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sábado, 19 de fevereiro de 2011

Elton John garante que não irá mimar o filho

Elton John garante que não irá mimar o filho

O músico e seu marido, David Furnish, são pais de Zachary
Getty Images
Elton John garante que não irá mimar o filho
Elton John quer que o filho tenha uma vida normal
Sir Elton John e seu marido, David Furnish, tornaram-se pais do pequeno Zachary Jackson Levon com ajuda de uma barriga de aluguel, no último Natal. Porém, apesar da quantidade significativa de dinheiro do casal, o músico disse que vai manter os pés do pequeno no chão.

“Valorizo muito a minha infância agora... o gostinho da imaginação e das descobertas! Quero que Zachary passe por isso também”, disse Elton John a um jornal norte-americano. “Sei que não vai ser fácil, mas queremos que ele tenha uma vida normal e aprenda o valor das coisas, por isso não vamos mimá-lo.”

Rio já tem casal gay na espera para barriga de aluguel

Um mês após resolução que liberou a reprodução assistida para homossexuais, cresce procura em clínicas de fertilização

Rio - O Rio já tem o primeiro casal de homens à espera para concretizar o sonho da paternidade por meio da reprodução assistida. O processo corre, em sigilo, no Conselho Regional de Medicina do Rio de Janeiro (Cremerj) e será analisado na próxima terça-feira. Um mês após a resolução do Conselho Federal de Medicina (CFM) que regulamenta a prática, clínicas de fertilização registraram aumento de homossexuais procurando o serviço.

Na Pró-Nascer, na Barra da Tijuca, um casal gay já marcou consulta para se submeter ao método e, segundo o dono, João Ricardo Auler, cerca de 20 entram em contato mensalmente. Este ano, a Bebê de Proveta já recebeu e-mail de dois casais interessados. Em 2010, a clínica não fez nenhum registro.

Norma do CFM, publicada em 6 de janeiro no Diário Oficial da União, autoriza casal de homens a recorrer à ‘barriga de aluguel’ após aprovação do Conselho Regional de Medicina (CRM) — que avalia qualidade da clínica, estabilidade do relacionamento e legalidade do procedimento. O processo de validação dura, em média, uma semana e, se for negado, o casal pode recorrer ao CFM.
Carlos vive há 19 anos com o companheiro, e há 5 o casal tentou, sem sucesso, a fertilização artificial com uma amiga. A nova norma do Conselho encoraja os dois, que não desistiram do sonho da paternidade. Carlos questiona a necessidade de envolver uma parente na inseminação, já que há casais que sofrem preconceito da família | Foto: Carlo Wrede / Agência O Dia
Segundo Valdemar Amaral, presidente da Sociedade Brasileira de Reprodução Humana e um dos médicos que elaborou a norma, óvulo desconhecido e útero familiar são práticas para evitar que a mulher exija a guarda da criança. Para ele, a medida é um avanço inédito que vai nortear o trabalho de médicos. “Muitos não sabiam o que fazer e negavam os pedidos dos gays. A sociedade mudou em relação a casos homoafetivos e não podemos negar esse direito”, disse, acrescentando que, se não há parente mulher, o casal pode pedir recurso e tentar usar o útero de uma amiga ou conhecida.

Vivendo com o companheiro há 19 anos, o advogado Carlos Alexandre Lima, 48, quer um herdeiro. Há cinco anos, o casal tentou a fertilização artificial com uma amiga homossexual, mas, por um problema de saúde dela, o método não foi adiante. O sonho da paternidade, porém, permanece. Carlos considera a nova norma um avanço, mas questiona a necessidade de envolver um parente. Ele defende que há casais que não têm parente mulher ou sofrem preconceito em casa.

“Acho a adoção um processo lindo que deve ser estimulado, mas quero uma continuidade de mim, alguém com minha carga genética. A família fica completa com um filho”, declara. Carlos será o doador do sêmen, e o casal ainda procura uma mulher que possa gerar a criança. Mas já começa a planejar e se preocupar com a educação do futuro filho. Apesar de não ter preferência pelo sexo do bebê, ele acredita que uma menina sofreria menos preconceito da sociedade. “Teria medo no dia em que meu filho ou filha ficasse doente. Sempre que fiquei doente era uma figura feminina que cuidava de mim”, confessa.

Método para ter filho ainda gera polêmica

No Natal do ano passado, o cantor Elton John e o companheiro, David Furnish, tornaram-se pais de um bebê gerado com a ajuda de uma barriga de aluguel. A criança do sexo masculino nasceu com 3,6 quilos e foi batizado com o nome de Zachary Jackson Sevon Furnish-John. Elton John e David Furnish não sabem qual dos dois é pai biológico do pequeno, pois ambos forneceram sêmen.

