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domingo, 4 de abril de 2010

Elton John Sand And Water canção rara

ELTON JOHN Sand And Water (1997) Rare 

Performed live by Elton on his 1997 Big Picture Tour
Written by: Beth Nielsen Chapman

Sand And Water

All alone I didn't like the feeling
All alone I sat and cried
All alone I had to find some meaning
In the center of the pain I felt inside
All alone I came into this world
All alone I will someday die
Solid stone is just sand and water, baby
Sand and water, and a million years gone by
I will see you in the light of a thousand suns
I will hear you in the sound of the waves
I will know you when I come, as we all will come
Through the doors beyond the grave
All alone I heal this heart of sorrow
All alone I raise this child
Flesh and bone, he's just bursting towards tomorrow
And his laughter fills my world and wears your smile
All alone I came into this world
All alone I will someday die
Solid stone is just sand and water, baby
Sand and water, and a million years gone by


Areia e de água

Completamente sozinho eu não gosto da sensação
Completamente sozinho eu sentei e chorei
Completamente sozinho eu tinha que encontrar algum sentido
No centro da dor que eu sentia por dentro
Sozinho vim a este mundo
Completamente sozinho eu vou morrer um dia
pedra sólida é só areia e água, baby
Areia e água, e um milhão de anos passados
Vou vê-lo à luz de mil sóis
Eu vou ouvir no som das ondas
Eu sei que quando o dia chegar, como todos... nós iremos
Através das portas além da sepultura
Completamente sozinho vou curar esse coração de tristeza
Completamente sozinho eu levanto essa criança
Carne e osso, ele é apenas para rebentar amanhã
E o riso preenche o meu mundo e vista seu sorriso
Sozinho vim a este mundo
Completamente sozinho eu vou morrer um dia
pedra sólida é só areia e água, baby
Areia e água, e um milhão de anos passados
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show de Elton John em Chichen Itza no México dia 03 de abril 2010

 show de Elton John em Chichen Itza no México dia 03 de abril 2010


Ruínas maias são cenário de show de Elton John no México

Cantor inglês se apresentou em Chichen Itza, no sábado (3).
Show fez parte da turnê 'Rocket man', que já passou por SP.

Foto: AP

As ruínas maias de Chichen Itza, no México, foram cenário para uma apresentação de Elton John, na noite de sábado (3). Centenas de fãs foram ao show do cantor inglês na paisagem histórica. (Foto: AP)

Foto: AP

O show de Elton John no México, que passou por São Paulo em 2009, faz parte da turnê 'Rocket Man' e reúne os maiores hits do astro britânico, como 'Your song', 'The bitch is back', 'Don’t let the sun go down on me', 'Daniel'entre outros

Elton John's Mayan ruins concert draws 6,000

Last Updated: Sunday, April 4, 2010 | 2:41 PM ET Comments10Recommend5

Some 6,000 fans attend Elton John's Saturday concert at the Mayan 
ruins of Chichen Itza, Mexico.  

Some 6,000 fans attend Elton John's Saturday concert at the Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza, Mexico. (Israel Leal/Associated Press) Elton John entertained a crowd of 6,000 fans at the ancient Mayan pyramids of Chichen Itza in Mexico, just days after a stage collapse injured three workers.
Concert-goers paid between $80 and $800 US to hear John's 90-minute concert on Saturday night, with the Temple of Kukulkan as a backdrop.
The singer performed hits such as Tiny Dancer and Rocket Man, closing the show with The Circle of Life.
On Thursday, a part of the stage had collapsed as it was being set up, injuring three construction workers. One man suffered a broken leg and the other two were treated for minor injuries.
Mexican authorities said nothing at the 1,200-year-old site was disturbed and gave the go-ahead for the concert.
The 63-year-old singer's concert has not been without other difficulties. Indigenous groups have complained such events are not in keeping with Mayan culture and history.
In fact, native groups say the accident was the work of "aluxes," the Mayan version of fairies, who were upset at the event.
Chichen Itza is a UNESCO world heritage site and was named one of the seven wonders of the world back in 2007.
There have been other big concerts at the site including one last year by British soprano Sarah Brightman and another in 2008 by Spanish tenor Placido Domingo.
Elton John has entertained thousands at an open air concert at the
 ancient Mayan pyramids of Chichen Itza.
Elton John has entertained thousands at an open air concert at the ancient Mayan pyramids of Chichen Itza.

