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quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2011

Elton John's husband David Furnish leaves Australia for emergency treatment in Los Angeles

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"Eles têm tido um grande momento desde que chegaram na semana passada, mas David, de repente ficou doente e voou de volta para Los Angeles para tratamento especializado", disse uma fonte confidencial.

"David tinha vários compromissos e compromissos criados durante a turnê, mas ele teve que cancelá-las.

"Elton ficou, obviamente, extremamente aflito, e seu primeiro instinto foi deixar a turnê para ficar com seu parceiro quando ele estava doente.

John e Furnish se casaram em uma cerimônia civil no Reino Unido em 2005, e trouxe seu jovem filho Zachary para a Austrália para uma turnê que começou no Casino da estrela na semana passada e se move para a Hunter Valley neste fim de semana.

Não se sabe se Zachary voou para casa com Furnish ou permanece em turnê com John.

John também gravou uma mensagem de vídeo na terça-feira para uma função Dia Mundial da AIDS na Casa da Ópera.

Enquanto isso, John mudou a sua base de excursão para o Four Seasons, após uma curta estadia no Star - aparentemente preferindo alguns de luxo old-school sobre o recém-chegadoimpetuoso.

ELTON John's husband David Furnish has had to leave Australia for emergency medical treatment in Los Angeles while the singer is mid-tour in Australia.

It's understood the legendary performer considered cancelling his Australian tour: he performed in Brisbane - but decided to soldier on after meeting with tour promoters.
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"They have been having a great time since they arrived last week but David suddenly took ill and has flown back to Los Angeles for specialist treatment," a source told Confidential.
"David had various appointments and engagements set up during the tour but he's had to cancel them.
"Elton was obviously extremely distressed, and his first instinct was to leave the tour to be with his partner when he was ill.
"But he spoke to his old friend Michael Chugg who is promoting the tour, and in the end they decided the tour - the show - should go on."
John and Furnish married in a civil ceremony in the UK in 2005, and had brought their young son Zachary out to Australia for a tour which began at Star Casino last week and moves to the Hunter Valley this weekend.
It was not known if Zachary flew home with Furnish or remains on tour with John.
John also recorded a video message on Tuesday for a World AIDS Day function at the Opera House.
Meanwhile John has moved his tour base to the Four Seasons after a short stay at Star - apparently preferring some old-school luxury over the brash newcomer.

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