Na fila para adotar dois irmãos órfãos de pai e mãe, Bruno Chateaubriand, unido há 12 anos a André Ramos, é contrário à barriga de aluguel. Ele classifica a prática como ‘brincar de Deus’ e acha injusto privar a criança do contato materno. “Não condeno quem quer fazer, mas acho que há muitas crianças para serem adotadas no Brasil”, argumenta. Bruno e André pediram duas crianças com menos de 3 anos e irmãos entre si. “Quero órfão para meus filhos não ficarem na busca de quem são os pais genéticos e ficarem com esse vazio se não encontrarem”, justifica.

Na vida real carioca ou na ficção hollywoodiana, a nova família chegou

A nova família, com pais homossexuais, ganhou as telas de cinema e os tapetes vermelhos de Hollywood. O filme ‘Minhas Mães e Meu Pai’, da diretora Lisa Cholodenko, conta a história do casal Jules (Julianne Moore) e Nic (Annette Bening) que recorreu à inseminação artificial de doador anônimo para ter os filhos Joni (Mia Wasikowaska) e Laser (Josh Hutcherson). A produção concorre a quatro estatuetas: melhor filme, melhor atriz (Annette Bening), melhor ator coadjuvante (Mark Ruffalo) e melhor roteiro original.

Na ficção, a pedido do irmão, a irmã mais velha decide procurar o doador do sêmen que gerou os dois. A descoberta de quem foi o doador muda o rumo de todos. Na vida real, no Rio, uma advogada de 37 e uma psiquiatra de 35, que pediram para não serem identificadas, também têm dois filhos concebidos por inseminação artificial.

Após processo judicial, elas conseguiram o direito de registrar as crianças, de 8 e 2 anos, com o nome das duas. A psiquiatra conta que escolheu o ‘perfil’ dos doadores do sêmen ( é proibido conhecer a identidade). Um deles era químico e o outro, empresário. Uma das exigências era não ter doenças renais. “As pessoas pensam que por ser homossexual, os sonhos precisam ser abandonados. Foi tudo natural com a gente”, diz a psiquiatra.

Além da inseminação artificial com doador anônimo, lésbicas podem doar o óvulo e recorrer à barriga de aluguel com parentes até segundo grau.

Elton John wants his son to have a normal childhood

Elton John wants his son to have a 'normal childhood' like he enjoyed. But is his memory playing tricks on him?