Elton John performs at Mayan pyramids

AAP April 4, 2010, 10:04 pm
Pop legend Elton John has entertained thousands of fans at an open air concert at the ancient Mayan pyramids of Chichen Itza in southeastern Mexico.
Nearly 6000 spectators who paid between $US80 and $US800 ($A90 and $A870) per ticket heard some of the British singer-songwriter's most popular classics, with the pre-Hispanic Temple of Kukulkan as a backdrop.
Saturday's 90-minute concert went ahead amidst the majestic pyramids despite indigenous leaders' complaints and an accident on Thursday that saw the stage collapse, injuring three workers.
Local Mayan leaders complained the concert was irreverent and out of place. They said Thursday's accident was the work of "aluxes," the Mayan culture's equivalent of fairies, who were upset because their gods' permission for the concert was lacking.
At the concert, John cheered fans with hits like Sacrifice, Tiny Dancer and Rocket Man. He closed the show with The Circle of Life.
Ever since his arrival on Saturday afternoon on a private jet from London, John was protected by a police and military operation with hundreds of officers who also set up roadblocks at the entrances to the archaeological site. He was scheduled to leave Mexico within hours of his performance.
The state of Yucatan, home to Chichen Itza, is considered one of the safest in Mexico, where a brutal drug war has killed over 15,000 people in the past three years.
John was the fourth major international star to perform at Chichen Itza, a UNESCO World Heritage site, after British soprano Sarah Brightman (2009), Spanish tenor Placido Domingo (2008) and Italian tenor Luciano Pavarotti (1997).
These events have triggered protests by some indigenous leaders, who accuse the Yucatan government of jeopardising what remains of the ancient ceremonial site to profit from elitist performances.
 Elton John aparece esta tarde en Chichén Itzá, a poco de llegar para el concierto.— (Jorge Peña Acosta)
 Elton John aparece esta tarde en Chichén Itzá, a poco de llegar para el concierto.— (Jorge Peña Acosta)

 Preparativos para la cena a los invitados especiales del concierto. El velerista olímpico David Mier y Terán Cuevas colabora con los organizadores.— (Ramón Celis Perera)
 La entrada del complejo “Pavarotti” ya cuenta con una placa decorativa con el nombre del artista británico Elton John, quien se espera que hoy a la 1 de la tarde haga su arribo al hotel Mayaland

 Andrea Berenguer, quien colabora con el hotel Mayaland, muestra almohadas y colchas que utilizará Elton John

Elton John performs at Mayan pyramids
Elton John was the fourth major international ...
11 hours 42 mins ago
Nearly 6,000 spectators who paid between 80 and 800 dollars (60-600 euros) per ticket heard some of the singer-songwriter's most popular classics on Saturday, with the pre-Hispanic Temple of Kukulkan as a backdrop.
The 90-minute concert went ahead amidst the majestic pyramids despite indigenous leaders' complaints and an accident Thursday that saw the stage collapse, injuring three workers.
Local Mayan leaders complained the concert was irreverent and out of place. They said Thursday's accident was the work of "aluxes," the Mayan culture's equivalent of fairies, who were upset because their gods' permission for the concert was lacking.
The pre-Hispanic Temple of Kukulkan served ...
At the concert, John cheered fans with hits like "Sacrifice," "Tiny Dancer" and "Rocket Man." He closed the show with "The Circle of Life."
Ever since his arrival Saturday afternoon on a private jet from London, John was protected by a police and military operation with hundreds of officers who also set up roadblocks at the entrances to the archeological site. He was scheduled to leave Mexico within hours of his performance.
The state of Yucatan, home to Chichen Itza, is considered one of the safest in Mexico, where a brutal drug war has killed over 15,000 people in the past three years.
John was the fourth major international star to perform at Chichen Itza, a UNESCO World Heritage site, after British soprano Sarah Brightman (2009), Spanish tenor Placido Domingo (2008) and Italian tenor Luciano Pavarotti (1997).
These events have triggered protests by some indigenous leaders, who accuse the Yucatan government of jeopardizing what remains of the ancient ceremonial site to profit from elitist performances.
Britain's musician Elton John performs during a concert at the Mayan ruins of Chichen Itza, Mexico, Saturday, April 3, 2010. Chichen Itza was named one of 'New Seven Wonders of the World' in 2007.
(AP Photo/Israel Leal)


Paralelo al concierto de Elton John en Chichén Itzá, acto de desagravio en Pisté

Paralelo al concierto de Elton John en el sitio sagrado de Chichén Itzá, los artesanos comerciantes de la Nueva Kukulkán llevaron a cabo un acto de desagravio simbólico, con el fin de pedirle a los dioses mayas que alguna “autoridad sensible y consciente” atienda sus peticiones.

