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sábado, 30 de abril de 2011



sábado, 30 de abril de 2011



A Traditional Royal Wedding, but for the 3 Billion Witnesses

James Hill for The New York Times
Roaring crowds (and a scowling bridesmaid) greeted Prince William and Kate Middleton for their kiss on the balcony of Buckingham Palace on Friday. More Photos »
It was an impeccably choreographed occasion of high pomp and heartfelt emotion, of ancient customs tweaked by modern developments (Elton John  brought his husband).

Viewing estimates for the ceremony, at 11 a.m. British time on the dot, hovered in the three billion range, give or take 500 million. Australians held bouquet-throwing competitions; people in Hong Kong wore Kate and William masks; New Yorkers rose by dawn to watch the entrance of guests like Victoria Beckham, teetering pregnantly in sky-high Christian Louboutin heels, Guy Ritchie, the former Mr. Madonna, and assorted monarchs from European countries that are no longer monarchies, like Bulgaria.

In London, the Metropolitan Police said, a million people lined the route of the royal procession, and half a million gathered in front of Buckingham Palace to watch the bride and groom, now known as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, kiss (twice) on the palace balcony.

People paid attention almost despite themselves.

“I never really think too seriously about them,” said Kathy Gunn, 54, speaking of the royal family. Yet she had somehow been inexorably sucked into the spirit of the occasion, watching it unfold with a crowd on a huge screen at a cafe in central London. “It gives you a great sense of community and spirit,” she said. “I am a royalist for the day.”

In a world of scattered attention, the occasion had the effect of providing a single international conversation about a subject with universal appeal. It was like a party scene in “Dallas,” only with Prince Philip instead of J. R. Ewing.

Grizzled political correspondents, hauled in to television studios to serve as wedding anchors, found themselves talking in all seriousness about the passementerie of the mother of the bride’s dress and the provenance of Miss Middleton’s tiara. (She borrowed it from Queen Elizabeth, in case you were wondering. It is made of a great many diamonds.)

There was a feast of interesting particulars. First, Kate’s dress. Though The Daily Mail successfully predicted the name of the designer — Sarah Burton at Alexander McQueen — it was still an official secret, so much so that Ms. Burton tried to sneak into Kate’s hotel on Thursday night with her face mostly obscured by a huge yeti-like fur hat.

St. James’s Palace released the details of the dress just as Miss Middleton stepped out of a royal Rolls-Royce with her father, Michael, to walk down the aisle at Westminster Abbey.

Her “something old” was the design of the dress, using traditional craftsmanship. “Something new” was represented by her earrings, a gift from her parents. The tiara was borrowed, and she had a blue ribbon sewn into her dress for her blue item.

Prince William wore the bright scarlet coat of an Irish Guards mounted officer, the uniform of his senior honorary army appointment. He was wearing “gold sword slings,” St. James’s Palace said, but no sword.

The outfits of the guests were generally tasteful and royal-friendly. A few things stuck out. The exotic costumes of foreign dignitaries, seeming throwbacks to imperial times. The hats worn by the ladies, which resembled, variously, overturned buckets, flowerpots, lampshades, fezzes, salad plates, tea cozies, flying saucers, abstract artworks or, in one case, a pile of feathers. There were also a number of fascinators, decorative shapes with flowers or feathers, that are stuck in one’s hair but are not hats.

Catty observers pointed out that Prime Minister David Cameron’s wife, Samantha, was possibly the only female guest who wore no hat (or fascinator) at all.

Mr. Cameron wore a traditional morning suit. The dress code had filled him with angst this month when news broke out that in order to avoid appearing too posh, he intended to wear a regular business suit, what the British call a “lounge suit.” But as scorn poured upon him — he is in fact posh and frequently wears posh clothes — he said that he would wear a morning suit after all.

Elton John on the Royal Wedding: 'It's not the Oscars'

Rocket Man was among 1,900 guests at Prince William and Kate Middleton's nuptials

Elton John on the Royal Wedding: 'It's not the Oscars'
Photo: PA
Elton John has had his say on the Royal Wedding after attending Prince William and Kate Middleton's nuptials in London this morning (April 29).

The Rocket Man attended the ceremony at Westminster Abbey with his partner David Furnish as the happy couple tied the knot in front of 1,900 guests.

Speaking to BBC Radio 5Live on his way out of the venue, John said: "It's not the Oscars."