By Alison Boshoff
Last updated at 7:49 PM on 18th February 2011
As is so often the way, the experience of bringing a new life into the world has made Sir Elton John reminisce about his own childhood and upbringing.
In a magazine interview, he says that since becoming a dad he looks back on his youth with a ‘sense of wonder’ and describes it as a time of ‘personal discovery’.
The star also reveals that despite his £180 million fortune he does not intend to spoil the boy. Elton says: ‘We want to give Zachary — as much as we possibly can — a solid, old-fashioned childhood.
Father and sons: Elton John, with his dad Stanley Dwight, far left, says he wants to give his child as normal a childhood as possibleFather and sons: Elton John, with his dad Stanley Dwight, far left, says he wants to give his child as normal a childhood as possible
‘I know it’ll be hard with my life, but we want him to have that same normality [I had] and for things to have real value.’
Elton would like baby Zachary — conceived from a donor egg and carried by a surrogate for him and partner David Furnish — to feel the excitement he did growing up when given a bicycle or taken to London on a trip.
A very noble idea, although you can’t help but feel that this will be hard to achieve for the man who once spent £293,000 on flowers in a 20-month period.
On another level, he is determined to do things very differently. For Elton’s relationship with his late father, Stanley Dwight, has been a source of great pain to him for many years.
Far from being ‘absent’ from Elton’s life, they insist Stanley spent his last years longing for contact from his famous son 
Now, after decades of therapy, he thinks that his father’s lack of love and approval is what drove him into the limelight and what compelled him to adopt a series of outrageous stage outfits.
He said: ‘You know, my father never came to hear me play. Not ever. He was a tough and unemotional man. He was dismissive, disappointed and finally absent. I just wanted him to acknowledge what I’d done.
‘But he never did.’
Is this complaint really justified — or is the truth rather more complicated? 
Stanley, say his surviving family, was touchingly proud of Elton, whom he called EJ.
This, after all, was the man who bought Elton his first piano and kept a silver-framed picture of his adored first-born child at his bedside until the day he died.
Far from being ‘absent’ from Elton’s life, they insist Stanley spent his last years longing for contact from his famous son, but was snubbed at every turn. The absent one, they say, was Elton.
Sad: Stanley with his second wife Edna kept a silver-framed picture of Elton John at his bedside until the day he diedSad: Stanley with his second wife Edna kept a silver-framed picture of Elton John at his bedside until the day he died
And when it comes to family disappointments, they say the greatest snub of all was the one delivered by Elton, who failed to attend his own father’s funeral.
As Elton’s stepmother, Edna, a dignified woman who lives in a neat bungalow on the Wirral, told me: ‘Everyone who knew Stanley knew what a great man he was. None of it [Elton’s outburst] is true.
‘Why would he say such things? You will have to ask Elton why he has made these comments.’
So who is right? Was Elton shunned by his uncaring father?
The story begins when Elton John was born plain Reginald Kenneth Dwight in March 1947 at his maternal grandparents’ council house in Pinner Hill Road, Middlesex.
The baby boy had masses of golden curls and his mother Sheila was instantly smitten. She made sure the infant’s every need was met — setting a pattern that lasted well into adulthood.
And his father? Elton has believed for years that Stanley, an RAF officer, was abroad for the first two years of his life.
Tough love: There are certain to be many struggles ahead for Elton John as he tries to give his son a 'normal childhood'Tough love: There are certain to be many struggles ahead for Elton John as he tries to give his son a 'normal childhood'
He said with bitterness: ‘I was two years old when he came home. Mother said: “Do you want to see him?” He said: “No, I’ll wait till morning.” ’
In fact, records show that Stanley was there at the time of his birth, as it was he who registered the arrival of the infant the next day.
At the time, he was on a home posting in Ruislip and would commute from Pinner each day for the first 18 months of Elton’s life, before being posted to Basra, Iraq.
But Stanley did not forget about the little boy he left behind. On their first Christmas apart, he even arranged for the delivery of an expensive pedal car from Hamleys to his toddler.
By the age of three, Elton was already playing the piano — demonstrating an almost uncanny ability to memorise, perform and compose melodies.
His father — who played the trumpet in a swing band — must surely have been proud.
But Elton, perhaps directed by his redoubtable mother, says not. In a second interview this week, he said that he dreaded his father coming home from RAF postings, because his parents would argue and the atmosphere was terrible.
He added that Stanley subjected him to petty rules — no eating celery as it was too noisy, no kicking a football in the garden and so on.
Undoubtedly, the marriage was under strain and the atmosphere was tense. When Elton was six, Stanley was promoted to squadron leader and posted to RAF Lyneham in Wiltshire. It seems that Sheila didn’t like it there, which put an intolerable strain on the relationship.
She left the marital home, taking Elton with her, and moved back in with her mother.
Sheila and Stanley were finally divorced when Elton was 15, but the precise reasons are again the subject of dispute.
Elton learned from his mother that his father had become involved with another woman.
Elton has said he felt rejected because his father was away so much in countries like Iraq 
But Stanley’s second wife, Edna, is insistent the situation was the other way around and that it was Sheila who had called Stanley in Harrogate in 1960 to tell him that she was in love with a painter and decorator, Fred Farebrother (who she went on to marry), and requested a divorce.
Edna, a former lab assistant, said in the book Elton, by esteemed biographer Philip Norman, that it was only when the divorce was going through in 1962 that she met Stanley.
They were married and had four sons in quick succession — Stanley, Simon, Robert and Geoffrey. Elton has said more than once that he perceived this new family as a fresh rejection of him, a belief that baffles his stepfamily.
