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terça-feira, 28 de setembro de 2010

Elton John Leon Russell The Union (samples)

Elton John  Leon Russell   The Union (samples)

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Paintings by Songwriter Bernie Taupin

French Quarter Painting By Bernie Taupin
French Quarter By Bernie Taupin 
Songwriter and longtime Elton John collaborator Bernie Taupin is also a painter. Although his artwork has been available in the past, he has recently joined with Limelight Agency to “reboot” his art program. According to his website, “Limelight honcho Daniel Crosby is the man responsible for aiding and encouraging Bernie to rise from the ashes and return to the creative platform. Expect to see a major resurgence in both Bernie’s output of abstract and multi-media canvases along with a higher profile on the celebrity art scene.”
In describing his artwork, Taupin says:
“Canvas to me is simply the visual extension of what I have spent my life creating through words. The imagination, in my estimation, is the most powerful tool the artist possess enabling us to conjure up beautiful distraction for the ears and eyes.
I have no formula except that which comes from what I dream, feel and see. To me colors are like words…they express emotions…likewise texture and mediums display an abundance of moods.”
For more about Bernie Taupin and his artwork see:

No acervo, das botas de Elton John a ‘provas’ de vida extraterrestre

No 'The Bata Shoe Museum' há nada menos que 12 mil pares expostos,no-acervo-das-botas-de-elton-john-a-provas-de-vida-extraterrestre,613058,0.htm

26 de setembro de 2010 | 7h 00
Sabe aquele amigo que já viu a locomotiva de Magritte em Chicago, boceja quando fala do sorriso da Mona Lisa em Paris, já escutou O Grito de Munch em Oslo e conhece de cor todas as obras da Capela Sistina? Pois pergunte a ele se já foi a Toronto ver os sapatos de Marilyn Monroe e John Lennon. Ou as carruagens funerárias bregas de Barcelona. Por acaso conhece a melhor coleção de arte ruim em Massachusetts? E artefatos literalmente de outro mundo, do acervo do museu ufológico do Novo México? O Viagem apresenta alguns dos museus mais estranhos do planeta. Para quem já viu tudo. Ou quer fazer inveja em quem diz já ter visto tudo.

The Bata Shoe Museum
A plataforma prateada de Elton John, a bota roxa de John Lennon, o escarpin de couro vermelho de Marilyn Monroe e outros 12 mil pares de sapatos formam o acervo deste museu em Toronto, Canadá. Aberto todos os dias, com ingressos a R$ 23. Nas tardes de quinta, pagar é opcional.

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