Elton's so cruel to cut off his mother

By Amanda Platell
Last updated at 12:56 AM on 30th April 2011
She was there when her only child married the love of his life.
There also during the teenage years when he was a talented but truculent struggling musician. And it was she who helped introduce her music-loving son to rock 'n' roll, Elvis Presley and Bill Haley And His Comets, when he was just nine.
She stood by him when his life imploded as he blew a fortune on drugs and wild parties.

Shame on him: Elton and his mother Sheila haven't spoken in more 
than three years
Shame on him: Elton and his mother Sheila haven't spoken in more than three years

His behaviour would have tried the love of even the most devoted parent. Yet, throughout it all, Elton John's mother never wavered in her love and support.
And now, when his mother is 86 years old and frail, we learn Elton has not spoken a word to her for more than three years, after she supposedly made a remark that Elton's partner, David Furnish, took great offence at.
'He has cut me off completely,' she said in an interview this week.
'It happened three years ago this June. He has had nothing to do with me since.'
She has never seen Elton's son Zachary. How heartbreaking.
All of us with parents in their 80s know their age brings new challenges to our love.
They're not as robust and are increasingly forgetful. Frailty creeps in and so does dependence. But we love them none the less (perhaps even more). And so we should.
Frankly, it's payback time for all the years they put up with our teenage tantrums, the broken hearts, crazy schemes, moods and melodramas. And for all the times they rejoiced in our happiness and success.
The rules aren't any different when you're a multi-millionaire rock star, but sadly Elton's tale of motherly neglect is not unique to him.
How many children stuff their elderly parents into homes at the first possible chance?
How often do they even bother to see them except on high days and holidays? How much do they resent spending a penny of their parents' life savings on their care, preferring to protect their own inheritance.
A spokesman for Elton John, attempting to explain away the rift, said: 'She is a lovely lady, but she is 86 and she is frail and old.'
All the more reason for her son, whatever the provocations, to step up and be the adult in the relationship.
Elton John has a big heart. He has raised and personally given away hundreds of millions of pounds to charities.
Yet, surely, true charity begins at home.
Tragically, it can be easier to give money to strangers than to give yourself.

Elton John's Mother Sheila Farebrother Reveals Feud

By Staff
Apr 29, 2011

Sir Elton John hasn't spoken to his mother in three years. Sheila Farebrother explained her 64-year-old son has cut her out of his life "completely" after what was believed to be a disagreement with his partner David Furnish, with whom Elton fathers four-month-old baby Zachary.
Elton John's Mother Reveals Feud.
Elton John's Mother Reveals Feud.

She explained: "He has cut me off completely. It happened three years ago this June. He has had nothing to do with me since then.

"I don't want to go into what caused it. It is a painful subject. My son cut me out of his life for good."


The 86-year-old widower, who is still financially supported by the singer, also claimed she has "no particular interest" in meeting her new grandson, who was brought into the world via a surrogate mother on Christmas Day (25.12.10).

Speaking to The Sun newspaper, she added: "I have no particular interest really. You will have to ask them about that."

Despite Sheila having sold a treasure trove of Elton memorabilia for £28,820 ($48,000) when she recently moved house, she also insisted it had "nothing to do" with the rift between her and her son.

She said: "That has nothing to do with it. I moved into a smaller place and had nowhere to keep all that stuff."

Mãe de Elton John não tem interesse em conhecer o neto

Mãe de Elton John não tem interesse em conhecer o neto

Redação SRZD | Paparazzi | 28/04/2011 13h30

Sheila Farebrother, de 86 anos, mãe do cantor Elton John, declarou em entrevista ao jornal "The Sun" que não tem interesse em conhecer Zacarhy, filho do cantor que nasceu em dezembro passado e que no ano passado nem sabia dos planos de seu filho de ter um herdeiro. "Não tenho nenhum interesse especial em conhecê-lo. Você tem que perguntar a eles".
Farebrother contou que há três anos está totalmente afastada do filho famoso. "Eu não quero falar sobre o que provocou isso. É um assunto doloroso. Meu filho me cortou da vida dele".
Segundo o jornal, a separação de mãe e filho foi causada por  um comentário ofensivo feito por ela sobre o marido de Elton John, David Furnish. Farebrother não confirmou essa informação, disse apenas que foi "alguma coisa assim, mas não exatamente".

Casamento Real: quem está «in» e «out»

Saiba quem vai e quem ficou de fora da lista

Por: tvi24 / Ana Filipa Nunes  |  27- 4- 2011  20: 38

Video em:
A lista de convidados do casamento do príncipe William com Catherine Middleton ainda não foi divulgada, mas aos poucos vão sendo conhecidos os nomes de quem vai estar presente nesta cerimónia.