‘Elton has said he felt rejected because his father was away so much in countries like Iraq. But I think Stan was the one who felt rejected,’ Edna said at the time.
She remembers that Stanley tried to maintain contact with his son after the divorce, giving him money and opening a credit account at a West End outfitters, so he could choose whatever he wanted.
Bad memories: Elton John pictured with partner David Furnish on ITV's Daybreak, was 'distant and offhand' when told of his father's deathBad memories: Elton John pictured with partner David Furnish on ITV's Daybreak, was 'distant and offhand' when told of his father's death
He would tell her often that he missed the boy.
And while there is no doubt that Stanley would have preferred his son to be a banker or accountant rather than a professional performer, he did assist Elton as his music began to dominate his life.
‘All Stan did insist — and I think Elton now acknowledges this — was that he should have a thorough grounding in music,’ says Edna.
Indeed in 1963, shortly after the divorce, Stanley saved up to buy his son a better quality piano of his own — Edna still has the receipt. 
According to his half-brothers, it was only when Elton started to taste fame as a performer that the cracks began to show.
Geoff Dwight, 45, Elton’s half- brother by Edna, said: ‘When I was growing up, Elton was always there and we had a lot of fun on family holidays and things like that.
‘He would come up and visit us almost every weekend and with him being older it was always exciting to hear the stories of what he had been up to. I was about nine years old when he really made it in America with Your Song.’ Perhaps Geoff’s recollection of events is selective. Because family members remember one happy Sunday in 1973, when Elton — by now the toast of Britain and America — arrived for lunch at their modest home in a new white Rolls-Royce.
The star learned that Stanley needed a quadruple bypass operation and, to his credit, offered to pay for it at a private hospital 
He and his young half-brothers had a kick-about in the garden and then he played Crocodile Rock on the piano.
As Elton was leaving, he slipped a piece of paper into Edna’s cardigan pocket — a cheque for £2,000, the price of a Peugeot 504 car for Stanley to transport his large family in. Hardly the actions of a man who’d turned his back on his family.
It was undoubtedly a generous act, but one that soon led to rancour. Stanley bought the car, but it proved too expensive to run and he had to sell it. Was it this that led Elton, three years later, to give an interview in which he pilloried his father, claiming that he cadged new cars from him?
Whatever the truth about the outburst, the family were devastated. Stanley even consulted solicitors, who urged him to sue, though he eventually decided to decline all offers to hit back.
By now, Stanley’s health had started to fail. He suffered a heart attack, was left blind in one eye after a haemorrhage and was repeatedly hospitalised with angina and osteoarthritis.
In 1982, it seemed that time might be running out, so Stanley’s son Geoff, then 15, decided to try to get back in contact with his famous half-brother.
Well connected: Sir Elton John, pictured with Girls Aloud stars Cheryl Cole and Nicola Roberts, will have a number of stars to turn to for advice as he brings up his sonWell connected: Sir Elton John, pictured with Girls Aloud stars Cheryl Cole and Nicola Roberts, will have a number of stars to turn to for advice as he brings up his son
He attended a concert, explained who he was and spoke to Elton backstage. Elton agreed that it was time to get back in touch with his father’s side of the family.
The star learned that Stanley needed a quadruple bypass operation and, to his credit, offered to pay for it at a private hospital.
Stanley was touched, but said he was quite happy with the NHS.
The offer was enough for the two men to attempt a rapprochement — and for a while, it seemed as if the relationship might start afresh.
Edna recalls Stanley sitting in his coat in the hallway on the phone to Elton, with tears in his eyes, overjoyed to be speaking to his son again.
Elton even took his father to watch his football club, Watford, play Liverpool and made plans to spend a weekend with the whole family. But though father and son would talk occasionally on the phone, the contact simply petered out.
Perhaps Elton just didn’t have the energy to try to patch things up with his father: this, after all, was the period when he was struggling with eating disorders and wrestling with his sexuality in the wake of his marriage to sound engineer Renate Blauel.
Stanley’s health, too, was deteriorating and by 1991 he finally gave in to Edna’s plea that she should let Elton know how desperately ill he had become.
She called his manager, John Reid, and Elton telephoned from France and agreed to meet them.But, clearly, Eton was unable to make his peace with his father.
Not long afterwards, he gave a television interview, talking once again about how afraid he had been of Stanley as a child.
Reporters called at the Dwights’ bungalow in Hoylake, Merseyside, and a story was written: ‘Anger of Elton’s dying dad: Star has snubbed us for years.’
Stanley said that he never uttered the words attributed to him. His loyal widow is adamant that not even in his most private conversations did he ever speak a word of criticism against his son.
But it was enough to doom the relationship.
Stanley died the following December. It was his half-brother, Geoff Dwight, who broke the news to Elton.
‘He was quite distant and offhand about it. He told me he had never really connected with our father, then he thanked me for calling.
‘It was very brief. I felt angry and confused that he could dismiss our father like that.
‘He deserved better.’
That pain was only exacerbated when Elton failed to turn up at the funeral. The star would later claim that attending would have made him a hypocrite.
Now, with Elton’s recent outbursts, those same wounds have been opened anew.
At her modest bungalow in Hoylake, Edna loyally refuses to hear a word against her husband: ‘Stanley’s been made out as an overbearing monster. But it’s just not true.
He was a lovely man, a good father and a loving husband.’
Perhaps aware that he has not been entirely fair, Elton has already started to soften his comments, telling one paper that he is starting to simply forgive Stanley, who he can now see was a product of his era and upbringing.
‘If I saw my dad now, I’d just give him a hug and tell him I loved him and that I understood.’
Kind words, but you could understand if Edna thought they have come a little too late.