Los artesanos dejaron claro que no dejarán el sitio arqueológico y que no aceptarán ningún acuerdo que implique hacer eso.
El Maestro Juan Alberto Bermejo Suaste, asesor de los artesanos, denunció la farsa de la compra de los terrenos que rodean Chichén Itzá a Barbachano, coincidiendo con los expertos que opinan que las tierras debieron haber sido expropiadas.
Pablo Euán Cen, vocero de los artesanos, insistió en que las ganancias que genera la entrada a la ZA beneficien no sólo a Pisté, sino a los poblados aledaños.
Mauricio Macossay Vallado - integrante del Frente de Unidad Popular, conformado por 15 organizaciones - denunció que el concierto en Chichén es responsabilidad tanto del gobierno Federal como el Estatal y que con este acto ofenden tanto al pueblo maya como el de todo México. Exigió que se cumpliera la ley y respetaran los derechos colectivos e individuales de todos y cada uno de los mayas y los mexicanos. El FUP se solidarizó con la causa de los artesanos y llamó a la unidad.
El comisario ejidal de Pisté, Ruperto Tun Bolio, comentó que un ingeniero del Gobierno del Estado le pidió que le mostrara unos terrenos que serían expropiados para la construcción de una carretera que llegue a Yaxcabá sin pasar por Pisté, pero Tun Bolio se negó a autorizar dicho proyecto y propuso que la calle principal del poblado se vuelva avenida.
Durante el concierto, decenas de policías y militares rondaron las calles de Pisté en sus vehículos. Inclusive se vieron dos ametralladoras antiaéreas.
Varios artesanos se manifestaron con mantas en la entrada a Pisté por la autopista de cuota y frente al parque principal de la comisaría, donde fueron acompañados por integrantes del Frente de Unidad Popular.


Elton John w/ Ray Cooper Live in Honolulu, HI 9-1-2010 [WAV]

1. I Guess That's Why They Call It the Blues
2. Rocket Man
3. I'm Still Standing
4. Philadelphia Freedom
5.Your Song
6. Funeral For a Friend/Tonight
7. Levon
8. Daniel
9. Take Me to the Pilot
10. Honky Cat
11. Crazy Water
12. Crocodile Rock
13. Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting)


Musik - Elton John begeistert in Maya-Metropole

Mexique: colère maya contre le concert d’Elton John à Chichen Itza

Les mayas ne décolèrent pas contre le concert d’Elton John samedi dans les ruines de la cité de Chichen Itza bâtie par leurs ancêtres au Mexique et des fonctionnaires soupçonnent même leurs dieux d’avoir provoqué un accident pour manifester leur mécontentement.
Jeudi matin, une partie de la scène s’est effondrée, blessant trois ouvriers. L’un d’eux souffre de graves fractures à une jambe.
Les organisateurs se sont empressés de confirmer la tenue du concert réservé à 6.000 privilégiés pouvant débourser entre 1.000 et 10.000 pesos (60 à 600 euros) dans un pays où le salaire minimum est de 100 euros.
Le chanteur britannique de 63 ans devait d’ailleurs arriver vendredi après-midi, mais un important dispositif de sécurité était prévu pour le protéger.
Certains fonctionnaires accusent les aluxes, lutins mayas capables de mauvais coups quand ils sont énervés, d’avoir provoqué l’accident pour punir les organisateurs d’avoir omis de demander aux dieux mayas l’autorisation de monter ce spectacle dans cet ancien théâtre de cérémonies religieuses.
“Avant chaque concert, le matin, un rituel est organisé pour demander l’autorisation, mais cette fois-ci, il n’a pas été réalisé”, a déclaré le ministre des Travaux publics de l’Etat de Yucatan (sud-est), Francisco Torres, au quotidien Reforma.
Des cérémonies de ce type avaient été organisées avant les concerts du ténor espagnol Placido Domingo et de la soprano anglaise Sarah Brightman, organisés en 2008 et 2009 dans ces ruines classées au patrimoine mondial de l’humanité en 1988.
Quarante chercheurs de l’Institut national d’anthropologie et d’histoire (INAH), chargés de la conservation des sites archéologiques du pays, et des responsables de la communauté maya ont également critiqué ce spectacle.
Mais pour l’organisateur du concert, c’est un moyen d’assurer la promotion du site, désigné parmi les sept nouvelles merveilles du monde lors d’un concours controversé en 2007.
Le gouvernement du Yucatan a annoncé cette semaine le rachat à des particuliers des terrains où se trouvent les ruines pour 13 millions d’euros et la tenue d’un concert de l’ancien Beatle Paul McCartney à une date encore indéterminée.
AFP | 2010-04-03

Bernie Taupin at event of South Park: Bigger Longer & 
Bernie Taupin

Elton John's clothes on sale in Hove

Savvy shoppers have snapped up designer outfits donated by Sir Elton John to a Hove charity shop.
Stylish clothes and shoes, including items by Alexander McQueen, Versace and Chanel went on sale at the new Sussex Beacon shop in George Street, Hove, on Friday.
The world famous musician and his partner David Furnish donated their cast-offs to help to raise money for the HIV and Aids charity.
The items, range from £20 to £1,000, are being sold on Friday and today only.
Kat Williams of The Sussex Beacon, said: "We are incredibly grateful to EJAF [Elton John Aids Foundation] for this spectacular donation.
"We are keen to maximise its potential, and have decided to launch our own exclusive sale to coincide with the opening of our new shop in Hove.
"This is a one-off opportunity to buy some items from an exclusive collection of flamboyant and beautiful designer clothes, whilst benefitting a local charity."
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