Para além dos reis e príncipes reinantes, muitas personalidades como Elton John e o mediático casal Beckham não vão faltar ao enlace do ano.

É o evento mais internacional do ano. 1900 pessoas foram convidadas para o casamento real do príncipe William com Catherine Middleton.

Por não ser uma cerimónia de Estado, os noivos tiveram mais liberdade para convidar familiares e amigos. Ao todo serão mais de mil.

São também esperados 90 elementos das casas reais, 200 membros das estruturas governativas inglesas e 80 pessoas ligadas a plataformas de solidariedade. Um casamento mais moderno, ainda que real.

Quem já confirmou a sua presença foi a família real Suécia e o rei da Grécia, Constantino II. A casa real espanhola também vai estar presente no enlace.

Entre os amigos está o músico Eelton John e o Mediatico casal David e Victoria Beckham. A grande ausência será a de Sara Fergunson. A tia do noivo, divorciada do duque de York , que não foi convidada para a cerimónia real.

Já os súbditos e visitantes não foram esquecidos. No centro da cidade haverá dois ecrãs gigantes para quem quiser acompanhar a boda.

Neste dia especial, os bares da cidade também estão autorizados a ficar abertos até mais tarde. Tudo foi pensado ao mais ínfimo detalhe para que nada falte nesta festa majestosa.

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    'Não é o Oscar', diz Elton John sobre casamento real

    Redação SRZD | Paparazzi | 29/04/2011 15h22
    O cantor Elton John, que era amigo pessoal da princesa Diana, criticou a espetacularização em cima do casamento de Kate Middleton e príncipe William, filho de Lady Di. "Não é o Oscar!", disse o ator na saída da Abadia de Westminster, em entrevista para a rádio "BBC Radio 5Live", nesta sexta-feira. Ele estava acompanhado do marido, David Furnish. A última vez que ele esteve na Abadia foi em 1997, no funeral da princesa Diana, para homenagea-la. Quando ele chegou, foi ovacionado pela multidão que aguardava do lado de fora a aparição do casal real.

    Elton John não fala com a mãe

    Sheila Farebother, mãe de Elton John, revelou que o filho a afastou “completamente” da sua vida, depois de um suposto desentendimento com David Furnish, companheiro do cantor e também pai de Zachary.

    “Ele afastou-me completamente. Faz três anos em Junho, que isto aconteceu. Desde aí que ele não quer ter nada a ver comigo. Eu não quero explicar o que causou isto. É um assunto doloroso. O meu filho afastou-me de vez da vida dele”.

    A mãe do cantor tem agora 86 anos e revela não ter “nenhum interesse particular” em conhecer o neto.

    Sheila ainda é suportada financeiramente pelo cantor e garante que o facto de ter vendido memorabilia de Elton John no valor de mais de 31 mil euros, “não teve nada a ver” com o problema com o filho: “Não tem nada a ver com isso. Eu mudei-me para uma casa mais pequena e não tinha sítio para pôr aquilo tudo”.

    Elton John volta à abadia onde homenageou Diana

    Cantor foi ovacionado em sua chegada à abadia.
    Ele cantou em homenagem a Diana no local, após morte da princesa.

    O cantor britânico Elton John, que prestou homenagem à princesa Diana em seu funeral, ocorrido em 1997 na Abadia de Westminster, voltou ao local nesta sexta-feira (29), desta vez como um dos 1.900 convidados do casamento do príncipe William e Kate Middleton.
    O cantor Elton John, na chegada à abadia para o casamento de 
William (Foto: Reuters)O cantor Elton John, na chegada à abadia para o casamento de William (Foto: Reuters)
    Acompanhado por seu marido, David Furnish, o cantor foi ovacionado hoje em sua chegada à abadia pelos curiosos que estão do lado de fora para tentar acompanhar a cerimônia.
    Além de um peculiar óculos, o cantor usa uma gravata roxa que se destaca junto com um colete de cor creme.
    No funeral de Lady Di, Elton John cantou a música "Candle in the Wind 97", que escreveu em homenagem à princesa, mãe do príncipe William.