Elton John blasts Keith Richards over Mick Jagger comments

Legendary singer Sir Elton John has defended Sir Mick Jagger after his Rolling Stones bandmate Keith Richards said he had a 'tiny todger'. Mocking his manhood, Keith wrote in his autobiography Life about the singer's little 'todger' and that Marianne Faithfull had 'no fun' when she was sleeping with him in the '60s. But Elton has now defended his friend. The 63-year-old told Rolling Stone magazine: "I was a bit put off by hearing about Mick's penis. I'm a big Mick Jagger fan... If I said that [co-songwriter] Bernie Taupin was a miserable c*** and had a small penis, he'd probably never talk to me again. "It's like, 'Why do that?', especially with someone you're in a working relationship with."...

Oregon Daily Emerald > News

Sir Elton John lights up sold-out Matthew Knight Arena with four decades of music

Musical legend gives Eugene inspired performance, living up to theme of 'All Hits, All Night'

Ryan Imondi | News reporter
Published: Friday, February 18, 2011
Updated: Friday, February 18, 2011 05:02!/image/1461952598.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_240/1461952598.jpgSir Elton John played to a packed house in an emphatically exciting show that ran nearly three hours last night.
Sold as "All Hits, All Night," a crowd of mostly baby boomers with a few of the younger generations mixed in stormed Matthew Knight Arena with a high amount of excitement, eager to see the world-famous musician perform.!/image/1283025534.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_240/1283025534.jpg
"Elton John is my absolute favorite," said Della Anderson, a George Fox University student who made the trip down from Newberg, Ore., for the concert. "I have this titanic, like, excitement for the show."
The shuttle buses moving back and forth from parking lots were more reminiscent of summer camp, as people of all ages sang their favorite Elton John songs. Out front, fans donned illuminated sunglasses and rocked other funky styles, paying homage to John's golden era.
"I'm 43 now, and I was probably eight years old when I started listening to him," said Randy Fowler, a Eugene resident. "I'm very excited for this show."
By 8 p.m., when everyone had found their seats inside, John took the stage to overwhelmingly loud cheers and roars. Camera flashes and cell phone lights flooded the darkened arena as each attendee tried to snag a picture of the living musical legend.
Simply giving a few waves to the crowd, John dove immediately into his set, and in the process took everyone back in time. Backed by his band, which included original drummer Nigel Olsson from the 1969 Elton John Band and 1971 guitarist addition Davey Johnstone as well as a bassist, keyboardist, percussionist and four backup singers, John stood out on the front left of the stage. Bright lights bounced off John's rhinestone jacket and shiny concert grand piano where John played the full scale.
Following the hit-themed set list, John's band played "Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting)" as well as two songs from John's 1971 album "Madman Across the Water."
Between choruses of "Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting)," John belted out, "Come on, Eugene, let's get rocking." During these early moments, it was amazing to see the 63-year-old John show neither his age nor his mileage. He simply played and sang with an intensity of a person who has strong passion for music.
Although the crowd was jubilant during the early parts of the concert, the crowd erupted when the first few notes of "Tiny Dancer" played through the speakers. A few lighters ignited in various parts of the arena as John sang one of his all-time greatest songs. Also, closer to the midpoint of the concert, John played an emphatic and extended version of "Rocket Man" that lasted more than ten minutes, drawing in the audience.
As John eased into slower songs like "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road" and "Daniel," the crowd sat as all lights in the arena went out, save for a few illuminating only John and his piano.
The show took a tamer turn as John played songs from his newest album, "The Union (with Leon Russell)."
Returning to the hits, John dedicated "Candle in the Wind" to Matthew Knight, arena namesake and son of Nike founder and University alumnus Phil Knight.
"I've lost many friends in my day," John said to the crowd. "I want to dedicate this song to Matthew Knight, who I never knew."
For what appeared to be the close of the concert, John played "Bennie and the Jets" and "Crocodile Rock" to a dancing crowd. After a brief exit and the lights completely turning off in the arena, he returned to the stage to play two more surprisingly intimate songs.
Before playing, John addressed the crowd.
"I enjoy this more and more as I get older," John said. "Thank you for your love and loyalty."
With his band of the stage, John played "Your Song" and "Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me." Signing autographs, John finally left after three hours of playing history.
"We were blown away," said Katrina Donnell, a University junior who was given fifth row tickets for her 21st birthday. "He was so talented and amazing."
The audience found John's concert emotionally stirring, putting meaning to his powerful performance.
"I was crying," said Megan Simmons, a sophomore biology major. "My senior year, we used to sing ‘Don't Let the Sun Go Down on Me.' I'm sure everyone has their own Elton John song."

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Lady Gaga: Elton John Goes Gaga Over Album 'Born This Way'

Last Updated Feb 10, 2011, Published Feb 2, 2011
Last Updated Feb 10, 2011, Published Feb 2, 2011
Elton John the Superstar Loves Lady Gaga's Born This Way
Elton John the Superstar Loves Lady Gaga's Born This Way
Photo by Ernst Vikne

Lady Gaga's title track to her album 'Born This Way' is due out the same day as the Grammy Awards, Feb. 13 2011. Elton John has heard it. Does he like it?

Elton John has expressed admiration for Lady Gaga before and he has been on stage with her. The two of course and a great deal in common, both are piano playing mega-pop singers and each also has a penchant for outlandish costumes.
So that might have something to do with the incredible thumbs up John gave to Lady Gaga's new album in a new Rolling Stone magazine interview, portions of which were published online Feb. 2 2011. John said the album, Born This Way, due out May 23,and the title track, due out February 13, is a great artistic accomplishment. "I've heard her new album 'Born This Way.' It's amazing. The first single, 'Born This Way,' is the anthem that's going to obliterate 'I Will Survive.'"

