxAkmJn1Bt/SP0wSNt2EuIHj/mj+rvL/ag 1 of 2 Hilary Duff: I’m Pregnant! Projecting is generally what most people do when they’re voicing an opinion. We’ll send you updates with the latest deals, reviews and articles for Charlotte each week. Together they persevere, leaning on each other, crying, laughing, loving, eating and drinking their way into your hearts. He and his charity don’t need Limbaugh’s dirty money. In 1969, with Quaye, drummer Roger Pope, and bassist Tony Murray, John recorded another single, ” Lady Samantha “, and an album, Empty Sky. Fireside, 2001 ^ Richard Simpson Sir Elton to become godfather to Liz’s Damian Daily Mail Retrieved 28 December 2010 ^ Brooklyn to get Elton’s millions London Evening Standard Retrieved 28 December 2010 ^ “Search the Sunday Times Rich List 2009″. London: Business.
In early September, John contacted his writing partner Bernie Taupin, asking him to revise the lyrics of his 1973 song “Candle in the Wind” to honour Diana, and Taupin rewrote the song accordingly.
Nov 7 Uptown Girl was really about Elle Macpherson, claims new book Elle Macpherson was the inspiration behind Billy Joels hit song Uptown Girl, according to a new book.
My goal is for Rush to say, ‘I support civil partnerships,’ and if I rang him right now, I think he might agree.
Elton John – Dont let the sun go down on me live
Singer/musician Sir Elton John performs onstage at the Honda Center on March 30, 2009 in Anaheim, California. (Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Elton John
Retrieved 28 December 2010 ^ Disney Theatrical Theatre – The Lion King Disney. LeAnn Rimes turned heads on the beach in Malibu Friday afternoon, showing off her fine physique in this teeny bikini. Drew Clarifies His Feelings On Amy Winehouse, Jeff Conaw. Comments 206 Pending Comments 0 View FAQ Comments are closed for this entry We are testing different comment ordering to see which the community prefers. He married his close friend and sound engineer, Renate Blauel on Valentine’s Day 1984 – the marriage lasted three years. John introduced the lineup before a crowd of 75,000 in London’s Wembley Stadium. Cute, but run along now pumpkin, grown-ups are trying to talk. The throngs of lovers in the house cheered in agreement.
Elton John: Billy Joel Needs Rehab Feb 3, 2011 … NEW YORK — Billy Joel's reaction to Elton John's … Elton John Shows Off Baby Zachary (PHOTOS) …
Billy Joel To Appear On New Season Of Cafe Racer On.
Elton John recently sat down with Rolling Stone to reminisce on his 40 years in the business and the knighted new dad eventually got around to talking about the troubles of his longtime pal (at least, he was a pal before the interview) and former touring partner Billy Joel.
While John predicted that Joel would react adversely to his comments, Joel appears unmoved by them either way and says his friendship with John remains solid.
"Rocket Man" singer opens up about longtime pal and former touring partner in Rolling Stone, saying Joel needs to buckle down in a rigorous rehab program
Hot Links: Taylor Momsen Says She Has Quit Acting Forever Casey Anthony’s Parents to Appear on ‘Dr. Elton in many ways did a good thing, it would have been even better if he did it without the press. Elton John and Billy Joel elton johns pics TELA sbado, 25 de junho de 2011 Elton John and Billy Joel Postado por Elton Johns Corporation s 19:58 Enviar por e-mail BlogThis! He even claims that he would sometimes skip classes and just ride around on the Tube. After the release of the The Lion King soundtrack, the album remained at the top of Billboard ‘s charts for nine weeks. Click to Watch > Watch ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Batwing in Action! Saturday 12 February By Acott High Rank Vote down Vote up Report this Hello. With Stanley Dwight uninterested in his son and often physically absent, John was raised primarily by his mother and maternal grandmother.
Elton John and Billy Joel – Free listening, videos, concerts … Watch videos & listen free to Elton John and Billy Joel: Piano Man, Goodbye Yellow Brick Road … Discover more music, concerts, videos, and pictures with the largest catalogue online at
Billy Joel Responds to Elton John's 'Tough Love' in the New … Feb 2, 2011 … Billy Joel has responded to Elton John's allegations in the new Rolling Stone that he's never seriously attempted to … Photos From Elton John And BillyJoel's Co-Headlining Tour …
Sometimes, you have to walk away because in the end, it’s their life and if they keep pushing you away, you have to walk away.
Retrieved 20 September 2007. ^ a b Vinita (2005). Profiles in Popular Music.
November 2010 Jah_Wise added Elton John and Billy Joel to the lineup of Elton John and Billy Joel at Pepsi Center.
Just as predicted, Billy Joel now hates Elton John. In the last issue of Rolling Stone, John spoke about his close friend and tourmate Joel’s struggles with addiction, criticizing him for not taking rehabilitation more seriously.
EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS – Jennifer Aniston And Beau Justin Theroux Go On A Hawaiian Vacation Life is good for sexy couple Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux. Online Videos Shop Mobile Podcasts RSS Feeds Widgets Boards News Latest Stories Ask the Answer B! Did you know you can grab smokin’ hot E! I wish Elton could have done the same. Fans 12:12 PM on 2/03/2011 Yeah, and Elton needs to stop singing at bigots’ weddings. Elton John: Billy Joel Needs Rehab NEW YORK — Billy Joel’s reaction to Elton John’s declaration that the Piano Man needs rehab is one big shrug. For example, in 1986 he joined with Dionne Warwick, Gladys Knight, and Stevie Wonder to record the single ” That’s What Friends Are For “, with all profits being donated to the American Foundation for AIDS Research.
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Within only a three year span, between 1972-75 John saw seven consecutive albums reach Number 1 in the charts, which had not been accomplished before.
Speaking of Charlie Sheen, Elton John has some candid remarks about – and to – fellow musician Billy Joel. –
John also recorded material with Millie Jackson in 1985. In 1986, he played the piano on two tracks on the heavy metal band Saxon’s album Rock the Nations. The lyrics and accompanying photo booklet are infused with a specific sense of place and time that is otherwise rare in John’s music. There is no way I can determine if Billy is an alcoholic, even if I was around him frequently which I’m not. We want the piano man to be with us. In the last issue of Rolling Stone, John spoke about his close friend and tourmate Joel’s struggles with addiction, criticizing him for not taking rehabilitation more seriously. By 1975, the pressures of stardom had begun to take a serious toll on him. I know you are but what am I?
In an interview with Rolling Stone, singer Elton John says Billy Joel needs to get serious about rehab and "do something better" with his life. Whoa. …