    Elton John é ovacionado na chegada à Abadia de Wesminster

    LONDRES - Elton John chegou acompanhado do marido, David Furnish, à Abadia de Westminster, em Londres, para acompanhar o casamento do príncipe William e Kate Middleton na manhã desta sexta-feira.
    Segundo informações da Globo News, o casal deixou o filho Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John, nascido de barriga de aluguel no dia 25 de dezembro de 2010, com uma babá para poder acompanhar a cerimônia.
    Em 6 de setembro de 1997, o cantor também esteve na Abadia e tocou durante o funeral da princesa Diana. Na ocasião, a música executada foi Candle in the Wind 1997, que Elton John compôs em homenagem a ela, famosa em todo o mundo por suas ações de caridade.


    quarta-feira, 27 de abril de 2011

    Elton John and Pet Shop Boys Alone Again Naturally

    Elton John And Baby Zachary Look So Much Alike — Oh, Daddy! (2)

    Elton and his partner David Furnish never announced who Zachary’s biological father is, but by the looks of it, it certainly could be the legendary music man!

    Those round cheeks, that button nose, that light brown hair. Come on, Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John is the spitting image of dad Elton John
    Elton, 64, is set to do his first big TV interview since welcoming his now 4½-month-old son in a chat with Barbara Walters that will air on ABC on April 22. And his partner David Furnish, 48, and baby Zachary make a special visit to the set!
    The couple welcomed Zachary via a surrogate on Dec. 25 and revealed that they do not know who the biological father is, although we think we may have an idea…
    “We both contributed. For the time being we don’t have a clue,” David told Ok! Magazine. “We look at him every day and at the moment he has Elton’s nose and my hands. Neither of us care. He’s our child. The important thing is that he’s healthy, happy and loved.”
    That’s right! Congrats on your adorable little boy.

    Elton John and Pet Shop Boys “Alone Again (Naturally)

    Meet the first and only fan club in Brazil Elton John photos, biography, videos, music, lyrics translated, news and much, much more
    Video Rating: 4 / 5
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    Elton's John's Son's Breast Milk Comes via Fedex

    By Stephen M. Silverman
    Monday April 25, 2011 03:30 PM EDT
    Elton John is rightly known for doing things with a flourish. And that includes delivering breast milk to his son.
    "We have the breast milk Fedexed from where she is," says the musician, referring to the biological mother of his and partner David Furnish's 4-month-old son, Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John.
    What the new parents don't have, despite British tabloid reports to the contrary, are multi-million-dollar nurseries in their homes, four nannies in service, or special baby chefs.
    "We have one nanny. And we're very hands-on," John told ABC's Barbara Walters for a 20/20 interview. "And we take him to lunch."

    Will Elton John and David Furnish Bring The Normal Heart to London?
    By Andrew Gans
    27 Apr 2011

    Elton John
    Elton John
    Photo by Joseph Marzullo/WENN

    Elton John and his partner David Furnish, who were among the producers of Broadway's Next Fall, may have found their next producing venture, Larry Kramer's The Normal Heart, which officially opens on Broadway April 27.
    Furnish told the London Times that the play is "an astonishing, emotionally compelling piece of writing and a moving, fantastic piece of theater that the younger generation needs to see. Elton and I are focused on making sure that they do."
    Furnish said the original production "shamed" pop star John into doing more to help in the fight against AIDS, including creating the Elton John AIDS Foundation two decades ago. He added, "Elton and I would both like to make the production as widely seen as possible, and that includes helping fund and mount future versions of it wherever we can...AIDS treatment and prevention budgets are being cut in the US and there is not enough sex education in schools. Governments in the US, UK, everywhere, could and should be doing more to fight AIDS...I knew that fear [at the beginning of the AIDS crisis], and seeing it on stage was very upsetting. It also shows the beginnings of smashing that fear and the power of gay men harnessed by uniting."

    "The story of a city in denial," The Normal Heart, according press notes state, "unfolds like a real-life political thriller — as a tight-knit group of friends refuses to let doctors, politicians and the press bury the truth of an unspoken epidemic behind a wall of silence. First produced by Joseph Papp at New York's Public Theater, the play was a critical sensation and a seminal moment in theater history. So ahead of its time was this play that many of the core issues it addresses — including gay marriage, the healthcare system and, of course, AIDS — are just as relevant today as they were when it first premiered."

    Elton John Karaoke (Karaoke CDG)

    Elton John Karaoke (Karaoke CDG)

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    PS1061<br>Elton John<br>Karaoke CDGPS1061
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    BELIEVE Elton John written by Elton John and Bernie Taupin
    Bennie And The Jets E. John B. Taupin
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    ISLAND GIRL Elton John Bernie Taupin
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    John Elton CrocodileRock
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