John and Gaga at 52nd Grammy Awards in 2010

The two have a mutual admiration society. They performed together at the 52nd Grammy Awards in Los Angeles last year where they did John's song Your Song and Lady Gaga's Speechless. The two have also recorded together, playing the song Hello Hello, written by John and his long-time collaborator, Bernie Taupin.

Hello Hello is a song in the film Gnomeo & Juliet and though the two are in the movie version of it singing it together, recent reports on say that on the soundtrack version John, who recently adopted a son with his long-time partner David Furnish, performs the song without Lady Gaga.

Perez Hilton Also Loves Born This Way

Celebrity blogger, and close friend of Lady Gaga, Perez Hilton, has also heard Born This Way and he told MTV news recently that it's a great artistic achievement.
"Fans can expect all the hype to be true with 'Born This Way' and with the album," Hilton told MTV News. "I'm very perceptive of what people are saying, thinking, and so is Gaga, and perhaps the biggest critique, just based on the lyrics, is that it's a very gay song. And you know what? It is a very gay song. Unapologetically, gay-in-your-face gay.
Elton John the Superstar Loves Lady Gaga's Born This Way - Photo by Ernst Vikne
"But it's also a universal song that can relate to everyone. To all of us outsiders, to all of us freaks, to all of us who feel different. And the music is undeniable. It sounds like a smash. It is a smash. It is one of the best songs of Gaga's career."
Born This Way: Lady Gaga at 53rd Grammy Awards
There has been talk on MTV News and elsewhere that Lady Gaga's performance at the 53rd Grammy Awards on Feb. 13, the day her single comes out, will be the song Born This Way. Then critics and fans will get that chance to make up their mind for themselves.
Meantime there's Elton John's glowing review: "I can't think of how huge it's going to be."

Elton John comenta sua cinebiografia

15/02/2011 08h00 - Atualizado em 15/02/2011 14h18

'Foi como parir uma baleia', diz Elton John sobre filme com gnomos

Músico britânico produz e empresta faixas à animação 'Gnomeu & Julieta'.
Em entrevista, ele diz que adorou sua versão 'gnomossexual esfuziante'.

Elton John anda atarefado. Aos 63 anos e uma discografia que já ultrapassa os 30 álbuns, o músico inglês tem se desdobrado em vários nos últimos meses para dar conta de tantos compromissos. No final de 2010, tornou-se pai de um bebê gerado por barriga de aluguel. Um mês depois, foi anunciado como uma das atrações do próximo Rock in Rio. E, nas últimas semanas, vem encarando uma maratona de entrevistas para divulgar sua mais nova – e inusitada – empreitada: uma adaptação em desenho animado de “Romeu & Julieta”, estrelada por gnomos de jardim.
Com estreia prevista para 4 de março, o longa estava na lista de pendências de Elton há muito tempo. “Nós acabamos de ter um bebê que levou nove meses [para nascer], e este filme demorou 11 anos. Foi como parir uma baleia, mas finalmente conseguimos convencer a Disney a levar o projeto adiante. Eu acredito que, em cinco anos, nosso filho vai adorar assistir a esta animação”, contou o músico no início do mês em Londres, em sua primeira aparição pública desde o nascimento de Zachary, o menino que ele vai criar com seu parceiro de longa data, o cineasta canadense David Furnish.
A essência da história original está em ‘Bonnie e Clyde’, ‘Grease’, ‘Crepúsculo’ e até em ‘Brokeback Mountain’. Estava mais do que na hora de dar vez aos gnomos"
Kelly Asbury, diretor de 'Gnomeu & Julieta'
“Gnomeu & Julieta” se passa nos jardins do Senhor Capuleto e da Senhora Montague, personagens centrais e eternos rivais do conto de William Shakespeare. Em meio a adornos, flamingos de plástico e corridas de cortadores de grama de alta velocidade, Gnomeo e Julieta se apaixonam e tentam levar adiante um romance proibido, resultando em uma guerra entre os dois jardins.
“O conceito do filme nos deu a oportunidade de reinventar uma história conhecida, para um público moderno, de uma maneira muito engraçada”, explicou o diretor do filme, Kelly Asbury, responsável pelo segundo episódio da franquia “Shrek”. “A essência da história original já foi contada tantas vezes. Está em ‘Bonnie e Clyde’, ‘Grease’, ‘Crepúsculo’ e até em ‘O segredo de Brokeback Mountain’. Estava mais do que na hora de dar vez aos gnomos”, defendeu.
Cena da animação 'Gnomeu & Julieta', dublada por James McAvoy e Emily Blunt (Foto: Divulgação)Cena da animação 'Gnomeu & Julieta', dublada por James McAvoy e Emily Blunt (Foto: Divulgação)
Dueto com Lady GagaMais do que emprestar músicas de seu repertório para a trilha sonora do longa, como “Don’t go breaking my heart” e “Tiny dancer”, Elton ajudou a atrair para “Gnomeu & Julieta” uma lista celebridades e amigos, que vai de Michael Caine e Hulk Hogan aos músicos Ozzy Osbourne e Lady Gaga, com quem gravou a faixa “Hello, hello”. “Eu mencionei o filme e a música e ela aceitou de imediato. Gaga é uma das minhas melhores amigas atualmente e o dueto ficou excelente”, garantiu o músico, desdenhando do crédito de produtor-executivo que assumiu no projeto.
Me acabei de rir no momento em que minha versão ‘gnomossexual’ aparece esfuziante"
Elton John
“Você não faz nada! É só um título. Quando o filme estava quase sendo abandonado pelo estúdio da Disney, eu tive de me movimentar e realizar ligações para convencê-los de que não valeria a pena perder o projeto após tanto esforço. Esse é meu trabalho como produtor executivo, tentar ajudar a equipe nos momentos em que não há comunicação com o estúdio”, justificou o Rocket Man.
Mas, entre uma dor de cabeça e outra, Elton revelou que também houve espaço para se divertir durante a produção de “Gnomeu & Julieta”. Perguntado se tinha preferência por alguma clássica canção revistada neste filme, Elton brincou: “‘Eu me acabei de rir em 'Your song’, exatamente no momento em que minha versão ‘gnomossexual’ aparece esfuziante. Adorei!”.
Segundo o produtor Steve Hamilton Shaw, parceiro de Elton na produtora Rocket Pictures, o músico “estava superaberto para qualquer coisa que funcionasse com o filme”. “Nós fomos abençoados com o seu vasto catálogo de músicas que se conectam facilmente com pessoas de todas as idades. O mais difícil foi escolher quais deixaríamos de fora”, explicou o produtor.
Elton John (Foto: Divulgação)
Medo de gnomosFã do cantor e especialmente das músicas “Bennie and the jets” e “Crocodile rock” – “Acho que todo mundo lembra a primeira vez que ouviu uma música de Elton John” –, a atriz britânica Emily Blunt confessa que titubeou ao se deparar com o convite para viver uma nada ortodoxa versão de Julieta. “Quando soube que era uma animação, eu pulei e disse: ‘ótimo!’ Mas lembro que ao ouvir o nome ‘Gnomeu & Julieta’ eu fiquei sem esperanças. Quando li o roteiro, porém, me apaixonei pela história. Eu nunca participei de uma animação antes e foi muito divertido”, contou Blunt, que já viveu outras Julietas no teatro e ficou conhecida pelo filme “O diabo veste Prada”.
Eu tinha medo de gnomos antes deste filme, mas hoje os vejo como coisinhas românticas"
Emily Blunt, atriz que dubla Julieta
Já James McAvoy, ator escocês conhecido por “Desejo e reparação” e “O último rei da Escócia” que agora empresta a voz a Gnomeu, disse que não teve problema com os gnomos. “Não achei estranho. Eu já interpretei personagens tão bizarros, como um cara que se torna um verme, então um gnomo foi algo bem normal para mim”, justificou.
Mesmo ressabiada com as criaturinhas que tradicionalmente adornam os jardins britânicos, Blunt admitiu que passou a vê-los com outros olhos depois de fazer o filme. “Conversei com uma senhora canadense que me explicou que, por lá, as pessoas roubam os gnomos e depois mandam bilhetes cobrando pelo resgate”, explicou. “Eu tinha medo de gnomos antes deste filme, mas hoje os vejo como coisinhas românticas. Quando criança, eu os achava uma ameaça no meu jardim.”

Elton John comenta roteiro de sua cinebiografia

Da redação
"Obviamente, não será um filme normal, comum, porque minha vida tem sido meio louca", diz o cantor
Foto: AP
Elton John prepara sua cinebiografia: "Obviamente, não será um filme normal, comum, porque minha vida tem sido meio louca", diz
Elton John prepara sua cinebiografia: "Obviamente, não será um filme normal, comum, porque minha vida tem sido meio louca", diz
Elton John, que foi confirmado esta semana como uma das atrações do Rock in Rio 2011, prepara sua própria cinebiografia. De acordo com informações do site AceShowBiz, o projeto é uma parceria dele, ao lado de seu marido - o produtor canadense de cinema David Furnish - e do roteirista britânico Lee Hall.

O longa, que está em gestação há um bom tempo, já foi escrito e o cantor promete que ele será tão insano quanto sua carreira e vida pessoal.

"Eu queria fazer um ótimo filme sobre a minha história de vida. Já temos um roteiro excelente feito por Lee Hall, que escreveu Billy Elliot. Obviamente, não será um filme normal, comum, porque minha vida tem sido meio louca. E acho importante fazer algo com uma abordagem meio surrealista a respeito da minha vida", explicou.
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Herodes ainda está connosco

O famoso cantor pop Elton John, tornou-se "mãe" alugando o útero de uma mulher, notícia que foi apontada como um evento positivo, digno dos media de todo o mundo. Para além da miséria moral assumida pela mulher que se presta a este "negócio" e as feministas que se calam diante de um abuso tão flagrante contra as mulheres, os homossexuais têm o direito de amar quem quiser, mas não podem subtrair os direitos das crianças. A partir de Fevereiro de 2011 nos passaportes dos EUA, as palavras "pai" e "mãe" vão ser mudadas para "pai 1" e "pai 2", a fim de não discriminar os casais homossexuais. Isto foi confirmado pela deputada democrata Brenda Sprague do Departamento de Estado. A minoria finalmente venceu a maioria, mas temos de ficar satisfeitos porque os heterossexuais, embora sujeitos à violência psicológica através de todos os media, não se arriscam a ser perseguidos fisicamente, pelo menos por agora... Infelizmente, o risco de ser repetitivo, temos que fazer algumas contas com a realidade. O MEVD, Movimento Europeu para a Defesa da Vida e da Dignidade Humana, a propósito das crianças que crescem sem a imagem de um progenitor, lembra alguns dados relatados por psicólogos e psiquiatras norte-americanos. «Já na década de 80, 63% dos suicídios na juventude ocorreram em famílias com pai ausente, e que os filhos de uma mãe ou pai sozinhos sofrem “mais frequentemente de distúrbios psicológicos" e têm "uma chance muito maior de cair no abuso precoce do álcool e das drogas. (..) Uma pesquisa que durou mais de 34 meses - como foi recordado pelo advogado Massimiliano Fiorin no seu livro “A fábrica dos divórcios" - nas crianças pré-escolares internadas em hospitais de Nova Orleães na década de oitenta, tais como os pacientes do departamento de psiquiatria, revelou que 80% dos casos das doenças foram originadas pela ausência do pai (...) No início dos anos noventa, 43% dos prisioneiros americanos cresceram efectivamente em casa com um único progenitor, enquanto outros 14% viveram sem ambos os pais. Outros 14% passaram a última parte da sua infância num colégio, ou noutras instituições juvenis. No Texas, em 1992, 85% dos jovens presos eram também provenientes de lares sem pai. Assim como era de 80% os autores de estupros motivados por acessos de raiva incontrolável”.» Entre 1956 e 1958, o antropólogo americano Melford E. Spiro, nos kibutz israelitas, fez experiências destinadas a demonstrar que a sexualidade é o resultado da educação. Ele tentou erradicar a masculinidade e a feminilidade de um grupo de crianças israelitas, impondo-lhes os mesmos jogos e as mesmas roupas. O fracasso foi tão evidente que Spiro teve de admitir que a sexualidade é determinada por factores biológicos. Apesar dos resultados destas experiências, realizadas também durante o nazismo e o comunismo, ainda estão tentando nos convencer que a sexualidade não é um factor natural. David Reimer, um bebé gémeo a quem foi removido o pénis (alguns dizem que aconteceu acidentalmente durante a circuncisão, mas não é credível, é mais provável que foi feito para mostrar que a sexualidade é determinada pela educação) é a última vítima que conhecemos pelas notícias. Os pais educaram-no  tratando-o como uma menina, fazendo-o vestir roupas femininas e dando-lhe bonecas. Não obstante isso, David estava sempre se movendo e comportando-se como um rapaz. O psicólogo que o seguiu chegou ao ponto de aplicar-lhe violências psicológicas, mas sem resultado. No livro “As Nature made him - The Boy who was raised as a girl” John Colapinto conta a terrível história deste rapaz que depois de uma longa depressão, em 2004 suicidou-se. É verdade, como nos apontam as experiências acima citadas, que a criança nasce com a sua sexualidade natural, qual o efeito que vai produzir na sua psique a presença de um só dos pais ou de dois "pais" do mesmo sexo? Qual o exemplo que se apresentará aos olhos de um filho com dois pais homossexuais ou com um só progenitor? Não é preciso ser formado em psicologia comportamental para compreendê-lo. O Ocidente desenvolveu-se através da ciência e da experiência, mas com o relativismo desenfreado, que hoje tornou-se patológico, se nega até mesmo esses dois guias básicos que fazem o ser humano razoável e equilibrado. Não podemos aceitar passivamente esse espectáculo cruel, onde se abusa da natureza e da dignidade das crianças. Os legisladores, regiamente remunerados com o dinheiro tirado dos nossos bolsos, estão a destruir também a inocência, enquanto a nossa preguiça mental e moral alimenta as suas perversões. Depois do aborto, que massacra milhões de crianças por ano, se acrescenta uma monstruosidade psicológica contra muitas criaturas que sobrevivem a esse massacre. As leis vigentes punem aqueles que não respeitam as árvores, os rios, os mares, os panda, as baleias, os cães e gatos, temos também uma organização em defesa dos orangotangos, mas para as crianças a violência jurídica atingiu níveis apocalípticos.

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